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>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)
>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 02/21/2017*
>New to DR
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:
>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:
>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:
>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on September 26 (N. America), September 29 (Europe)
>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4
> DR3 Anime episodes and more
>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more
>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*
/drg/ Danganronpa General
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Miubros and Tenkogirls assemble this time as one!
best girl
blame the writer for giving her bullshit powers, not the character
Would you?
Reminder that Chiaki is still best girl
Un Un
Boing Boing
If we take away her bullshit powers we'll be left with a non-character
I think that's true of both male and female characters in any series that focuses on visuals, people tend to attach to characters whose aesthetics they like.
Danganronpa has a lot of sameface like much anime art does, so if the hair and outfit don't leave a lasting impression, it's probably a dud for them. I think he's cute with the retarded hair even, but I don't like his little gaytee personally.
I want to marry her!
What did team DR mean by this
I know these are not the final results but how did Himiko and Miu beat Maki? I thought she'd be the most popular girl alongside Kaede.
It really sucks how it works because a lot of people remember Ouma as the the most relevant male character and completely ignore Kaito.
so we'll be left with something like.. entire v2 girl cast? :^)
Someone post the Miu/Ouma theory
>entire v2 girl cast
Yes V2 girls were absolutely terrible the only good one was the shsl coffeemaker
also friendly reminder that
>God Tier
Season 12, 19, 22, 24, 46
>Great Tier
Season 7, 8, 11, 16
>Good tier
Season 4, 17, 23, 44
>OK tier
Season 1, 2, 25, 32, 50
>Shit tier
all the rest
Yes season 19 was god tier season and yes season 53 fags should kill themselves.
When are we making a fan-game?
>rushed by the thumbnail
DRV4 when?
As you wish.
Wasn't someone going to make a game about the student council with Izuru as the protagonist?
>V3 plot is literally Ouma and Miu do everything off screen while everyone else is useless
Seriously why the hell didn't they make Ouma the protagonist if he was going to be the one who does everything
Why do their heads fit Umineko sprites better than the original heads? Why does Ouma look so natural with giant Beato Teddies? I have so many questions.
>shibari monokuma
You know why.
>interesting protagonists
Third part never
>Season 5
>Not god tier
user i regret to inform you that you have shit taste
>no s42 in god tier
Shit taste.
>visual novels are a conspiracy
Oh no, I fell for the graphic jew
Your guess is as good as mine. Even if they didn't actually fake their deaths the two practically carried everyone to end-game and Kiibo helped the survivors escape, so let's hope an explanation will be coming soon.
They could have framed anyone else with enough work, Saihara spent a time alone for example
Man at least give us a Viewpoint switch like in DR2
Because right now V3 is just How did Ouma do that show
>Ouma is a god, he did everything!
Kys Oumafag
No, it really isn't. Stop being obtuse.
Miu was a retard, Ouma tried to fight against the MM but he was outsmarted and had to chose death.
It was teamwork, without Akamatsu, Chabashira and Kaito's influence, Saihara wouldn't be able to convince everyone to end the game either
It would bring the survivor count in line with previous dr games, it'd match dr1 if they somehow managed to salvage kiibo along with them. I actually want this theory to be right because the surviving 3 are boring as fuck.
Kaito's design hasn't nothing to do with his lack of popularity. His relationship with Maki is the real problem.
>I-I want my favs to survive
>This is one of the retards who no doubt complained about Hope arc
Kill yourself, retard
We still don't what's Team DR deal is so this could have all been part of their masterful plan to make an all star season with the V2 survivors and V3 survivors + some V1 survivors
>s-stop theorising about things
>and also fuck your opinion!!
Sure showed me senpai enjoy your (you)
Don't be dumb. TDR wanted what the audience wanted
The way I see it Ouma and Miu (Technically Kiibo too since he blew up the academy) were the offense and support team while Saihara and co gave people actual reason to stop wanting killing games.
Agreed. I don't think the DR1 callback was done for no reason and if there's some kind of big conflict going on outside Ouma would be super helpful since he probably has connections thanks to his group.
Male!Kaede confirmed for worst boy.
>R-retarded theories are okay!
Not when they are worse than "Shirogane being in V2" theory
>and also fuck your opinion!!
