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>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 02/21/2017*
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>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on September 26 (N. America), September 29 (Europe)
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These survivors are basically the main couple and a bunch of homosexuals. And a robot.
So, better than what we got.
>two breads
>We control life, Saihara, at all its levels. You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable. Or perhaps you have returned to your old idea that the viewers or the cast will arise and overthrow us. Put it out of your mind. They are helpless, like the animals. Humanity is Danganronpa. The others are outside - irrelevant.
>main couple
Is Shirogane growing on anyone else?
Kodaka go to bed.
That's probably a brain tumor. See a doctor right away.
DRV3 where everything is the same but Korekiyo's sister is now his brother, and onii-chan wants male friends instead of female friends.
Who would be on Korekiyo's kill list in C3 since Tenko and Angie are out?
You shouldn't say those things about the mother of your child, Amami
I like her before she's reviwed to be the mastermind. Now I like her again.
Gonta/Kaitoand Saihara
Yes, that one!
The fun part about chapter 1's trial is that while he spent a lot of time being a complete nuisance, it's clear from his observation about Amami's Monopad and how he acted like he was agreeing with everyone else that it wasn't important after all that he was already mulling why the two things he saw seem to conflict.
Basically: Amami was holding onto his Monopad in all of the photos, yet everyone who examined the Monopad said it held no important info.
It's confirmed Shirogane stole Amami's Monopad, right? So from there we can conclude the one everyone else found was a Monopad just like theirs and she stole Amami's Monopad as it was proof that a mastermind was among one of them.
Next, she frames Kaede because Kaede conveniently set up the trap and she believed Saihara's hypothesis that the mastermind was one of them, and in having Kaede brutally executed she made sure none of them would suspect each other of being the mastermind, while Saihara pretty much got a power nerf because he thought he was wrong.
What were your predictions for everyone's personalities pre-release that you got totally wrong?
>Tsumugi: overdramatic and quick to emotion; like a less cynical/mean touko
>Tenko: Arrogant and prideful, more haughty/smug in her superiority than bitter towards men
>Gonta: Very shy and geeky, but intelligent to contrast with his appearance
>Himiko: Cynical moneygrubber
>Kiibo: Logical and unemotional
>Kaito: I'll admit to being one of the people who thought weedman 2.0 or leon 2.0
I thought Korekiyo was a Gundham reference personality-wise, and I thought Maki was going to be a lot less violent. I do like actual Korekiyo a lot better than what I thought he was going to be though.
Also i'm with you for thinking Kaito was Hagakure's Return.
Spike Chunsoft's first ever international press event is March 2nd. Hopefully we'll get something new for V3.
Ouma was fucking useless the first trial and was missing for most of chapter 1 while saying not much of value when he was around, pretty much making you think he was a complete joke character. Maki came across as a cold, distant rival type. Kaito was also useless and acted like Weedman 2.0. Saihara was basically in the background the entire time but giving helpful hints a la Kirigiri. Basically, they all hit character tropes of the games before that you'd expect, so their actual roles would be more surprising.
If you didn't spend months pouring over pre-release materials and trailers looking for clues, the protagonist switch was hidden pretty well, even within the first chapter and trial.
>the protagonist switch was hidden pretty well, even within the first chapter and trial.
I'm pretty sure Kaede got 4 FTE times, but could only FTE someone twice, which was a pretty big giveaway.
>Ouma was fucking useless the first trial
He mostly messed with people. It also started his and Miu's antagonistic relationship, because he kept accusing her of being the culprit.
If you look at Chapter 1, you can see that the whole thing was deliberately set up to fuck over Kaede and Rantaro.
Shirogane had to know about the rewards that Rantaro got and used it to her advantage to isolate and kill him.
The two-day deadline was in response to Kaede's assertion that no one will kill each other and eventually forced her to set a trap that, even if it missed, would have given Shirogane the oppotunity to kill Rantaro and frame Kaede anyway.
Don't forget that Shirogane had cameras to see what was going on and Kaede defended her without even checking her alibi.
It was all a trap from the beginning to destroy the trust and convince Shuichi to abandon the mastermind idea when he should have held on to it.
What is he going to do with that
>Shuichi: Total madman and complete sadist. Meekness is simply a facade to mask his insanity and throw others off his trail.
>Korekiyo: Contrary to his creepy appearance, is actually pure-hearted and has a good moral compass. Has everyone's best interests in mind. Also a good leader.
