, I didn't cheat you! The baby just magically conceived! It's actually a miracle. Yep, that's it...

>, I didn't cheat you! The baby just magically conceived! It's actually a miracle. Yep, that's it. A miracle.

Other urls found in this thread:

wow u tight

>blaming the victim

Mary was raped by an authority figure at the age of 12, it's not surprising she had issues.

wow u tight

Do Christians bother to try to explain why Joseph or anybody else bought that story?

stupid religions thread? stupid religion thread

>Wow aisha, you look so yummy, let me rustle your jimmies and masturbate my cock in your tights, till you turn 12... so i can fuck you for good... "pedophile noises"

Doujins when?

so this is considered a QUALITY post?

where's the warning for shit like this? faggotry

ps. you're a bunch of fucking autistic faggots
go on then

wow u tight

eat dick

>this is what atheists actually believe
Meanwhile,christians will keep building civilization and have a happy,stable,progressive life instead of drinking MtDew wearing a fedora and playing LoL.

its just a prank bro

Pretty sure angels appear to them in dreams and tell them about God's baby or some shit.

& Humanities

>Meanwhile,christians will keep building civilization and have a happy,stable,progressive life instead of drinking MtDew wearing a fedora and playing LoL.
>this is what christians actually believe

Meanwhile, atheists will keep building civilization and have a happy, stable, progressive life instead of tipping fedoras while banning homosexuality and quoting the bible


wow u tight

>building civilization
when was this
>and have a happy, stable, progressive life
by bitching and whining about religion?



The best part is how many times they give the Genealogy of Joseph to prove Jesus came from the line of David and it's not even Joseph's kid.

>if I try hard enough to say religious people are fedora-tippers then surely the whole history and definition of the meme will change!
Now this is reddit behaviour

>the burden of proof is on you! If you say God exists you have to prove it!
>I can make unsubstantiated and unsourced claims though bro!

>definition of the meme

These kids these days

Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38.

Not even him.

Since Jesus was legally Joseph's son he would have been considered part of his household and lineage. Not that it matters because Jesus is also related to David through Mary.

Atheists who interpret Christian doctrine from an atheistic perspective but use solely modern dogma are retarded. If you don't actually believe in God or divinity, or even the historicity of the bible, why act as if the events surrounding Jesus are concrete?

The most logical conclusion is that the "virgin birth" was tacked on to the Jesus story later, long after the divinity of Jesus was accepted by a critical mass of the populace. Therefore no "tee hee Joseph, this baby is totally yours" cuck bullshit.

Using this line of "reasoning" to attack Christianity just goes to show you're not actually interested in logical analysis, but are simply motivated by antichristian sentiments.

in short, get rekt you nation wrecking kikes I can see your noses from here.

Joseph was skeptical too, and planned to divorce her, but not to have her killed.

Until the angel Gabriel appeared to Joseph, and told him Mary was carrying the Son of God.

>memes have no definitions

What the fuck are you on about you clown? Memes have always had clear meanings and roles. Fedora tipping = reddit atheist. Just get over it instead of childishly trying to change what the meme means.

>and it's not even Joseph's kid.
Unsourced. Unsubstantiated.

The cuck bullshit was contemporaneous, and included in both the bible and the talmud. The pharisees in the bible taunted Jesus by saying they knew who their fathers were.

Jesus of course turned it around on them, and said they were no sons of Abraham at all, or they would embrace Jesus as their messiah.

The talmud goes so far as to make up a Roman soldier raping Mary to produce Jesus.

There's a reason for that.

One genealogy goes through Mary, a descendant of David, and if she had no brothers, heir to the throne.

The other genealogy goes through Joseph, who is also a descendant of David.

One goes through Solomon, and one goes through Solomon's brother Nathan.

The reason it's important for Jesus not to be the biological son of Joseph, and He is not, is because Joseph's line was cursed to never sit on the throne due to the evil of Jeconiah.

It's also proof that Jesus was born without sin, as inherited sin passes through the father, not the mother.

But Jesus was adopted by Joseph, and as such, was more closely tied to Joseph than a natural son would have been. You can disinherit a natural son under Judaism; you cannot disinherit an adopted son.

>you're actually gonna believe her Joseph??
>dude, just return the dowry and marry a faithful woman, you deserve her

As you are not a spiritual person, you neglect the spiritual impact of being visited by an angel.

