League of Legends general /lolg/

Best ship confirmed soon edition


Other urls found in this thread:


first for leona


Just realised old thread died, actually do want advice so posting at top of this one. I think it has to do with lee sucking massive dick now

What the fuck is wrong with this game now? I used to be able to get masters with ease, take a 2 month break and now hardstuck diamond? help


>Fiora mirror match
>die at level 1
>ALT+F4 as I begin to feel my heartbeat quicken and my gut get cold

Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.

>Game 1
>I'm playing against 4 people above Plat with everybody on my team above gold
>Game 2
>3 people under level 25 on my team
>Nobody but myself above silver
Jesus Fucking Christ Riot fix your shit.

>asking low diamond, at best, players

why bother?

>doing this position with Poppy
>she tries to leg lock you
>her legs are too short
>doesn't matter because you weren't pulling out anyway


You just got rusty, dont push yourself with "i must win" attitude, that will only cause stress and make you play worse and worse, take it easy, play some normals or rankeds on some gold/plat smurf and you will get better and better with time

Works always on me, i noticed that whenever i push myself to climb i play worse, switching my attitude and caring less about absolute winning and more about learning, watching your own replays helps a lot too

Breast waifu

>male fiora will never mating press you

bad feel ;_;

Things that actually fucking happened in league history that you're still in disbelief about

>Skarner unironically has a 65% winrate at one point, 75% if the game ended in sub 20 minutes

>Azir literally went from P/B monster to sub 38% winrate trash with a single change in 5.4

>Fucking BALLS got a pentakill at WORLDS with DARIUS

>Ezreal's Q single handedly ruining the fun for an entire role thanks to Runeglaive

I can't stop thinking about how much I want to cum inside Dark Lux. How do I stop this lolg?

embrace the decay and fall back to the elo you belong in you boosted shitter

>There are people
>In this thread
>Who would pull out

Literally worse than Hitler.

>Ezreal's Q does not apply on-hit effects and instead has much higher base and scaling

Wow I prevented a single champion from constantly single handedly ruining items for whole swaths of the roster REPEATEDLY.

post reasons to live

There's a few higher rating people here. Honestly given I was an OTP, most of my other champs/lanes are dia5 at best and I can't seem to climb as fast as I used to with lee

Just because your elo is shit doesn't mean you don't have anything to contribute, I don't even know wave control properly and didn't stop me climbing (Sorta fucking me now tho)

>>Ezreal's Q single handedly ruining the fun for an entire role thanks to Runeglaive

He's been doing that since his inception though

I'm only a high plat shitter but Lee was nerfed really really fucking hard in case you weren't aware, his ult damage was gutted. Just pick up any of the jungle suggestions in this vid. it's a patch old but everything is relevant still


The player who made this vid, tarzaned, finished last season as rank one in NA as a jungle main, so he has the credentials to talk.

friends if you have them. which i dont. add me on na cute anime babe

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

shes the forecaster of my heart

You can make one change to a champion to make them viable in another role

>Leona can proc her own passive against jungle monsters

Yeah I'm thinking that's the idea. I still try to go for the plays I was pulling off at my peak but fuck them up 80% of time now. Might go to b5 and relax for a while


don't you mean with?

This will be done in two weeks ish

>Wow I made a champion into uninteresting shit
whoa he has a linear skillshot what kind of crazy never-before-seen gameplay patterns can you get into with one of those?!

Think about her future user! You're ruining her life and turning her into a teenage mother all for a few seconds of pleasure. Stop thinking about how good it would feel to mating press her and cum inside balls-deep and show some compassion!

>I don't even know wave control properly
lol just watch solo renekton only
>there's a few higher rating people here
higher than low/mid diamond?
super metroid
ask them directly lol

>tfw you realize you have no mechanics, fundamentals, OR gamesense
>you just picked Mordekaiser and facerolled the keyboard and relied on the fact he's a lane bully to get fed as fuck in lane and then was able to teamfight in the exact same way
>literally just mashed buttons, constantly misclick and use targeted abilities on units I don't intend to use them on
>even have trouble telling what's going on in fights larger than a 1v2

No it's fine Bronze 1 is comfy as hell.


Is this satisfactory, then?


>gangplank was removed from the game and replaced with a low-test ad caster

...You realize Ezreal's Q applying on-hit effects doesn't mechanically change how he plays or differentiate it in a meaningful way from other linear colliding skill shots, it just changes what items you build on him right?

Furthermore extremely problematic design choices that ruin game balance shouldn't be preserved for the sake of uniqueness or identity.

dude lmao

Deja vu!
I've just swam in this place before

yeah i'm thinking I'll just play graves/rengar since they seem to be quite bullshit atm from what i've noticed

Yeah I've heard of him, will probably give it a go if I can't git gud at jungle again

desu I want to stick with jungle but should probably learn wave control in case I play mid/adc

ur forgetting imthem XDDD

i want to try ranked as support but i need someone to duo with too scared to queue alone :(

NA? What rank?

