What is 'degeneracy', Veeky Forums?
What is 'degeneracy', Veeky Forums?
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success breeds jealousy meets the fox and the grape
melanin enrichment
Anything that goes against the traditional school of thought is viewed as 'degenerate'. A man should go out to work and provide for his family, but if he should stay in his basement and shitpost like what OP is doing he is a filthy subhuman degenerate.
A spook
In order to qualify as "degeneracy" it must fulfill two requirements:
1) It must hurt someone's feelings.
2) That person must have an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Anything i don't like.
Pure ideology.
>What is 'degeneracy', Veeky Forums?
That's easy. It's something you secretly want but cannot get or do not have. For most people on Veeky Forums, degeneracy would be things like having a girlfriend, a healthy sexual life, or an open and inquisitive mind.
>What is degeneracy?
I don't get my definitions from /pol/ so I asked the Oxford English Dictionary for one:
Which redirects me to this one:
Look at definitions 1 and 2.4 of degenerate:
>Having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline:
>' a degenerate form of a higher civilization '
>Having reverted to a simpler form as a result of losing a complex or adaptive structure present in the ancestral form
>' degenerate offshoots from the main line of vertebrate progress '
And we can now conclude that Oxford has been successfuly invaded by /pol/, for clearly none other than /pol/ would use such definition
Yes, Veeky Forums. Anybody that criticizes things and has standards is just mean evil person that hates our fun and probably jealous as well.
Better do the exact opposite of what they say.
>for clearly none other than /pol/ would use such definition
The issue is not the definition, but rather what some of them consider the "higher" form of what they contrast the degeneracy with.
Unironic proponents of Nazi Germany in this case are hysterical, especially considered someone like Goering was among the most powerful members of government.
>Hurr durr if you're against homosexuality you're a fag
It's a meaningless /pol/ buzzword used to describe anything they don't like
a collection of things that autistics either dislike or can't experience
forgot image
>Degeneracy is the condition of being a degenerate case.
>degenerate case is a limiting case in which an element of a class of objects is qualitatively different from the rest of the class and hence belongs to another, usually simpler, class.
straight from wiki
t. A degenerate
Degeneracy is to /pol/ what problematic is to tumblr.
Ever notice how people who post about degeneracy tend to be the same people who don't get what they complain about?
>Virgin neckbeard
Wah! Non-virgins are degenerate!
>Never studied art history
Wah! Non-classical art is degeneracy!
>Never went to a synagogue or met a jew
Wah! Jewish degeneracy!
>Never read Karl Marx or studied economics beyond watching youtube videos and reading thomas sowell
Wah! Communism is a jewish conspiracy!
Very strange indeed...
I just really fucking hate hedonist. Not because their philosophy is retarded(which it is) but because they act so fucking smug. You chose to be a pleasure whore, stop pretending you're better than me.
Veeky Forums.org
Everything that meme lords doesn't like. There are zero objective criteria or statistic on it. Also it destroyed Roman Empire, so be afraid.