/niohg/ - Nioh General

Nobunaga edition

Latest Patch Notes

>What does each element do?
nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/Status Effects

>What should I do with the armour/weapons I don't want/use?
Purple/Blue = Disassemble (Then use the blue mats to forge a purple if you have enough)
Yellow/White = Sell or you can give it to the kodamas for amrita and the odd free item.

>What does the summoning candle do?
It returns your guardian spirit to you when you die along with the amrita you collected.

>Should I use soul match?
Honestly, no, not unless you have basically finished the game and have a weapon with some really great stats. As you progress you will get a steady flow of new weapons and armour that is better than what you have. Don't waste your money on soul matching until later.

>Why do people keep mentioning "smithing texts"?
Bosses tend to drop pieces of their armour and weapons when you defeat them. Very rarely they will drop a smithing text which allows you to forge their armour/weapon.

>Which clan should I join? (clan unlocked through progression)
Whichever one has a bonus that you think will benefit your build the most.

Beta guide that could still be useful : pastebin.com/VEHby7kd

list of smithing texts:

Last thread died because you assholes didn't make a new thread in time.

tome best

Tome is a jew

delet now

So? As long as a new thread is made it doesn't matter.

what do you guys unlock through tome

i've maxed out sell price markup and upper level limit and the barber is unlocked

i haven't got to ng+ yet tho, is it worth doing anything else?

You're going to get enough points to do everything bro so it doesn't matter.

>You're going to get enough points to do everything bro so it doesn't matter.

should be the tagline of the game desu

Focused on markup and forging, then when I got muramasa back went straight into soul matching + reforging

It really should. The amrita per level caps at 10 million and even a shitty build can get 30million per run from Demon King while upper tier builds can get 130million per run.

I really, really don't want the multiplayer to turn into fucking waifu wars because some immature sweatmonster wanted to jerk off to Fuku's ass while he played. I just know that 90% of people in PvP will be playing as Okatsu or Ginchiyo and that will be absolutely insufferable. I am more annoyed at the devs for making these designs though, like why couldn't Ginchiyo be wearing armor that wasn't form fitting, and why can't she just wear a helmet.


All other weapons besides axes are non true jap cucks. Pls leave my general.

I really, really don't want the multiplayer to turn into fucking husbando wars because some immature fujoshit wanted to jerk off to Kelley's abs while she played. I just know that 90% of people in PvP will be playing as Hanzo or Matsunaga and that will be absolutely insufferable. I am more annoyed at the devs for making these designs though, like why couldn't Matsunaga be wearing armor that wasn't form fitting, and why can't he just wear a helmet.

Let me see if I understood that correctly, at a certain point each level is just 10 million amrita and it stays like that until you max out at 750?

>implying you wouldn't jerk off to kelley

Yes. It's somewhere between 200 and 225 that it hard caps but once you hit that range it stays at 10 million per level up all the way to 750.

Hey anons, I made a colored version of that one image of best girl, enjoy!
Masturbate to it


i'm gonna fuku Fuku

that's not tome

I see. In other news, just forged my first 160.

the hard cap is 250

same first try actually. I very odd turn of luck since I seem to have none.

Where's the best place to farm Divine Iga? Or should I just try to forge my set since I have the smithing text already?

I thought Fuku's hair was slight more silver/grey?

Where do you get the plans for the Tatenashi set?

Forge it. Become the patient zero.

Looking at screenshots it seems to be just as black as most other characters hair, I think it's simply the graphics fooling you.

>I made the worst picture of the best girl even worse
Good job user.

Ng+ hanzo


>4 pieces of Tatenashi
>Raging Bull chest
>Gozutenno's Axe in off slot
>Ravenwing Rifle
>Warrior of the West bow
>Yasakani Magatama
>Todo clan

Is that the tankiest you can possibly be and still have B agility?

Here's a challenge for you: draw Saoirse

I see many pixiv artists shying away from her because her design is so complicated.

I've hit the Tome grind, how do I make money?

>Weakness: Off

the fuck does that mean? They don't have a weakness?

Maybe. You get how much weigh x/max x with 99 stamina and 99 strength?

I'm actually surprised you managed to fit tatenashi in b agility. Shits heeeavy.

He's not an artist.

Request from Ginchyo

Speedrun to the 3 possible chest locations, fight nothing. Get ~110k per run, takes 30 seconds if the closest chest spawn, 1 min 30 if the furthest.

Yes, you only need 96 Stamina to boot.
>shit's heavy

That's why you don't wear the chest, like half the weight of any set is in the chest.

Makes a lot of sense.
Can you go lower tho?
If you ended up in 35% or something maybe you can improve it.

Is that even a lot?

For the amount of time it takes, sure.

110k every minute is the fastest gold farming method in the game right now. Nothing else is even close.

It also gives you a free accessory every run, which is good for farming a Yasakani Magatama if you don't have one yet.

another good one is farming two kings if you can do it fast. you get about 10k less gold but you also have a good chance of getting divines so that kinda offsets it. I switch between the two that way I don't get to board. also it lets you farm up the divines you need.

Alright thanks, it just didn't seem like much compared to what I had but I've only just started forging.

Doing Two Kings fast requires having a good weapon already, and when you first start farming in NG+ your weapon will be pretty shit.

>tfw too busy drawing commissioned titanfall2 fet art to make fuku/mothgirl(male)/SEER-shuh art

alternatively, The Demon's Daughter takes the same amount of time and gives 160k. each run will cost you 1 rifle round though, but that's offset by the drops from the 1 enemy you have to kill, and the accessory mission reward

>being this much of an attention whore
>not linking your art
Ya blew it.

true but I started doing it at around +4 weapon and I was able to clear it semi fast. It wasn't as fast as I can now but it wasn't to bad.

