Best girl edition!
Best girl edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
That was my main concern. CC wins games so maybe annie user has a better point than velkoz?
>maximum mexico
Captcha knows where my teammates have been from for the last dozen games or so
I need help progressing with my Darius mastery. I feel like I know basically all there is to know about him, at my elo at least. I'd like outside perspectives. Pic related.
fluffy tails
I can't stop wanting to cum inside Dark Lux, what do I do
>Global Rule 13
>Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.
Lulufag has broken this global rule since the first day, and spams every thread with this shit without change to format or timing
>no eyeson
>a post early
Kill yourself
Lulufag breaks several rules daily, including filter evasion and avatarfagging.
Why are people doing crit builds on Draven now? With Lethality being so strong and suiting for Draven I don't see why you'd do a crit build.
Stop posting lulu and post something relevant like "Galio Rework never ever Edition" or "Fancy Feast edition"
welp, forgot about that
sorry senpai
How the fuck do you play Fiora?
I'm a sort-of darius main with about 350k points and a 64% winrate out of 86 games
what is your elo first
>my arbitrary OP titles are better than yours
You pick her and figure it out thats how you get good at video games you play them fucking inbred shit stain waah waaag how do i play 4 button hero gee idk boss maybe read the fucking abilities and use them in a game
Waah waaah but runes masteries what do i build who do i pick into waaaaaaaaah and dont exist
get a cosplay girlfriend
Q onto vitals to poke. W when they try to hard-cc you. use E for auto-reset when you are in full engages and to hard-push on towers. Build bruiser stuff like black cleaver, sterak's gage.
>implying some 3D slut dressed up as perfection can compare to actual perfection
xth for Syndra
what is it, about side ponytails that makes them so hot.
>Ao shin where are you?
Wouldn't Steraks be total shit on her since most of her damage is from bonus AD? I assumed RH/BC/BTorDD would be her core.
Post cute rakas
Bronze 2 100 LP in Solo/Duo
Silver V 34 LP in Flex 5:5 Rank
I'd rather post cute Kog'maws!
guys guys I have it now
support ASol
Probably because he's a mod.
I'm in low elo so don't trust me, but it gets me great, and I mean great, results. The safety in diving combined with the overall extra AD, and the passive is super great.
Why do people insist on drawing soraka with bigger tits than she has?
people are monsters.
They commit genocides, and they prefer breasts over glorious flat chest.
>if it's not titty monster it's flat
fucks sake people women come in sizes between 0 and 20
>degenerates who watch porn have exaggerated expectations
If you like cute grills with average cute breasts, then you're not a virgin that needs Veeky Forums for social interaction.
im in low elo and i make the choice to be bad
i always shoot for least amount of effort for success
a true breast lover likes every type of breasts
What did he mean by this?
This is how you know a stat is balanced
>like cute girls with average tits
>not a virgin
only one of those is true
draw shitty ms paint renditions of your champion and have people guess
don't take longer than 30 seconds
irelia frostbutt to be exact.
virginity is a state of mind. Sexual history or lack thereof is sorta irrelevant.
>go naut jungle
>first clear is horrendous
>enemy literally can't escape my ganks when i finish it
>destroy lanes until i build triforce as my 3rd item
>become an unstoppable killing machine of unreasonable proportions
>everytime i see a member of their team i ran at them and kill them with 0 consequence in a team fight
Please tell me theres no nerf for this guy upcoming
Virginity is a social construct.
>virginity is a state of mind
Wouldn't that just be naivety? Virgin usually means "has not had sex"
>Enemy Jungler was an idiot and didn't invade the shit out of you.
fly away now~
Language is a social construct.
Currency is a social construct.
Value is a social construct.
>hook away
>spam ping
>lock him down when someone gets there and use w to survive
A True man only loves the type of breast his girlfriend has! And always that type
Lulu is for ____________
>Team gets shit on all game
>Enemy tries baiting us in the bush next to Baron
>Our gangplank barrels the bush
>Me, playing Vel'Koz, hits a E>W>R Combo
>He activates his barrels
Swimming with!
Playing childish games with
Are people in your promos actually worse or is this a meme? Is there a system in place that actually matches you against tougher players or matches you with bad teammates during promos?
kill yourself!