Yes, fuck your opinion, because it is fucking dumb. Miu is dead, Ouma is dead. That's fucking It, you delusional piece of shit
>his group actually existing
>Forgetting it was all part of a fake backstory
Well the audience might have wanted to see their new favorite characters in a killing game with their other favorite characters
Shirogane was in V2 and Amami got her pregnant.
They wanted another rehash of hope vs despair. They didn't get that and this is what the game said to us, what you are doing right now is estabilishing a theory based around nothing
It's das when shit like this theory is less retarded than "guise, guise, Miu and Ouma are alive guise!"
And you're getting angry at these theories why? We've 6+ months til we get the game there's gonna be theories a lot worse than this one, get over yourself faggot
Are pre-mindhacc Gonta and Kaito the school bullies?
Okay fine
>Team DR kidnaps the V3 survivors and puts them in a killing game along with all the other previous survivors
>This is all part of their plan to salvage the wreck that was the V3 ending since the audience hated that
>Also one of team DR producers is put inside the killing game as a participant to make sure things don't get fucked as they did in V3
You happy now?
At least discuss theories that are reasonable, not this retarded piece of crap
I personally don't like it but it makes more sense at least
And what would that be, exactly? This theory is popular precisely as there's a lot of facts that make it reasonably plausible and there's also an unaccounted time period in chapter where Ouma and Gonta hung out.
Feel free to give your own theory with back-up evidence that supports it if you hate this one, I'd love to see more theories and discussion anyway.
Why discuss theories when we can obsess over snatching panties?
This comment by Monokuma interests me:
"Plus, you're just strangers, not even comrades or friends, so there's no need to think about others."
The Remembrance Light in chapter 2 implies they actually do know each other somewhat though, doesn't it?
why is peko such a slut
Yeah, but we know all the remembering lights are fake
That shit is popular? Everytime it is brought up you have other people telling you how delusional it is
And no, your "facts" are just delusional wish fulfillment
Why do nips believe in this theory? I keep seeing more fanart of them and more people saying they want this theory to be true
>This theory is popular precisely as there's a lot of facts that make it reasonably plausible...
I like shitty theories and discuss about them. But dude, you should stop acting like your headcanons are facts.
You do realise that literally every Dr fan theory ever has been off by a country mile right who cares.
Self inserting this hard wew looks like the Oumacuck is back. How about licking the dried shit from his asshole next, I bet it tastes like grape panta huh?
because they want Shirogane to become more relevant than she is right now
Ok, serious question here.
Who are the most cancerous NDRV3 fans?
All of them
this is the only acceptable answer
All NDRV3 fans are cancer.
followed by Tulpafags
Then there's the Normie Saiharafags
NormalSaihara and Zeus poster are on the same level of cancer
After that we have the Miu posters
Miubros, Oumafags, Amamifags, Saiharafags and the anti-twink Kaitofag
Remember when people theorised mikan had junkos womb and was impregnated by izuru. Or how people theorised that izuru actually had a part in destroying the world. Or maybe how chiaki was actually created by alter ego. Theories are bullshit and you guys only buy into them because your Japanese gods make them no matter how stupid they are. This is no different quit acting like it is fact because a Japanese person said so. Shirogane was not in v2 she is not pregnant amami is not Naegi 2. We don't know what happens but every time Kodaka gives us an answer it just ends up btfoing you retards who actually believed and swore by this shit.
v3 chapter 2 sucks. should I stop
Who cares
This is actually something that's been bothering me for a while.
We know that the Remembering Lights can be made and fake information can be put into it, but not whether this was solely made by TDR. If the world's really fucked in NDRV3, things like the lights could be used to preserve history too.
It just bugs me that Monokuma would say that kind of thing when they're already strangers to start with, so why the emphasis?
>people replying with specific characterfags trying to reassure themselves that they aren't cancerous
We're all cancer, no exception, just learn to deal with it or leave
I want Makoto and Kirigiri to hold hands, cuddle together, and whisper to eachother words of endearment!
They're comfy and easy to move around!
rank these people
literal shit
Literal shit > juicedup > Comun > Jess
some asshat who does those dr in a nutshell videos
Juice>Shit>>>>>Jess>>>>>>>>>>>>Comun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vidya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vidya's dick>>>>>>>>Valwin
shit I forgot Valwin
rank these people
literal shit
now rank them
Valwin>> juice> comun>weeby>>>> shit>>>>>>>jess
why is shuichi is here