I wanna cuddle and love Jinx!
xth for Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums
1st for THE CHAMP
comfiest bfs~
Xth for Katarina
best girl
i'd die for you
that's easy to say
>no links
>fucking up the eyoson link
I'm tired of these fags who half-ass early threads just so they can post their waifu. It should be a bannable offense.
I want to gently bully Kog'maw and tug on his antennae!
W mana sustain is not very important though - assuming he was balanced you should be able to punish him for going to hammer form.
>despite their background
So no girls that would clearly be good mothers like Sona?
Probably one of the cops or one of the wealthy as fuck characters.
So Katarina betrays her country? Garen won't do it, and Katarina actually has no living family to pay loyalty to that we know of, she's as free as anyone to leave.
Kinda redundant by now but MATING PRESS
Vacuum sucking
>letting boodrum in vgs
>calculator says my caloric needs to maintain my current body weight is 3200 a day
>but it says my BMR is 2100 which is how many calories my body burns at rest in a day
I don't understand, which do I use for calculating my calorie deficit to lose weight?
He isn't even allowed to have base stats FFS. He has less hp and armour than Ezreal. Morde should have fucking Darius tier base stats and maybe some higher base damages.
He's has really cool hair!
and i get so lonely
i can't make it on my own
and i need to call ya
"can you come to my chateau?"
>no /lolg/ on title
die in a fire faggot
We have a list of people that we would take
a bullet for them a bullet for you
a bullet for everybody in this room
Does anyone have any tips for sucking cock better?
>Still no +975 skin
>Still no legendary with new lines
When will it be Jax's turn
>get a good match up
>last pick doesn't lock in
Sorry famalam not used to making threads.
MFW I start out 1-4 and finish the game 22-4.
You'll get either cosmic reaver, or you'll get pizza chef.
If you raises his base stats/damages then his E in his current state has to go.
It is fucking bullshit he can just spam E on people and win lane for free.
dumb waifuposter
f l u f f y
t a i l s
Anyone else just main support cuz they don't have enough confidence to play other roles....
Post your PC specs.
post your fluffy tail
Just dodge it idiot. How the fuck did you deal with old Morde who's E was the size of the fucking lane and did more than twice its current damage?
I love Lissandra!
>no lolg
>no eyoson link
Who has the biggest dick in league?
I play support because I love being a slut!
You have to psych yourself up, convince yourself that this dick is the mostest damn wonderful thing in the world and damn you just want it inya mouth and the last inch of it tastes better than the rest combined.
If you can train yourself to love licorice or broccoli or beer then you can train yourself to love cock.
you've probably already seen it, if you know that much
I'm okay with Pizza de Cham, but we didn't even get it with Pantheon's meme skin. I don't think we're going to get it, Pizza Jax will never be, just like Dragon Master Swain
He's the best!
Wouldn't support be the purest role since you are helping out your team
>rolling pin
>not one of those pizza paddles, so his empowered W can have a piping hot and fresh pizza he hits you with for the bonus damage
I wouldve made it but then thered be more bitching about me making it
not lulufag
>wanting to run shit with beta steam machine because it looks rad as fuck
>cant because 300 were made and getting in contact with owners sucks dick
>also a gamble because theres a mid/low/high spec range at 100 each
>could literally end up with an i3 with a shit gpu or an i7 with a good gpu
>will have to decide to use SteamOS or win10 botnet or both
collecting dev hardware sucks man
the average is 82C for both readings except hdd which is usually fine
My toplaner just locked in Yasuo into Riven. Who wins this one?
Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums is LIVE
People think it's Braum, but it's really Velkoz, he just doesn't let on that his third tentacle is a penis because then he'd have to wear clothes, which he hates.
whoever lands their hard CC.
If the lane is even Yas wins because he completes IE and Shivv and then spikes because 100% Crit
whoever brought ignite
Riven wins if they're both equally skilled
Post 'em
Name related
>dude just dodge the near instanteous cone of damage ;^)
This is even more retarded than the dodge the spears argument. Morde was reworked because he was extremely binary cancer where 95% of matchups came down to if your jungler camped for you. His rework solved literally none of this, his E may do less damage but now he has FREE sustain built into his kit and doesnt even need to rush a shitty spellvamp item to infinitely sustain himself.
k-king gay?
fuck you >:(
then don't do it. i don't care if you crank it to pictures of the half-breed but if you're messing up the op that badly you should probably chill on the thread creation.
Just, DODGE IT, user.
Its range isn't the greatest. FFS he levels it last.
got me on that one bub
all on my qt rumia
hey nerd shouldnt u be MINING
Rate Me
why do you do that user #2?
cant we just share a love of our qt rumia waifu without this possessiveness?
Rumia feeds and loses them the game.
hope you never are in my rankeds/10
I like to press few buttons/10
What did you have for dinner, lolg? I had lamb
i decided to shitpost for a bit before i go to bed
wow lewd
pizza and smoothies
Well, i guess that's it.
See ya in season 8.
So god forbid I actually pick a melee range champion right?
It's this exact line of reasoning that's why we have shit like Jayce and Quinn in toplane. Because of powercreeped turbocancer tops like Morde and Darius. They're the only ones who can lane against shit like that
wow im having a great night
who is you?
>calling darius and morde turbocancer
>playing jayce and a ranged toplaner
I totally agree that Darius and Morde are bullshit but you should reform your opinions a bit.
>die twice because I'm bad
>a teammate threatens to report me
What would you do in this situation?
Does this ever stop or is Riot grooming me for even greater levels of frustration at higher Elo?
> ranged toplaner meme
yeah just play melee into Darius or Garen lol
I went out to dinner with my wife and we split a steak. She didn't eat much of it because she's pregnant.
nothing, i'm bulimic. but that sounds fukken delicious. wh-what did you have with it..?
Why? It's an objective fact that ranged tops came into prominence because played will they will win lane 99% of the time vs a melee lane. Good players are able to snowball and translate that lead into winning the game
Good ol' lasagna.
who is the dad
>>a teammate threatens to report me
Ignore him and say nothing. So what if he does? Dying twice or being bad doesn't break any rule.
Is that what you're going to do with my reward for you?
*blocks your path*
the other four all look just like me so I'm crossing my fingers this one will too
Just farm under tower like you're supposed to and don't try to engage them when they've poked you down to half hp??
> laugh at him and his late
a salad
but i had to skip the dressing and make my own so it was kinda meh
i'm leveling a smurf on NA
ign: all i do is lose
level 16 atm, down to do normals or just smash bots feat. bitta bantz
Please post cute pictures to think about cuddling in bed. Goodnight /lolg/, may you get less LP vampires than I did today.
>support keeps trying to go for kills when its obvious he dies in two seconds and that enemy bot lane has hard cc
>dies 3 times trying to initiate fights when we are badly positioned to begin with
>types in all chat "fuck this retard adc im roaming"
>first thing he does is die mid lane
It was a loss but at least my team knew how much of a shithead that guy was
what reward..?
if you mean semen, bulimia doesn't work like that 3:
>Farm under tower at half HP
>Get gangbanged under my tower by them
+ his jungler
how could they reasonably make his late better? non-linear scaling, like at level 16 he can have a 5/6 mistwalkers?
just consume 1200 calories a day, make sure it's mostly berries, protein, and dont eat bread
This will probably be hard so start at 1800 and work your way down
night bud, sleep comfy~
I like him being a lane bully just like old yorick
maybe the maiden should have a better ai because jesus christ
am i the only person here that sneezes when looking at bright lights? i am genuinely curious
sleep tight, namifriend
happens to me when i step outside and look at the sun