Means their weakness is getting Off'd. Try it.

Well, you WAS paid.
Just make a nice piece so you can get money again.

You could always go to /tfg/booru or something. Also i'm 99.9% commission at this point and everyone seems to hoard that shit so I can't actually link my recent stuff. I'd go to the booru and link relevant shit myself but i'm phoneposting from work and without ad-block the sites damn near unworkable.

>can't figure out how to install ad block on a phone browser
Did you figure out how to open a bank account by yourself or did you have help?

I GET paid to make shit likea comic about a robot phasing out of a dimension into a fat cloaked pilot who thought just because she was invisible no one would hear her chubby ass being out of breathe from a single wallrun. Also some fag wanted a dragqueen grapple pilot but like i mentioned earlier he's in that 99.9% that hoards it so it'll never see the light of day.

Its an Iphone. I could crack it but when it inevitably breaks I won't get any cheap support from apple to fix it.

>Bridge of Bones
>What I think was the last wave
>Biwa spawns
>Seeing all those revenant spots start lighting up

Well, who can argue with money?
Let the guy and his... Waifu? Oc? Dunno


Do you not have SotC or beyblade?

I realize i worded that wrong. I GET paid when its done. I want that money i gotta put the work in. Any other way my procrastination kicks in and my clientele suffers.

Oh, I beat them

But it was still an oh shit moment when I realized how crafty KT was with the placement and knowing how many revenants would pop up on the bridge

>doing some yokai realm coop
>guy doesn't greet
>starts to have a hard time at the first enemy
>flashy iai
>both rush boss
>he starts to be an edgelord
>gestures mid fight
>basically leave all the damage to me
>boss has a sliver of health
>coop bar not full
>he dies
>I'm just on top of his grave
>revives by himself
>instantly dies again
>mission fail
>rush boss
Fucking edgelords

nioh desperately needs updates

what scales damage bonus (less armour)? i imagine its not having something equipped but there's so many shit translations in this game its probably the complete opposite

That makes sense. But its also easy to be scammed and the guy take the "unfinished" piece and not pay, saying he doesn't like it.
Ever considered asking 50% or 33% before?

the less armor the more damage, might mean empty slots.

this is why i only do random encounters

We hear complaints that 2kat attacks deal subpar damage outside skills in cases as early as midgame and to address this we're upping the damage to the 1kat standard. To offset this we're increasing Ki usage and weight of heavy armor 3 fold so as to prevent the Master Swordsman set from becoming to powerful.


Nah. I finish it, get paid, hand it over. Last i heard i'm known for making shit exactly the way they want it instead of doing the usual "anything goes so long as its not in this laundry list of subjects I won't draw cause it triggers me." That most drawfags apparently do.

why don't you test it out?

I constantly consider it as getting paid now is better than latwr but i WILL just take that money, go play nioh for a few days, draw for a few hours, then shelf it for more nioh.

I usually do too.
But I wanted the free bangasa ribs.

I did a bit. Not really sure how. Weapon attack stayed the same with just the gloves equipped and with all armor equipped. I guess i have to attack something to actually see? I dont have any heavier armor to test it properly right now to see if its weight based.

So you're basically not a faggot.
Because I know what you're talking about.
Welp, you can charge extraaaa. Just kidding, its risky to up prices like that.

usually you get paid first

So what's a good softcap on Magic if you're not using the elemental shots or talismans? All I use are the buffs/debuffs/heals, and all I know is most of them become better with more onmyo power. Right now I'm at 60 Magic.

I know. But if i get pais first i will absolutely procrastinate to the point i will actually forget about it. Its basically the plague of my life.
I used to. I've hit a happy medium now though that ensures i get to eat and stay in school and but low enough that people still comeback.

20 for mystic art.
30 for max capacity.

>It's a heavy armor, low stance spear, sloth, elixer, buff user revenant episode

Paid*. Damn tiny phone screens.

Wait, you can unlock Hisahide as a skin?

where's the best place to get higher + weapons? all i keep getting is +4

Would anybody be willing to help rush me through the Evil in the Ether Twilight mission? I hated this level the first time I played it and it's killing me mentally with how expansive a stage it is.

We can skip enemies/Kodama/chests if you'd like, or the opposite; it's up to you.

Password is 8008 if you like boobies.

What's equipment weight max do you have with 99 stam 99 str?

Happily. Joining now.

I'm sorry if I make an absolute fool of myself, I'm competent but not great at the game. I did just beat it solo myself without dying though, so hopefully I won't disappoint you.

Omg thank you. :DS

>want to unlock Omi
>need to clear entire Tokai and Sekigahara
>yokai realm people keep dodging
>when they do play, it's a red demon shitter that dies and fails the mission

sorry that wheelmonk done fucked me up

Yeah...I apologize for falling off that edge the second time. I reacted late to the bats. Fuck me.

Can someone drop Dragon Visitors Kabuto for me?


The maximum weight you can have and still have B agility is 39.1

That's the exact weight of 4 pieces of Tatenashi plus the Raging Bull chest.

Anyone able to tell me the optimal rolls on the individual armour pieces?
Maybe for katana too, but it's not my priority since it's just meant to be a side to my main and used more for the set bonus.

Thank you!

killed that boss good

can you inherit attack on all armor pieces?

>Close Combat Attack (Status Enhancement): D-
does anyone know how strong this is and whether it stacks?
