/fhg/ - For Honor General

'Tripfags pls go' Edition

>NEW: First balance patch is now LIVE! Patch notes here:

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

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first for lawbringer

>play against Orochi
>parry his meme shit
>disconnects instantly

>Can you link me some vids of godly top-level conqs winning without turtling?
>>winning without turtling?


When the fuck is the patch dropping that fixes teching guard-breaks?

I keep losing because I keep getting guard broken and the only way to defend against it totally busted.

anyone else unable to synch with uplay?

Yup, sucks

>tournaments organized by a bunch of Redditors and literal who Twitch streamers are now the bog standard for For Honor meta


>that op pic

>knights did a ton with by far the least assets
____ Vult

Whenever I try to install the damn EasyAntiCheat service thingie the whole thing just crashes

>>my gb takes forever to take hold
>>his gb is near instant
>>I did mine first but because his speed is godly his GBs me
Fuck this game sometimes.


weebs confimed mongol horde

vikangs confirmed master strategist

knights confirmed a mere drag on both mongol horde and vikang success

No, because all high-level play is just turtling and reacting and then getting in occasional chip damage. This is why Conq and Warlord are so good. The only offensive character that is popular right now is PK, and thats because his light/followup stab/zone are nearly unreactable so he can always get damage in.

We will see, I hope Shugoki, Warden and Valk catch up to the top 3 so we have half the cast be in a good competitive spot.

Define "cheese".

>cant win against wardens as orochi

if you used the arm exec you could've done a neet starship reference

>bottom option after a duel is now "QUIT TO DESKTOP" instead of "QUIT TO MENU"
who on earth thought this was a good idea

gib makotos

I want to spread my culture all up into samurai qts

Warden is a better Orochi so thats pretty normal. All Orochi has in high tier play is a top light and a zone, and so does the Warden. His top light is a super powerful parry, though, and he has other useable tools in high tier play such as the bash mixup.

what did they mean by this?

>warlords getting a nerf
>PK currently isn't as she isn't "top tier"
>Raider getting a buff
>Lawbringer is getting a buff

Roaches only distinct advantage is his dodge attack

Don't tease me user.


Raider and LK need that, War probably almost certainly does as well; PK being as broken as it is is a meme at this point.

weebs just have a hardon for invading knights over vikings.

vikings take advantage of this by pushing both sides.

knights make some retarded pushes 1 front wide, literally separating the weeb and viking fronts


Source? Or is it just wishful thinking?

Which might as well be called "free parry for the enemy". What he has above the Warden is potential miss punish with his stormrush before the enemy can recover and block/parry, but that's hardly enough.

I copied the idea off of another user from a while ago. Based on memory how did i do?

Don't beat yourself up my man. The only real threat to good warden is good warlord.

cloud is tired of saving the world

twitch dot tv slash forhonorgame

Dev stream.

They also confirmed they're looking at Revenge stats on gear, and that Debuff Resist fucking up GBs is a bug.

it was said on the official stream friendo

Remember to pay attention to your map, kids
I fucking didn't

wow sad

Tips on the faction war meme? I literally just pick a flank or something and defend, or attack a flank if it looks like were making a push.

Some sort of guide to it as far as the numbers and their meanings?


any tips for a player new to controllers?
my friend convinced me to switch to controller for zerker

good programs to use to rebind controller input? i really wanna swap call for help (default left bumper) and sprint (default right-joystick-click)

>unironically liking /b/

I guess knights are only the most popular over here, then? It seems like either there aren't as many knight players, they just play much less than the others, or play modes that reward fewer assets for time spent.


I understand, but my points stand except maybe knights then only being a drag on weeb success

Asked this last thread to no avail.

Is there a pastebin or any kind of record of all the hero voice lines and their translations?

When is the right time to shoulderbash as Warden? Just throw it out when in neutral or is there something I'm missing?

Me running by

>tfw I have more lewd makotos than I do normal ones to post

>Changed the range distance of the Peacekeeper Light Attack. She can now connect a Light Attack after a parry.

Is this a guaranteed light attack? If so how the fuck is this fair. I've parried peacekeepers plenty of times and i couldn't fucking guarantee a connect with a light follow up on any class i've played.

Where was he in such a hurry to get to?

>my friend convinced me to switch to controller for zerker

Zerker is arguably the class that benefits the absolute most from kb+m, because of the quick feint into lights you can do.

Re-convert that at 960x540 or 1280x720.

It will look a thousand times better

As long as Conq isn't being touched I'm a happy man.

After any dash or light.

The absolute best time is after a Crushing Counterstrike. 99.99% of players will be so shocked they'll eat your first bash after getting hit by this move, and a lot of medicore players don't even know it links into shoulder bash.


