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What are your favorite custom games so far?


Okay, but is that 400 below your S3 rank?

Should i do placements today or wait for the meta to calm down? kinda want to try out comp this season

sombra is ugly
sombra has unfun gameplay
ana has ruined 2 seasons and is about to ruin a third
the bastion changes eliminate his uniqueness and make him just another flavor of soldier 76
the bastion changes made him overpowered

is there ANYTHING good blizzard has done since release?

it was like 1223 or something. didnt bother playing last season after i got the rank

so i guess I improved eh

I was devastated at 1800 and couldn't even play for a week, how can you see that number and go on?

Just finished my placements,

4-4-2 3872.

The Omnic Crisis feels like a myth. Teams can't seem to play around him well, and it feels like dive is a far stronger comp. Tracer/Genji/Winston really shits on the El Presidente comp, thus far.

QUAKE (Pharah Only)

Huh. Well, grats on doing better, I suppose.

I love Hana.


>Be on the second floor of the cafe on first point hollywood
>Reinhardt Earthshatters on the point
>it stuns me on the second fucking floor

what is this god damn hitbox

Holy shit why am I getting so many shitters in my placement matches?

What the fuck did they do to the system? My regular ranked matches last season were nowhere near this awful.

>Why doesn't anybody want to be a right click and ult machine guys? Sombra is so good, look at all these kills I got by finishing off what other people started

Sombra a shit and Blizzard is deliberately designing her to be a shit. They're going to buff her hacking to the point where it's entirely OP and you need one on your team but keep everything else about her the same. It's going to suck.

It's all the league of legends refugee balancewhiners overreating to patch notes and clickbait youtube shit.

These are people that went crazy over placebo nerfs for fucks sake



>no Bastion meta after 8 hours so Bastion is fine
fuck off retard

Thanks for making Reinhardt even worse to play Blizzard.

Normally i'd say "you are where you belong" but
>bastion now being above decent brings in a new wave of retards trying to force a hero into a meta even when they haven't play with him in ages
>people lock in sombra to "counter" bastion but have 0 fucking clue how to use her beyond that
>people avoiding roadhog like the plague because he doesnt instagib

I wanna become good friends with Sombra and hack things together.

>constantly chasing that one good game of widowmaker I had a couple days ago with 80% accuracy and multiple potgs
>can never recapture it completely

truly the greek tragedy of our time

>my team is the one with the "bastion main" and there's has the godly widow



>Hit diamond season 3 after buying game halfway through season for my first time
>drop to 2500 by playing torbjorn and barely doing anything near the end of the season
>Win 7 of my placements lose 1 and draw 2
>End up at 2634

Im ok with this


not yet

>was 3430 at end of season
>got 2856

I had former top 500s on my team what happened?

Jokes on you most of them left and went back to shit posting on /lolgen/ take the back

Sombra counters Bastion but you fucking need to communicate with your team

>Hack large healthkit
>Tell your teammates and healers to use it instead of healing people, you will no build ult before literally anyone else
>EMP the rein/bastion/dva cluster
>Bastion now doesn't have damage res, heal, rein shield down
>win fight

it's good but I wouldn't expect it to work when half the games don't even have everyone in team chat

I know that feel
>have a game on Kings row
>get dicks kicked in on the last point of defense with like 7 minutes to defend
>pick McRee for old times sake
>finish with 27 elims gold damage and tons of headshots
>now can't shoot for dick
You'll get you mojo back baby, I believe in you

>do all placements with friend just now
>he gets 3000
>i get 1500


Nice script, would be nice if the enemy team was as cooperative in real life.

working as intended

As a mercy main I for one am glad that bastion meta is now in

>thinking getting carried will get you a free slot on the top (ish) seat

>all the people who begged to duo queue with me constantly last season ended up a shitload ssr below me.

>tell them I have to go eat or have work when they ask to play with me this season and log off everytime

holy shit comp is cancer right now, 3/4 stacks that are shit and people playing dps who think they can carry

Yeah man I was getting carried so hard several people thought my acc was a smurf

6 genjis attacking 3 Symmetras defending on King's Row and capture speed was 500% and everything was an instakill. It was pretty fun

>last placement is against a widow who's outright hacking and not even hiding it

The best part is I know blizzard will do absolutely nothing, because they have consistently shown they care nothing about the PC version.
I honestly think I'm done with Blizzard in general. They've fallen so fucking hard from what they used to be...

whens the new character coming out

he'll get banned in a month or two, it's just he'll buy another $10 offhand key from a russian website and do it again

Then why does a bad team drop your score?

I don't know what you want to expect then
What, that Blizzard magically picked you out of the ocean of people and said "you know what'd be great? giving him half the SR of his teammate"

You are where you are because of last season, placement match results, and more than likely "hidden" values that every online ranking games have

TL;DR, you are where you belong

>already at 4 losses 3 wins
I don't want to be in plat again

So explain to me what is the significance of placement matches at the beginning of the season

If you lose a match but still play great, it'll still get you high mmr. Don't lose composure and you'll go high

So what are the changes to season 4 if there are any, do w/l matter in placements, should I just play them solo with Bastion ranking gold medals even if losing? I got to mid plat last season.

>Was in gold, then lost enough points to go "down" to silver
>team i stuck with pulled me to plat, then they dumped myself (ana) and our lucio for 2 shitters our top score carrier was IRL friends with
>now i can't even play with that stack anymore since they had a nuclear level falling out and are in silver range
Sometimes i wonder why i even let team games with ELO/MMR systems rope me in

it doesn't matter if you win or lose your placements. it's all about stats and your previous rank.

