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Is one extremely toxic game enough to get an account permad? I've had my account for like two seasons and have never gotten any reform cards before but after my last game I was the most toxic I've ever seen someone be in this game (telling my adc to suck my nigger cock and that I hope they get AIDS, etc, etc). The person in question stopped flaming me after my rant and said he was just gonna send screenshots to riot. I have like $100 worth of skins and around a thousand hours played so I'd really rather not lose this account.

I've seen a friend get permabanned. He called people faggots and said some insults that reflects his sense of humor, which probably isn't shared by the progressive and transgender staff at Riot Games.

He spent around 100 dollars on his acct as well.

I think only like .6% of the playerbase gets permabanned for toxicity of something.

I have a bad habit of leaving games. Today I left a game because my adc was flaming me for dying twice and "not auto attacking" (?). He said he was going to report me for that. I then told him to suck me off and called him an asshole and logged out. nbd, I probably won't get banned but I'll definitely get a leaverbuster which is fine, I'll do other things while I wait for 20 minutes.

Using the word nigger will definitely put you on their radar though. You might even get a soft ban (if those exist, I've never been banned). They wouldn't trash your account for one game, my friend was repeatedly hella toxic over the course of several months.

Best case scenario, they'll send you a "stop that behavior at once you faggot" notice and you'll probably be fine.

why do all of my teammates who go 0/10 say I'm doing bad even when I'm 20/8

is it really just because I play yasuo that people are too salty to admit they're bad, or is this common amongst all games

they ban you for 2 weeks like 3 times before permaban
Source: i've been permabanned

Is EUW down? It just booted me from the client and now I'm getting unexpected errors when I try to log in.


xth for manly supports who tank hits for their team and not those sissy healing fags.

>no links in OP
One job.

What's a normal KDA?
I know im garbage but I'm trying to find out how bad.

Maybe they're salty, but I genuinely had a Zed throw our game because he was frag hunting.

He overextended time and again forcing us to react and eventually we were ground away through lack of CS and better rotations.

Zed ended the game like 10/4 or something while the rest of us had shit KDs.

Honestly KD is as bad as the dmg dealt chart, there's only one real metric in the game and that's number of Nexus' blown up.

What champions

What do I have to do to get a bot lane that is not shit? I have to adc other wise ever game is like this.

how do i play lee sin good

I will quit support - I see people quiting adc and only shitters or noob remaining - no point to suffer.

Back to mid.

>those matches where you're doing everything right but the opponent escapes with a sliver of hp every fucking time
it's almost like the game is conspiring against you, it feels so fucked up

why does ahri never get a nerf or is even in the conversation about getting nerfed?

>six fucking games in a row as a jungler where all 3 of my lanes lose and at least two of them lose badly

Not even exaggerating. Not a single lane even went even. I've had losing streaks before but holy shit I can't remember the last time it was this bad. Finally taking a break.

Same what the god damn hell is going on???

to sell skins to virgins who fap to her

high™ skill™ ceiling™
high™ risk™ high™ reward™ assassin™ with plenty of counterplay™™™™ and windows™ of™ opportunity™

noone called Ahri high risk high reward ever

>when they think it's your first time playing wukong jungle

wait what happened with old thread

If they have you 24 hours alone with Sona and the guarantee that nothing that happened in that time frame would have any consequences, what would you do?

She perfectly balanced right now.

Does she need nerfs? I never see an ahri in games. Also, to me it feels like she deals underwhelming damage unless she's fed

Piss easy laning phase where she has very few counters. Mid-game is a nightmare unless she dominated lane. Late-game is just running away from fights and hoping you get a charm on something important.

Just play Leblanc.

nothing because unlike the majority of this board i'm not a sociopath

You'd probably do something.

Not user but I would play vida with her.

>enemy mid walks up to our turret before minions spawn to spam emotes/mastery
>our support is Nautilus
Some people are just too dumb to live.

Look at Lyte's shirt guys

Do you think he's reminiscing about banning us toxic bros? About when MsPudding strummed his microchode for RP? About when his fiancee almost killed herself?

Maybe he's coming back to save NA because the playerbase has dropped radically in his absence???


>fired a year ago
>wears that shirt in his leisure time with his camwhore gf

what an aspie

>Almost falling off

Dead game dead thread

thank god

>lee sin jungle
>goes into the enemy jungle two times just to get killed
>announces that he's trolling
>uses "bonobo" as an insult

It really is like poetry

Please wish me luck anons
; u ;

i believe in you friend

Holy shit this thread is dead

there's another one up

>incredibly tanky
>do zero damage

>tons of damage
>kited and killed in three seconds if you miss ult

can we bring back 6 on-hits on his ult please riot

Was on a long lossing streak.