>PK isn't "top tier"

How fucking dumb are the devs

> 5 hour update
What did they mean by this?

sure here you go


I googled Lawbro's lines and leddit had a page on them.

Will try in the future, cheers.

w-whoa, he's fast

It's based on win rate

The off-screen fuckers are the funniest.
I fucking hate Conquerors in Domination.

They mentioned Conqueror and Warlord being "a little too good" in Duel mode right now. They want to keep characters within a 45%-55% winrate and Conq/Warlord are a little too close to the 55% threshold.

Apparently pre-buff Valkyrie had a 36% winrate. Lawbringer is right on the nose of ~45%.

literally me as shugoki on domination.

sometimes i trigger conqs so hard they stop going to C at all.

i especially love it on that high rock map, on c, where you are on the side where the enemies spawn is on the side as the narrow bridge. i hide behind the rocks and wait for them to get on the bridge, then instantly start the charge, so we meet at the end of the bridge right as my charge ends. they literally dont notice me until its too late.

try it, it takes a it of practice to get the timing down. make sure to hide behind the rocks on either side.

She's really not though

under 10 seconds will usually look okay in 720p, but 540p will carry you up to 20 or so and 460p can get near 30 seconds of video. Only go 1080p if you're below like 3 secodns


fucking proof that no one on here plays video games

i wish i had any makotos at all

>finally manage to parry somewhat reliably
God this is fun

This includes being aware of your teammates.

hm, any tips for jitteriness on my mousehand then? i keep fucking up my direction for block

So you guys are fine with the light attack/GB cancels but won't unlock for free lights after shove?

IMO - Use the unparriable timings, unlocks, everything you can to win and take your character to the next level.

It is actually more fun to play when turtling is no longer a viable strat due to unreactable attacks, unparriable attacks and safe confirms being discovered. If they get rid of it all, duels will never evolve past the turtle fiesta you run into at higher levels.

someone give me a tldr on playing conq?

I'd heard, thats why I seem to be insistent on going for 720p, but maybe its just the PS4's video quality being a bit naturally shitty.

Could be worse, I can't stand 4v4 with randoms because every time I guard break someone they immediately interrupt it by fucking spamming lights and hitting me even though we're on the same fucking team

Did they comment on Warden vortex or some other class? Did they say what nerfs/buffs to expect for the classes you mentioned??

unless ur a knight i have nothing to say
they are a drag because the weebs cant help but want to attack them, the knights like to push the vikings until the weebs get too far in.

I don't know much about it myself, but I do know that the percentages reflect the assets in that region. Put in more assets and your percentage will rise. It just takes a fuckload and if you're the only one doing it, it won't look to change. Territories have a ton of assets in them from each belligerent at any given time

Either lower your sensitivity, or stop having arthritis.

Is it there any way to have a replay of previous matches?

bash with shield
smash with flail

Did they mention what the nerfs/buffs are?

Yes I swore allegiance to the harbingers of the Law.

No Warden comments.

Warlord and Conqueror might see some small nerfs to their 1v1 prowess.

They want to observe how PK win rate stabilizes after they get their bleed fixed, before any more balance changes.

Raider and Lawbringer have bad duel win rates but excellent 4v4 win rates; they want to buff their 1v1 prowess but they don't want to be hasty and risk making them overpowered in 4v4s.

The only way to fix this game is to remove parries or make them substantially more difficult. Parries are what's caused this game to become a defensive snoozefest. Removing parries would significantly increase the viability of offense.

>win a duel (pvp) without dying once

Well there goes my orders streak since the betas

The only way to nerf conq is to change his mechanics...and his opening heavy is nerfed by 2 points so that he can't kill a near dead opponent. The conq is statistically the lowest damage dealer, unlike the other heavies. The devs obviously intended for conqs to turtle tank to victory.

Interesting, thanks. It is a bit concerning they are balancing on average win rates rather than top-tier play, but I suppose they have to take players of all players and not just the top-tier ones.

There's no source on this shit you 'rons

>nerfing Conq
>PK untouched
Thanks, whiny PK main Redditors.

Sadly no but they mentioned revenge gear and how defensive higher tier fights are and are looking to change these

What do people mean by conq being too good? I just started with him but I still lose a lot, shield bash is nice and all but it's also easily dodged and assassins can immediately counterattack

>lower the sensitivity
didn't think of that, thanks user
i'll also cut back on the adderall

That's what I was assuming. So it really looks like what little contribution you make is moot. I mean, I guess throwing what you can to tip the scales but if there's no overall command structure it's purely nonsense of throwing assets around among thousands of people at any given time like chickens with their heads cut off.

>with the update they switched the exit to desktop and exit to map buttons after a finished match
>turn off the game after everymatch because muscle memory

nigga give us a GODDAMN SOURCE