Crowley, The Shame of Noxus. A timid thief turned unwilling soldier, Crowley's cowardice proved him to be a liability for his fellow soldiers after the thief was sentenced to die on the battlefield serving the country he had spent most of his life leeching off of. Crowley's list of offenses to Noxian High Command grew with each passing battle, his ability to hide from the enemy and his commanding officers in the heat of battle made forcing him to die in battle for his crimes an increasingly time consuming affair. Deciding that his talents as a sneak and saboteur would be more useful elsewhere and having grown tired of having to recapture him after every battle he was sent to the Fields of Justice where summoners would be able to ensure he saw every fight to his bitter end.
Crowley's passive is Dirty Fighting, using abilities grants stacks of this passive, stacks grant movement speed and at 4 stacks his next ability is enhanced or his next autoattack applies full stacks of Noxian Vintage, movement speed lingers for a second after expenditure.
Crowley's Q ability is Hide!, Crowley is granted invisibility for a short time, passively grants out of combat movement speed. At four stacks this ability fears nearby enemies on activation
Crowley's W ability is For Glory, Crowley makes a halfhearted attempt at showing some Noxian vigor, he throws a stone at a target dealing some physical dmg, if this ability is empowered by Dirty Fighting Crowley also taunts the target.
Crowley's E ability is Noxian Vintage, his basic attacks apply a stack of the homemade poison that coats his dagger dealing magic dmg. Reaching full stacks of Noxian Vintage deals 5% of the targets max health as magic dmg.
Crowley's ultimate is Giantslayer, activating this ability doubles the damage of Noxian Vintage against a single target for six seconds, passively Crowley steals gold when he earns a shutdown kill, the amount taken from his victim is equal to their bounty.
What's the optimal build for Ori? I find myself not doing as much damage as I'd like to. Do I need different runes?
which champ is most similar to KIRA QUEEN, DIESAN NO BAKUDAN, BITES ZA DUSTO
I go Morello/Liandry/Deathcap usually
Varus is broken > Dark Star Varus
Jhin is broken > Blood Moon Jhin
Zyra is broken > Upcoming Zyra Skin
Is this Riot's new business model
well, she falls off lategame, and you run standard magic pen reds AP blues right?
You can go an early ludens if youre fed, but generally the build its morello > liandry's torment (or you get the mask part and sit on it) into deathscap/void staff and maybe a zonhyas somewhere in there.
magic pen boots
your damage should spike midgame. but lategame its a little lower compared to other mids, after all shes designed as a support
Literally Zilliean
Ahri is for ________ .
it's a meme in the same way that forced 50 is a meme. you get matched with and against people around your mmr. if you win a lot in a row, congrats, you are now matched with and against people that are higher mmr, and you may find yourself unable to individually affect the games as much because you are playing with/against people closer to your level. if you lose a lot, it's the opposite.
i know its a meme but they actually nerfed zyra pretty decently before the skin was announced, just like corki last year got a pretty big nerf and then got arcade corki
how bad are the exhaust nerfs on pbe?
bad enough to start taking ignite again on shaco jung?
cumming inside and then dying
a living blanket of tails
adc in 2017
clips.twitch tv/AmericanElegantRavenPlanking
>can't bites za dusto
frick off nooblets
tfw you care more about lulu than some actual lulufags
>Nerfing DFT on the PBE
Fucking why? Why are all the masteries getting nerfed so fucking hard? DFT isn't even that strong as it is at the moment.
Tender loving, and snuggling.
Att sp. removal
Mr/armor removal
I wouldnt take it anymore
Repeatedly cumming inside
I dont care about lulu, I care about spam
in game shes just another champion with a shit personality and asthetic
>not playing marksman top
get good
>room temp iq
i'm definitely using that one
yeah its basically just a nerf to MF and Jhin, literally the only ADs who use it
they said that they thought all the masteries had been powercrept, and were too strong. so they're nerfing all offensive masteries, across the board
shoe size iq
Yasuo one trick thinking of becoming a Draven one trick? What is /lolig/'s thoughts on this? Am I still considered scum?
you nigs have the IQ of a wood 5 adc cs
A summoner name only bronze would have
Which female champions would do kegels?
pic possibly related
At this point you should be focusing on learning other top lane match ups, more just general game knowledge and understanding what your enemies are capable of will carry you farther than knowing any more about Darius.
Who shit in your cornflakes? Im not guy from before.
yeah, i guess the atk speed removal is a really big killer, aw well. good while it lasted.
Yasuo Mid
reformed _____
Tobias Fate
Mid 4 lyf