/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

GTA 5 is good for you edition

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So was Trevor actually gay for Michael?

>add pink stunt suit
>it's the one literally nobody wears
>it's not even hot pink

It's almost like J* don't understand their audience.

At least it's not another smoking jacket.

That's called friendship, but i guess you're not that familiar with it.

are there any women playing in gtag?

>finally finish grinding unfair race for race wins
>get all upgrades for tempesta chan
>join stunt race
>one of the new ones
>people attempt to PIT me but fail miserably
>win 1st
>get 50k

Does anyone here keep track of their average daily uptake?
>tfw making at least $400k in each sitting

I currently have 2 characters on PC. If I do the steps to get returning player content will my current characters be deleted?

If by women you mean men playing as women then yes. There is a lot.

We have lots of Women (Male), yes.

I know for a fact comehomewithme is a woman and she is mine i saw her first.

600 to 750k

What do you do, user?

Coke bike delivery is about 500k, some car sales can earn me atleast 100k and the occasional warehouse sale bumps it up even more.

Literally who?

>coke bike delivery
>the occasional warehouse sale
I'm talking about everyday estimates, user. Unless you've got a dedicated team on you at all times, I can't see how you'd do those things every day.

I can easily do a daily coke sale.

So satisfied

>jet shitter is shitting up lobby
>inevitably goes for me during vehicle export
>crashes trying to strafe me
>gets back to being a shitter

Fast forward 30 mins

>jet shitter wants me to be an associate.
>hes still being a shitter
>I build up his trust being a shiity also
>hurts but it had to be done
>after a while he wants to do cargo missions
>spend 45 mins or so doing this
>jet shitter has invited you to his warehouse
>half full
>fuck yea
>2 plane cargo drop
>get to LSIA
>he sets off first
>I take off and immediately ditch it in the drink
>send him a text along the lines of "omg so sorry ill help work it back" so he doesnt boot me
>steal passenger jet
>fly straight for him and Allah Akbar the rest of his shipment

Mfw as I switched sessions


The platform where there are real women, PS4

can a fellow gta fag do a mission with me. people online are fucking useless as shit, die all the time. need to do a set up mission without the fuckery for once

You do have a dedicated team, then?


>passive jetshitter fucking with the lobby for past half hour
>jetshitter decides he's people now
>while other shitters are still ruining everything he exports a car and activates ghost organization
>grab buzzard
>see where jetshitter left and backtrack until i'm near a major highway
>he drives right under me
>start pursuing him to the checkpoint
>don't do anything but hover directly above him just to indicate that i know where he is
>shitter can't lose me
>he gets out, pulls out his homing launcher and tries to take me
>lure him away from the car while dodging every rocket
>when he's finally far enough, fire a single rocket at his location
>land, enter the car and speed off
>shitter leaves
>tfw free car


comehomewithme is a cute german girl

If it wasnt for her id still be struggling in auto aim sessions

Over the past year on PS4 I've seen far more women than on xbox. I never understood meeting women through games, it's the equivalent of a straight woman going to a male strip club to find a date. You don't even know what she looks like. She could be a nigger

we could all be niggers tbqh, fingers crossed

why is CEO bullshark so OP and why arent you using it fags?

Only the occasional gtager that helps me out.

fuck off brucie i'm not buying your shit

what does it do?

>mfw meet a wonam in game and has that confident bitchy attitude
make me your bitch, please


Nice try Brucie.

Increases damage resistance for a minute.

don't need it to fight NPCs and I just disable it for randoms when fighting randoms

c'mon bud, get juicin'

makes you a bullet sponge that outputs way more damage
no cooldown time too!

also it might do funny stuff to your balls

Shitter juice for unskilled players

>he doesn't enjoy pissing off xchinanumba1_420x fags

No. comehomewithme is 100% a guy.

t. I've talked with him in chat

prove it bitch

Send him a party invite if you don't believe me.

can i get an invite to crew

I pity those that will meet paths with Curry during double $$

sent ;)

>no cooldown time too!

makes it too easy to catch players with sightseer because of this tbqh

once you try to spawn it then you're done. pickup broken, drop limit reached, no more bst until you leave the session

>NODO and racing crew fags ruining my ez money

Guys im struggling

I was happy with my rat rod but now im not. I want a decently priced sports car with ok modding options. Suggestions?

not proof, she's a girl goodbye now

elegy is great and its free


Buy a Lynx.

jk, don't ever buy that turd. Do you want something race-capable or just something fun to drive with mod options? The Sports class is a very broad class.