You also neglect the fact that there was a widespread belief among the Jews that the Messiah would come and straighten everything out for them, and of course the woman who bore the Messiah would be famous.

So you're claiming the Egg was actually from a human but it was fertilized with God cum? And God being omniscient planned this all from the start to have to eventually fuck one girl to bring himself to Earth to create a loophole in his justice system otherwise he would have to condemn all mankind to hell?

Also, why did Jesus have to get circumcised. Did he have to remind himself that he had a covenant with himself?

Except neither the New Testament nor the Talmud are contemporaneous with the life of Jesus Christ, and were both written after Christianity had attained a significant number of followers.

God is the Creator of everything, including DNA. The bible only says that the power of the Holy Spirit caused Mary to become pregnant with Jesus.

Jesus was fully human as though not God, and fully God as though not human.

Jesus did many things, including circumcision (at age 8 days, dude) and baptism that did not benefit Him personally, but were done so that all manner of righteousness might be fulfilled.

Your entitled to believe whatever fantasies you'd like; both were written within the lifetime of eyewitnesses, and no contrary writings exist.

That's not Muhammad you idiot

>both were written in the lifetime of eyewitnesses
You mean the exact same cultists that wrote the texts in question?
The texts which were then adopted into religious canon hundreds of years later?
Cool story bro.

Yes, eyewitnesses wrote all of the books of the New Testament.

Anyone who purported to write such a book was found out and not included in the bible.

There are several canons that contain non-scriptural works. The bible is inerrant and authoritative, not people's canons.

It's possible that there was literal God sperm but it's also possible that there wasn't. I mean we're talking miracles here so all bets are off really and yes the advent of the messiah was preordained before the creation of the universe. Also, the Son of Man was circumcised in accordance with the covenant with the Father.

You are aware of the doctrine of "virgin birth", yes? The whole "Son of God" thing? Common knowledge doesn't need to be cited.

I play Dota

So no Mary egg, no Joseph cum = descendant of David. Gotcha.

If you are Christian and accept the inerrancy of the Bible then I am not addressing you, I'm addressing the fedora kiddies that are obsessed with "cucks".

The exact same Bible that proclaims Joseph is not the father of Jesus states that Jesus is the son of god. There is no reason to accept one claim while throwing out the other, unless your goal is not actually the analysis of, what is from an atheist perspective mythology, and your goal is simply to attack Christianity because of some other motivation (you're Jewish, a Satanist, or a butthurt fag with an ax to grind).

>Yes, eyewitnesses wrote all of the books of the New Testament.

Not him, but could you explain for me things like why these supposed eyewitnesses are unclear as to the local language and customs? John, for instance, when describing the route Jesus took on his way to be crucified, twice insists that local Aramaic place-names are Hebrew. Mark misquotes extant Jewish scripture. The Gospels claim that the Sanhedrin couldn't institute the death penalty, but Acts says that they can.

Why are "eyewitnesses" so unclear as to basic information about a time and place they lived in?

You remind me of those idiotic Hollywood directors that bought into the fad of creating "realistic" comic book movies.

nice revisionism

Yeah everyone on this board needs to stop being so edgy

>This isn't scientifically possible, so Yaweh must not exist

bitches, he's God. The whole point is that he can do anything and doesn't have to adhere to any laws or restrictions imposed on this physical realm.

>Fedora tipping = reddit atheist

wrong, it is pejorative for aggresive atheists USED BY reddit community

>Acts says it can

Stephen wasn't legally executed like Jesus was, he was murdered by a gaggle of hysterical merchants.

I wasn't thinking about Stephen, I was thinking about the apostles in Acts 5:17-the end of chapter.

Sorry, I should have been clearer, but look at Gamaliel's speech starting in verse 33. He's not going "Hey, you know we can't actually execute people, right?" It's "Maybe they do have something for them, we should wait and see".

There is nothing in Acts 5 that confirms the Sanhedrin was going to legally execute the apostles, only that they were to be imprisoned and that the Sanhedrin had ill intent toward them.

So she was a whore and, more importantly, not a virgin ?

>people constantly spouting fedora memes in order to silence atheists regardless of their comment
You remind me of SJWs.