Reinstalled windows - on a winning streak again.

i think viruses, junk software and so on just fucked up the game somehow... as I always felt like abilities sometimes did not launch on press or i randomly spin around when clicking to move ahead, or randomly returning.

Which is why you goldilocks that shit and build titanic/ibg and do respectable damage while still being pretty tanky.

>vayne on my team is duo with our jungler
>our jungler goes noc and says "going tank btw so we have frontline :P"
>both have cringey weeb names

woops didnt mean to quote

>he doesn't know that tanky DPS assassin is back
>ADC in 2017 LUL

what runes do you bring along with WW?

i usually default to scaling armor/mr and movespeed quints

>get free tank on your team

haha epic funny moment blog haha :) subscribed
muh bad teammates right hahahaha

>scaling armor

>needing early armor when he's infinite sustained in jg

>free tank
>when they could be playing lethality noc
are you bronze?

>flies in

his sustain isn't even that good anymore unless you have blue, sure you won't die, but you'll be low health causing you to be unable to gank faglords

Reminder that if u don't have a 1% crit rune in your AD runes you're a fucking pussy

reminder that if you don't have a 1% crit rune on all your pages you're a fucking pussy

>he has any other rune pages apart from AD
fucking faggot

>they dont have full HP/level yellows, quints, and blues with armor reds for the tank carry fakeout

>he has a rune page
are you a wimp?

>thread dies

wish me luck im almost silver 5 :3

you seem like a good fuckboi
wanna duo?


ur never gonna get to silver now

good luck user

When you watch lcs streams, aren't you scared that there would be a moment of awkward silence when the casters don't have anything to talk about?

they always find something to talk about even if it's terrible puns or recent game events or stats.
literally never have nothing to talk about.

not everyone has social anxiety like you

>tank top and hecarim jg dont buy tabis vs a 4 AD team
>malphite rushes armour and berserker greaves vs a rumble in lane
haha xd promos not rigged

>40 minutes of farming
>even casters are bored


>put as support
>get my team an 8 kill advantage in lane
>winning like fuck
>every teamfight adc is dodging spells nowhere near him, not attacking enemies he could easily kill in 3 hits with his huge lead
>tryndamere always forgetting to ult and dying before even doing anything
>gp giving tips while going 0/1/0 for the first 25 minutes
>jungler lee doing typical lol xD I buy full dps items me carry
>On top of being useless support I have to listen to my team rage at eachother and complain which only makes them want to not help eachother even more

This game is fucking terrible

It's so shit I mean really, how do you people put up with this? I'm pretty sure my friend who plays has become a druggie to deal with the game

>tfw teaching my nooby friend to recognize what boots to buy each game
feels good man

>I have to listen to my team rage at eachother and complain which only makes them want to not help eachother even more
Play on the japanese server. It is usually very very quite there. Almost no one talking. Specially mean thinngs.

dont you need a jap ssn to register?

>Zyra, Velkoz, Soraka, lux, sion, syndra, yorick


>not making a braum tier to commemorate the ultimate bro


shut the fuck up already if you're not going to add anything meaningful to the conversation

s-sorry user ;_;

and stay go until you learn proper social skills

>not the ultimate bro

imagine for five seconds if sion saw you as a friend and an ally even when he was completely berserk

thats the kind of bro i want

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

c-can you help me, p-please?

what's that one legacy skin you were around for but didn't get

for me it's draven draven fuck I hope I get it from box or they put it up again this april fools

Who is the girliest champion, personality wise or playstyle wise?

>Jayce not shit tier
>Viktor not bro tier

Read the fuckin' lore kiddo


Well that sorta worked thanks user. Going to bed, lets hope this works tomorrow as well.


sona is way more girler.

As much as I like Viktor I don't think he really qualifies as a bro.

its a tie

>enemy team has both Jhin AND Varus

Fuck this.

>create new account
>verify email for 4 win IP boost
>I need to play bot games until lvl 3
>I'm going to waste my IP boosts for bot games that will last 15 minutes


Rate my gold tier meme:
fervor yorick with triforce and ravenous

>Triforce Yorick

You want Black Cleaver Yorick because the vast majority of your damage comes from ghouls, who also proc it.

fervor yorick with cleaver and ravenous

Zyra support

should i buy runes now or wait until im at least level twenty?

Surprisingly doable since ghouls scale with AD and fervor was changed to raw AD

buy tier 2 when you reach 20, theyre piss cheap, then save up for tier 3 runes
have fun grinding like in a korean mmo user!

>not annoying tier

am i being trolled?
is this fucking bait?