I'm positive there's nobody who was more wrong than me. I just wanted everybody to defy their stereotypes, damnit.
>right before BOTW
If Chunsoft gives me dubbed voices, and Matthew Mercer is voicing Ryoma and someone who doesn't suck is voicing Ouma, this will truly be the greatest week.
You. You're my favorite. Perfection.
What the legitimate fuck, this is beautiful. Holy shit drawfriend.
If they're not using Hayter I'm always down for Mercer.
It's okay user. Even though they were the complete opposite of what you predicted, you can always use those interpretations on the normies!
Basically, if you weren't playing detective and you didn't think something important was hidden in the demo you'd probably have fallen for the ruse too.
> He mostly messed with people. It also started his and Miu's antagonistic relationship, because he kept accusing her of being the culprit.
Yeah, Ouma spent a lot of time making himself look like a complete idiot and it's something you'd assume to be his natural character, unless you noticed that he seemed curious about Amami's Monopad.
Then chapter 6 happens and you start to wonder how much of what Ouma was doing on-screen was an act besides the "I'm so evil" bit.
Yeah, it was very lucky for everyone that Ouma noticed something suspicious about Amami having his Monopad with him, because if he hadn't made that observation and let his guard down like everyone else things would have gone far worse than they actually did.
AU where Korekiyo became the protagonist after Kaede left to go hang with Amami
>He still harbors feelings for his sister and is still our tulpaman
>His sister functions as the female 'sidekick' who gives good - if violent - advice throughout the whole game
>korekiyo has the urge to let his sister "befriend" more people but holds it down
>he's trying to amend for his previous killings because of [REDACTED] so is a lot less murderous
>serves as a good but creepy leader
>uses his love of humans to boost morale and get through the game, see pic related
>still becomes bros with kaito who tries to help korekiyo get into shape
>saihara is the c3 killer instead
Imagine the FTEs.
I want to request Miu lewds. Who are some good artists?
True that! Definitely a silver lining.
>His sister functions as the female 'sidekick' who gives good - if violent - advice throughout the whole game
Why can't this be a thing?
> Everyone's complaining killers keep getting to the end, so why not make the serial killer the protagonist this time?
A+ would laugh again, but certainly it'd be hilarious.
Saihara friends' power form
>kaito who tries to help korekiyo get into shape
What did you mean by this
Wha- what- what is this!?
Maybe I'll get this done one day
So ATKfag and Tulpafag can live together.
God damnit, I would kill for this. Also
>still becomes bros with kaito who tries to help korekiyo get into shape
They'd be the perfect odd couple. The times they interact in canon usually ended with Kaito freaking out over whatever paranormal nonsense Korekiyo's was rambling about. Imagine in this AU Korekiyo trying to help Kaito get over his fear of the occult.
and then imagine Korekiyo passing out and possibly vomiting from Kaito's intense workout routines. poor Tulpaman, somebody save him.
>saihara will never travel all over the world with tulpaman because of FIKUSHON
So, Kaito said everyone's the protagonist of their own story. Excluding Saihara and Shirogane, write an AU summary of how you think the story would be like with character of your choice as the protagonist.
>tfw your OC backfire
Feels bad man.
Miu gets turned on when Hiyoko insults her. Sometime just after the 8 minute mark.
>imagine Korekiyo passing out and possibly vomiting from Kaito's intense workout routines
This is the kind of shit that makes me want spin-offs and side material even 4komas would be fine
Okay this is a really darn good idea.... I hope some writeanon takes this idea and runs with it
If you look at the other characters, it applies to them as well.
Everyone thought Yumeno would be killed, when she not only lived, she became the Fuyuhiko (developed as a result of a death) and Aoi (scarred by the deaths of others) analogue.
Everyone thought Tenko would be like Mahiru when she turned out to be like Ibuki despite her distaste for boys. (which had a better justification)
Everyone thought Angie would be like Aoi or Ibuki when she turned out to be way too creepy and was horribly out there.
Most of the characters can't be trusted by appearances. (Korekiyo and Kirumi excepted)
How would chapter 6 go with the twist? Is he going to have the Meltdown of the century when he finds out his neesan was implanted onto him? Would his split personality try to convince him that she's real?
She gets turned on whenever anyone insults her
Just imagine the waterfal in her pants if Saihara insulted her
That just looks like post apocalyptic road warrior Saihara, who ran out of clothes and had to wear the clothes off his friend's dead bodies.