>Got lagged out of a KOTH match after winning first round
>Rejoin 2 minutes later to find my team won the second round in a 5v6
There is no better feeling

if it's anything akin to Dota 2's Hidden MMR to Actuall MMR, it's to give you a +/- score from your hidden score/last season score
>end with 2500 last season
>wreck it so hard in 10 prelim season matches
>get to be 3100~ ish now
and vice versa

gold medals don't mean shit, you have to be an above average Bastion player if you want to get out of plat.

>end with 2500 last season
>get to be 3100~ ish now
this is why I wait two weeks until I play my placements

>if the enemy has a bastion then you need a bastion so your bastion can break their rein shield and your roadhog can hook him

fucking good ass meta blizz

Dive was starting to take Rein out of high end play. Blizzard fixed the problem.

welp placement put me exactly where I was last season, can't complain I guess

Right, so if someone who hypothetically placed low consistently won against people who had previously placed far above them, they should climb?

ty for proving my point

>No clue what the meta is
>Choose 76 for all my matches
>End with 2378
Well that's enough comp for me, back to quick play I go.

the medal system only should really only be used as a form of discouragement, like pointing out shitty heals/damage
If you lose while telling everyone you're gold medal king, you really prove only that you couldn't help the team out as well

was giving an example, but yea, do not do opening day Matchmaking for ranked


or go sombra/mei

>Mercy is invincible while ulting

Like, I don't understand. This doesn't even make her any better, it just makes her more annoying to deal with. What was the point of this? God forbid you need to take risks in this game.

can't expect Mercy mains to do risky plays

Mercy is designed for girlfriends. They will never outright say they but it's the truth.

Just look at healers in WoW.

Except it doesn't work that way.

For one thing, ELO isn't designed for a team game. In fact, all the people who are experts on ELO agree it's a fucking stupid idea to use for team-based game. So that tosses out right there the idea that the system is accurately gauging individual skill.

Anyone who knows anything at all about ELO knows that it's a terrible idea to use it for a team based game.

>another new season
>more of me playing tank and healer in placement matches with teammates who are allergic to grouping up
>just had a Lucio teammate try to 1v6 an entire team

Great. Fucking wonderful. Go fuck yourselves, Blizzard.

you did climb, but since you were piggy backing off someone twice your MMR/ELO, you were going up steps while he was leaping mountains
As in, stick with your own SR Range

I know the concept of the 'girlfriend character' but it would've been nice for Blizzard to not bend over backwards for them.

new bastion feels a lot better to play. like yeah you can't laser down a widow from across kings row anymore but you feel a lot more valuable for area denial with how you can actually take a hit or two now

yes i'm aware im a shitter thats why i stick to arcade and quick play

>it's blizzard's fault that the players are retarded

personally i'd wait for a week


>what are ranks from last season

Believe me, i know about how bullshit ELO is for team games
>used to play chess when i was a kid
its the stupidest fucking idea on earth to make a chess match system the backbone for a team game

but it is what it is, and eventually you can even out if you work with your team

It annoys the fuck out of me, honestly.

I want to improve but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong due to being blinded by the Hanzo/Widow mains on my team that do literally nothing.

>being a shitter in a shitter rank complaining about fellow shitters

>take a hit or two now
yeah this is what I like about Roadhog too

bastion is fine retard.

If anything ana is the problematic char.

Place me at 2100 SR will you you piece of shit?

That's 400 SR down, 500 to go.

>shitters are complaining about mercy again

is mercy back in the meta or what

r u havin a giggl at me m8

yeah nah I think you are the retard here

The only difference is that now she will actually finish saying "Heroes never die!" before the AAAUGH!

>still no option to put different characters in the practice range so you can get used to their different hitboxes instead of generic bots

fix it blizz

you're right, it's my fault for trying to balance team comp, have a mic and be competent with tanks and healers. My bad.

Oh, so you are switching to Ana?

You want an honest answer that'll piss everyone off but is the truth?

Play what you want. Fuck the team. Main a hero you WANT to play. And have fun. Yes, you read that right. Fun.

I played symm for all my matches, came out with an 80% win rate, was ranked 2016. Played a single match after, was immediately pushed to 2133.

Yes, people scream at me. Yes, people report me for "throwing the game", and yes, I constantly prove them wrong. I'm having FUN, and I give zero shits about my team and how they feel about me. I'm making plays and making picks, if they don't know how to capitalize on it, well then that's their fucking problem.

>can just shoot someone 5ever to keep them healed if your aim is remotely decent
>hard unstoppable naptime cc when you try to take her down if enemy team is even remotely smart
>ur powrd up :^)

Well it's definitely not blizzard's fault.


this threads pretty dead huh

well check out i think ull like it

catch ya later homies

PTR seemed like every game was just "LMAO ALL SLIDERS SET TO MAX SO RANDUMB xDDD"

i'm hoping when i play after work i can find some good games. i think it's gonna take a couple of weeks for the good game modes to shine and have easily searchable names.

honestly i wouldn't mind just playing Total Mayhem, that was my favorite brawl.

Of course not silly, flying around as Mercy and killing people when they invariably underestimate my pistol is more fun than Ana.

you're only bet is to have minor points added based on individual efforts throughout the game, based off medals and your "hidden" gameplay

>le play for fun xd
Fuck off back to plebbit or whatever hell you spawned out of.

>falling for Hi-rez's schemes AGAIN

fool me once shame on you

fool me twice shame on me

fool me three times and you're a hi-rez fanboy

>OP made on monday
>it's now wednesday

>bastion is fine retard
ok gold

Sorry, I don't want to pay more than once for a video game.

fuck off