What the hell is this?
What the hell is this?
Usually bad news.
Rusty wiper?
Either condensation from taking short trips all the time, or fucked headgasket. If your oil on the dipstick (and what drains out) isn't milky you're probably fine.
I would say sweet and sour but I'm not a mechanic
Rusty residu
Niggers gangraped your car
Is it semen? I think it's semen
It's CLEARLY Szechuan Teryaki
Broken chevy antenna
With that amount I'd do a complete flush and refill to make sure. If the problem continues after that then it is the headgasket
Also; its more common for it to be more mustardy and "cleaner" if its just condensation - but it might look like yours if it has been gathering for aaaages
9 Fucking seasons.
what car was this on?
i think a mercedes, could be wrong though
Mazda miata
Its blinker fluid
an ice cream cone
is Veeky Forums really this retarded?
The name is on the fucking eninge, it's a Mercury
looks like you got spaghetti in your radiator
mom's spaghetti
please fuck off back to plebit you absolute cunt
About $2k
How do you know it's a plebbit maymay without going there yourself?
>i've never used a website outside of Veeky Forums
Why would you?
Tldr engine Mayo
>when you're not sure if the show is so painfully reddit and unfunny that people like it ironically to make other people mad
Merci Bocou - Luxury French automobile
I know the Rick and Morty reference but wtf is plebbit?