>passing out
>implying not enjoying it due to pain
Maybe out of happiness I bet.
Toko's insults didn't turn Miu on.
Whenever someone she likes insults her, I meant. At least it seems that way, it's kinda inconsistent.
winds up taking thw take ,along with this idea for ch3 that someone replyed to me with in a pervious thread. Angie and tenko would have been fascinating killers
Thats because Toko is a ugly cunt, you gotta be better than Miu to do it.
Yeah, a big point of NDRV3 is that in spite of adhering to some traditions which may be permanently done away with such as the killing game in sequels, we're already in the process of being forced to let go of our prejudices and biases.
Hopefully SC's press event will have new V3 stuff because honestly I'm pretty hyped for this new setting.
>villain protag never because kodaka said no
Why is this hack always rejecting the actual good ideas?
>saihara gets his normie personality in killing game
>chapter 1 still goes through
>saihara isn't the protagonist, but the rival
Who would be the protagonist?
The problem is a villain protag is by definition the lead character except evil, ala Light from Death Note.
One of the long-standing rules of detective fiction is that the detective can't be the culprit, so even if Tulpaman was the protagonist he'd simply be one who's been a serial killer but who now catches killers.
Because making all the characters assholes just means the audience doesnt give a shit.
Exhibit A: Danganronpa 0.
Matsuda was a fucking dumbass who didn't kill Junko on sight.
Because it's Kodaka. He writes what he want and some idiot- I mean, some people respect him for it.
>He mostly messed with people. It also started his and Miu's antagonistic relationship, because he kept accusing her of being the culprit.
Him going on and on about his ~super secret evil organization~, purposefully messing with people and accusing the wrong person twice made him look like a totally harmless chuuni idiot. If you had played the game completely blind I doubt you'd think twice in saying he was Gundam/Hiyoko 2.0.
>Then chapter 6 happens and you start to wonder how much of what Ouma was doing on-screen was an act besides the "I'm so evil" bit.
I'd say chapter 1 Ouma is close to how he would "normally" act- a slightly chuuni manipulative prankster with a dark sense of humor, but nothing truly malicious. Had Amami and Kaede not died specifically taking on the mastermind head on, he wouldn't have felt the need or pressure to hide himself behind the BOY AM I ENJOYING THIS GAME BECAUSE I'M EVIL act because he wouldn't have seen the consequences of taking on the mastermind openly and directly. He definitely wouldn't be a sweet buddy helping out the protagonists, but he'd probably be more amicable.
Yeah, and he also did care more about bringing the group together in chapter 1 even if his method of calling out Kaede was mean.
His attitude in chapter 1 also appears to match how he acts in bonus mode.
What's up with Miu and drugs? First she's looking for some in the prologue, then Shuichi wonders if she took a weird drug in chapter 4 when she starts acting strangely.
I wish Saihara was evil, or at least a murderer.
I really wanted the detective character- who has been a very trusted archetype in the series so far- to be a culprit in the end. Either in the first chapter to totally throw out expectations for the character archetypes, or chapter 5 to make his betrayal after helping you solve the cases the entire game that much more painful and difficult.
Pre-release I pegged him as first victim/killer, or chapter 5 killer. I also wanted him to kill the madman character in that chapter, since logically the detective would kill the next most observant/unpredictable person and easily pin it on anyone else given the madman's unpopularity.
Imagine a chapter 5 trial where Saihara killed Ouma and (almost) perfectly framed someone else for it after he had done nothing but help you for the entire game. That would've been awesome.
Is normie Kaede a cruel person?
She's much ruder than her SHSL self.
user, do you not know how mystery works. You dont make the detective the culprit....
The main problem is that he went too far in the other direction in order to secure his safety.
>cops are not allowed to kill
Gonta, Saihara, Kaito. Ouma is impure and tainted, and Kiibo doesn't have a soul.
In practical terms, this only means Gonta, because Saihara has that protagonist protection now that Kaede died for him (and no reason), and Kaito has Space AIDS protection as he needs to die from that in the most dramatic moment.
He wouldn't be the protagonist in this scenario. Kaede or someone else if the switch happened would be.
Im pretty sure everyone thought Saihara was going to be a culprit and Chapter 1 is built on you thinking he did it until the big twist at the end.
