ITT: Things reddit historians say
ITT: Things reddit historians say
>You don't win a war by killing civilians
>History is written by the winner
>that's a very eurocentric view of history
>Africa has a rich and interesting history
>hitler may have been onto something
>The biggest problem with the Great Man theory is that it leaves out the women.
>the byzantine is the true successor of rome
>The problem with Communism is that it hasn't been properly tried yet
>First Nations were on the verge of discovering China and Portugal when the Spanish arrived
And for another American thing
>Vikings discovered America before Columbus
>the Ottoman Empire is the third Roman Empire
Christianity and all its book burnings caused the dark ages
>The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire
>the samurai were far more skilled than european knights
But it's true
>Just look at map. Egypt is africa.
Religion of peace
Edit: thanks for the gold
>the islamic golden age never happened
Historically, multicultural and multi-ethnic civilizations have done the best
There's NO reason to close our borders, immigration is for the good
>Christianity was a good thing to Rome and helped the Empire to survive longer.
Fuck off Harris
North Africa does, but Gold Coast and Southern Africa doesn't
Apart from cattle farming Africa dosent really have any unique cultures, the north coast is just general Mediterranean culture, and then Arabic culture. Although Barbary pirates are kinda cool as they were explicit slavers whilst others were more for fun plunder and prisoners to be ransomed.
Is there anything else you can add to that statement to show how 'unique' and 'diverse' African culture is
If people didn't go an form their own heretical cults then it would have been fine and the Germans would have integrated better
Really it was at a weakness already and just had a string of shitty rulers
>the "Reconquista" was completely unjustified
>the Vikings were unmatched warriors
>Europe was built upon the genocide and destruction of Africa and it's people
>The colonisation of america was the biggest genocide in the history of man.
>Culture is RELATIVE
>Europe was a backwater shit hole while the Middle East was an oasis of philosophers and scientific progress
>american revolution > french revolution
>If China didn't invent paper they would have been lightyears ahead of Europe
>the Byzantine Empire is not the Roman Empire
>The Holocaust happened.
>I have a history PhD
>Your views are very orientalist
>Things reddit historians say
So, basically Veeky Forums, right?
None of you have actually been on the history sub reddits have you ? They are pretty good on the whole but I hate the dumb vote system so I don't go anymore.
Anything I disagree with.
>An 18th century philosopher's witty remark can encapsulate the entire history of a thousand year old political entity.
>just look at how shitty Europe was before 1880 compared to 1960 dude. Colonisation in Africa clearly built everything up.
There's significant overlap with /r/badhistory which is irredeemably awful.
>Colonisation was the worst thing to happen to the natives
>the earth is round
r/askhistorians is the real history subreddit, but Veeky Forums hates it because the mods there insist you actually support what you say
>Veeky Forums's Veeky Forums is remarkably better as r/askhistorians.
>there were no such things as "nations" before the 19th century. People based their identity solely on the leaders and gods they followed, they didn't need such arbitrary concepts like "race" or "ethnicity"
Have you ever read any history books on pre-colonial Sub-Saharan Africa? You should check out John K. Thornton's stuff, particularly his book Warfare in Atlantic Africa 1500-1800, which you can find for free online.
But /r/askhistorians is way better than Veeky Forums. You actually have to substantiate what you say there.
Sup reddit.
>actual interest in history = reddit
You're not making the case you think you are.
I tried, user
>falling for bait
>in a literal bait thread
It would be good if you were rusing me.
Hello rebbit
>man I sure do love studying history, it's so much fun
>Byzantium is the heir to Rome
>The Ottoman Empire is the 3rd Rome
>Christianity was responsible for the dark ages m'lady
>Why yes, i do have quite a large Katana collection. I am quite skilled with a blade.
>we would be in other galaxies by now if religion was never invented, gentlesir
>communism has never been tried
>*tips fedora* The Roman Empire fell because of Christianity
>Medieval times was a dark age of ignorance and filth, no progress was made during this time.
>The Vikings were noble pagan progressive warriors fighting against the evil Christians m'lady I am indeed a Norse pagan.
>Lenin was a great man, it was Stalin who corrupted his vision
>/r/askhistorians is highly superior to Veeky Forums m'gentlesir
>I am indeed a Hellenistic pagan.
>‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.’"
back to Redshit
>Why yes, i do have quite a large Katana collection. I am quite skilled with a blade.
Reddit fucking hates katanas. And samurai, too.
Have you even been on Reddit?
Why do redditors get so defensive about reddit on websites that aren't reddit?
You have to go back.
>le memes lel
>hitler was a christian
>Guns germs and steel properly explains why Europeans came out on top
Redditors say this? I would think its the other way around, considering how American hating they can be
Sounds more like "Things shitskins on Veeky Forums say"
>implying it's Africans saying that and not butthurt Niggeraboos
You mean
>[pop history] explains [anything]
They're not America hating. They've got a constant hard-on for it, with the exception of the police (normally).