Fun to drive with decent-ish mod options

>not too bothered about racing
>im not 10 years old

So nothing that fulfills either of those categories really

Have you considered a Tropos?

get a muscle car

this, except don't fucking lower it like in that picture

I have actually but from of export missions the customisation options didnt really wow me

Are there more options in LSC?

>lowering it
you fucking faggot

I know you're referring to supercars which is dumb because only 90 year olds and football players own those

Unfortunately no, but removing the livery/spoiler makes it look sufficiently street-worthy. It also has godly traction like the Omnis, which is necessary to have for races that take place off-road and/or during rainy weather.

I'm a fan of the Comet, it's one of the cheapest sports cars, is fast as fuck in a straight line and handles like its trying to kill you. Customization is meh (bumpers, spoilers, wheel arches and roll cage) so it might not be exactly what you're looking for.


omg who the hell cares

some of the supercars are tasteful

Cheer up, Tropos.

I like the Osiris and T20. But shit like the X80 are just in the roleplaying as batman territory.

hur guys there are girls in the crew

who cares

I do

btw I am a girl

I was torn between tropos and zentorno because I had my eye on that one for a while.

I bit the bullet and opted for the zentorno but im going to replace my warrener with the tropos when I get sick of it

I know the zentorno kinda goes against what I said about not wanting to look 10 but I guess if I want to start racing ive read its one of the best you can use

penetrator is also a good one

that image is so true it hurts.
even the ones that sound fucking cute

best car warehouse location? they're 25% off right now so I'm not too bothered about grinding a little more for the more expensive ones.

the one in el burro heights
cheap and away from shitters

There's also a fair number of underweight fujoshis.

can you trade your warehouses up?

for example, I already own one of the shitty ones but if I wanted a better one at a different location can I trade the one I already have in towards the new one?

No buy a shark card

I learned my lesson. I met a girl once who was curious about what i looked like.
she wanted wanted to trade pics.
I sent her one of me and i literally told her she shouldn't send one back.
She sent one anyways.
and from the look of it, she really shouldn't have.

rec me some tuner cars

No entirely true. Current gf is sort of a gamer. Cute as button, not like the stereotypes at all.

On the flip side ex was a ganer too. I was blinded by a recent breakup and apparently couldn't see how unattractive she was. Not a ham-planet just that I could only describe her as "a log" when asked

>I could only describe her as "a log" when asked

I may need to give an explanation for this

My current gf was watching some show about body types. Apparently womens body types are "stick" "pear" "apple" and "hourglass" (named after their respective shapes.

She asked what my ex's was after her own and I said "a log"

Id never seen anyone laugh as hard and as long in my life

that is fucking hilarious. gave me hiccups

Are the Trophy Truck/Desert Raid any good? Or should I get a Contender?

Not sure a about the desert raid but I cab testify that the trophy truck is the most fun ive had in a while

The best way to describe a trophy truck is that it's like a cat. Always lands on it's feet

>Not a ham-planet just that I could only describe her as "a log" when asked
made me chuckle

I met a gamur girl through Veeky Forums a few years ago. She only lived an hour from me and we met up a lot. Cute girl that I miss alot

Trophy truck is 10/10, nearly supercar fast over any surface.

You will meet another user

Neat, I've been wanting a fun new vehicle.


Is the Gargoyle any decent?

Do you want to climb vertical cliffs? Then yea it's great.

Cliffhanger best bike

gf of four years dumped me last night

it's rough

>Falling for the real women meme
Asked for it

It could be worse

>it's rough
yeah, but better to have loved and lost right?

also, are there any of the ratty looking vehicles that actually perform decently? looking for a mad max mobile that isn't a slow piece of garbage like the rat rod tornado or the rat loader

plenty of life left to live r-right user?