I remember a lot of speculation that he would be the mastermind.
>Imagine a chapter 5 trial where Saihara killed Ouma and (almost) perfectly framed someone else for it after he had done nothing but help you for the entire game. That would've been awesome.
While it's obvious which of the two is the better detective, that would have been fucking awesome if it played out though our protagonist would have had to be someone other than Saihara then.
What if Kaede was the protag and there was always conflict between her, Saihara and Ouma and she ends up trusting Saihara while shutting Ouma out believing he's a bad person?
You would too if you were basically a human twig and the person who hates you most can kill you in seconds. Not that it justifies some of the worse things he did but it's at least not completely unreasonable.
Normie Kaede bullying SHSL Saihara!
Her pushing him to the ground after he accidentally bumps into her!
Her rubbing his crotch with her foot as she threatens him!
Her making fun of his boner afterward!
Her making him feel like an insignificant piece of human trash!
Her laughing as he tries to choke back and hide his tears as she repeatedly stomps on him!
Yep. He was blindsided by Tsumugi manipulating Maki into killing him because he made himself so evil to obscure and protect himself from the mastermind only that he didn't think the mastermind would retaliate by proxy.
One of these is not like the other.
It's not a matter of what's expected or unexpected in mystery fiction in general, but what's expected or unexpected within the realm of DR. I think a big thing in DR is that absolutely anyone can be a killer, no one's innocent just because of the role they fill in the story. Thus I think a murderous detective would be a great subversion of expectations and a reminder of the grim situation they're in.
But, if you're so dead-set on the "detectives can't be killers" mindset, it could be that Saihara was lying about his talent and was never really a detective in the first place.
Miu talks Gonta out of suiciding against the exisals after she was triggered by the remembering light. Looks like even she has a serious side.
Reminder she literally did this.
No wonder Shirogane hated her.
She likes drugs. Who cares
>You would too if you were basically a human twig and the person who hates you most can kill you in seconds.
That's not really his reasoning for MUH DESPAIRS. He is a human twig and could easily get physically overpowered by pretty much anyone in the game, so logically he shouldn't be making more enemies if he wants to live on that basis alone. The reason he goes so overboard with the evil is not to protect himself from the rest of the students, but to protect himself from the mastermind's suspicions as he investigated and worked against the game out of sight.
That was one hell of a gamble (that he partially lost in the end), but he probably considered the mastermind more dangerous than the rest of the students in the end and trusted in his intelligence/manipulation to keep himself alive to deem it worth it.
Yeah, Saihara not being an actual detective would work better.
Anyway, the point you're missing here is that since you can't investigate yourself that would spoil the mystery fiction angle which DR is in a way. Even when Kaede was the 'culprit' in chapter 1 she still told Saihara enough that you'd suspect something's up, and from Saihara's perspective as the actual protagonist he knew Kaede did something.
I think people tend to think Miu's completely devoid of human emotion or any compassion because of her over the top rudeness and arrogance, but she's not innately sociopathic or heartless. If she was already planning her murder plan to escape at this point, there's really no reason to talk him out of it- he'd be one less person to help everyone else figure her out if he died- other than some sense of morality.
Chapter 4 is just really sad.
So, besides the masterminds, does DR has a real vile villain?
Not anyone like celes who tries to be high and mighty or mindhack like Mikan, just cruelty for the sake of cruety type, I think we need a truly evil cunt next time.
The game makes it very obvious that her VR plan is already being worked on at that point, so her talking Gonta out of his planned attack on the exisals makes no sense.
Not really, he's pulling a Togami by letting the cast know that he's not playing by anyone's rules so they'd better be well-prepared if they're going to go after him, while also outing Maki to further ensure his safety.
I agree he did it more to keep away from the mastermind than anyone else, but in the end so much of him is a mystery that we can only conclude based on what we know currently that it's a survival tactic.
Not bad.
Ahh, see I wasn't thinking of a scenario where Saihara's the MC. I was thinking of a case where Kaede or someone else was the MC and Saihara served as a supporting character. My bad.
I agree with you in that case then- if you were playing as a detective who turned out to be the culprit, then yeah, that'd be pretty bullshit. I can't think of a way that would work well.
What's even worse is that all of Miu's motives were said by Ouma, who also antagonized her in trials, so it was hard to say whether she actually just wanted to escape or was actually suicidal and decided to take Ouma, the most likely suspect to be the mastermind, out.