
>drive motorcycle
>get pussy hurt whenever the road isn't yours completely or when someone doesn't notice a midget riding next to them in a blind spot
is there anything worse for Veeky Forumstists? Had some bikefag hit my car with his faggy leather tassle thing from his bagger because I pulled out wen it was safe to do so which interrupted his weaving in and out of traffic 3 cars back.

Would be pissed but it was so fucking funny considering it was sub 15mpg traffic, was driving my shitbox, AND was approaching a stoplight.

Seriously though, why can't bikefags
>share the road

Thats a broad generalization friend.
I ride a dual sport.
I obey all laws.
I dont lane split
I dont weave in and out of traffic
I dont overtake unless necessary.
I pull over for people who tailgate me
I leave a lot of follow room in front of me so im seen by side traffic.
No big deal.
We arent all stupid

I'm big cities we have bikes just so we can get to places faster.

Going in between traffic is a must

Im never in a hurry on my bike.
Thats how mistakes get made and people get hurt.

Bikefags need to die.
They overtake on the right all the time, weave between every single car, even if they only are advancing to the side since they cannot go beyond. They use sidewalks, and in cities with bicycle roads they used them too.

On highway they do the most retarded things, I guess the thrill of being a fag at 170mph is not enough and they have to endanger every single car they see.

Oh, they also do stupid shit like kicking cars and falling because of it

"Fucking cagers, man"

exactly that. Sometimes I drive over the speedlimit, but only when I already know the roadconditions and that there will be no one around.
Lanesplitting is dumb I think. I really don't see the reasons for it. I'm glad it is illegal in Germany.

>is there anything worse for Veeky Forumstists?

You are a very special kind of cuck

Stop being ignorant.
Not all motorcyclists are like that.
Your area seems to have an issue.
Some of use just ride like a normal adult.
I believe you should be at least 25 years old to ride a motorcycle on the street.
Its long enough to have experience on the road in a car, learn what people are like, learn how to be defensive, get some testosterone out of your body, yada yada.
We have 18 year olds riding R1s and acting like fools. Which is making us adult riders look bad.

This entire thread is

>"Fucking motorcyclist, man"

Slow your roll kiddo.

I dont think you know what a cuck is.

How is that?

>overtake on the right
Literally NOTHING wrong with this

I do :^)

I'm gonna give 'em shit, because I see a fair amount of motorcyclists do something stupid and subsequently get pissed at some car driver for something that was their own fault.

This thread is just to vent about those idiots. Don't get your knickers in a twist, kiddo.

Assuming you're talking about right-hand traffic, it can be really stupid sometimes.

Such as when you're overtaking on the right while traffic is merging onto the highway and you get in their way. Or when you're overtaking on the right and someone in the center lane wants to get over to their exit and have to get in front of you or wait for you to go.

In the US we can't trust dumb niggers not to do this because low IQ, and we can't open the left lane for passing because the same dumb niggers use it for cruising. [using nigger as a general term btw :^)]

>25 years old
>mfw I ride safer than some people in their 40s at 19
Do you like the government slowly taking your rights? Age and maturity are not synonymous nor do they have to be correlated.

>I ride safer than some people in their 40s at 19
Lol keep thinking that kiddo

>I dont lane split

just buy a car

>drive motorcycle
>get bitches pussy wet whenever the road is yours completely or when someone notices a 10/10 riding next to them in a blind spot
is there anything worse for Veeky Forumstists? Had some bikefag fuck my girl with his faggy leather tassle thing from his bagger because I pulled out wen it was safe to do so which interrupted his weaving in and out of the pussy 3 feet back.


Literally took my msf course with a guy in his 40s who ran from the cops over a dozen times

>the only reason for a motorcycle is lane splitting

What did he mean by this?

>it's a NEET with no car or license complains about motorcyclists episode

>Over the speed limit

Sure thing cuckboi