Holy shit I'm so sick of seeing Gangplank, this piece of shit is reaching Lee Sin tier pick levels. Picking up Kled just to rape this farming dumbass when he walks into lane and tries to farm

Gotta teach the scrubs what true pain feels like.

why are people such assholes in this game

flame for no reason report X by multiple teammates and enemies because they're salty

is humankind really this fucking shit

late fluffy tails

>not sure if I should play bots to clear the leaverbuster on my main or finish leveling to 30 on my alt

What do /lolg/?

>mating press
>implying she isn't riding me into the ground
she is the Dark form, you know

Oh god

Oh god my soul hurts

Jesus fucking christ I dont think I can play league for a week after seeing that.


This is in response to someone saying "gee buddy should have killed those 5 people"

i havent even done provisionals yet l-lol

Does imaqtpie still post here?

>Poppy ult knocks him into the fleeing 5th member

Powerful/arrogant women are the most satisfying to mating press user.

>tfw no League-related instant-loss-2-koma

Since times-stamping didnt work, the play in question is at 4:23

You shouldn't duo queue, Its literally the riskiest thing you can do if you want to climb.

god, i hope not

Post the oldest image in you LOL folder


not old enough
stand back fuckers

Who are some champions who are both extremely safe (preferably long range AND some sort of escape or mobility) and also have stupid sustain to stay in lane forever?

I'm fed up with laning and just want to bypass it entirely with a comfy farm fest

no. I'm pretty they were just joking the last time someone said a post was made by qtpie since I was the one who wrote the post they were referring to.

Reminder that EUW diamond is equal to NA gold
Get rekt eurofags

is boots 4 pots bot the new standard start? it's great on jhin but trying it on literally any adc apart from varus it feels like it makes trading and sustain a joke

pic related

It's a competitive game played mostly by children.

I had a person call a teammate autistic because they failed to get out of a Jhin ult. It bothered me, as if verbally abusing someone is going to make them a better player. They even tried to compliment me at the results screen too, because I didn't do 'terribly' (we still lost). Asshole children who put way too much stock into this game is all it is.

I always mute the enemy team (what productive things could they possibly say to you) and if shit like the above goes down, I'll mute my own team as well. If you're q'ing with randoms it's just not worth it. Like we talk a lot of shit here but it's not in game and it's anonymous and mostly in jest (I don't really take Veeky Forums too seriously, I come to /lolg/ to relax and goof off with some okay people in what is basically a long-form anonymous chat room).

Someone I know once said these very wise words:
>Why would you even talk to those squares? Just play the fucking game oh my god.

I've been gone for like 1.5/2 weeks while replacing a part on my computer after a power surge and I feel like I didn't miss anything lol. Exact same posts, exact same questions, etc.


I don't like midlane because being able to be ganked from both sides is stressful though :(

>what is IBG?
retard. the varying options for effects you can put on Ezreal's Q is literally the only thing interesting about him.

I'm surprised that a nerf to his ULT damage hurt him that much.

I thought it was a slap in the wrist at best.

How come you always manage to find images I don't have?

Why did you come back?

i love getting ganked from both sides~

Seriously, thoughts?

>play an ADC
>but also want them to be interesting
ADCs don't GET to be interesting.

That might be so but do you really think she'd unbind me and let me do that? Tbh I'm perfectly ok with being her plaything

it feels awful playing support alone :c

ebin memes bro so funney

yeah youre right. That stuff just gets to me on a bad day. On here I dont really care. were mostly joking and theres nothing to lose. You can opt out anytime.
Ingame you can be stuck for up to an hour.

I only save good ones. We should hang out sometimes.

>i love getting ganked from both sides~

>Jhin gets bonus AD for building attack speed and crit chance, but has reduced crit damage and no attack speed growth
>idea is to build him like an ordinary ADC, play differently because of his reload and fixed attack speed mechanics, and yet still have similar average DPS because of AD modifiers
>gets more AD by building straight AD than building like and ADC anyway

hang out~

post ur /lolg/ husbando

What the fuck did ZAC do right before 5 minutes? He died but ... he walked away?

>tfw lolg husbando

i barely know anyone here friendo

diamond 3

Gee boss its like, I think thats the joke boss. Just a, yknow, just a thought.

40% Total AD bonus will do that

>tfw no clientside mods that change all enemies usernames into "X-champion bot" and mute all pings so I can pretend my games are bot games and get less stressed

i'd die for you
that's easy to say

comfy bfs~

a bullet for them
a bullet for you

Soraka plz stop making this business venture weird...

>tfw my adc verbally abuses me

Hang out...

>mfw i mute him for being rude and "accidentally" let assassins kill him over and over


id you have time to post you have time to suck you whore, back to work or else I wont let you cum today