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NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

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op fucked up linking previous thread, abandon this garbage thread

Nice OC image.

Thanks. I spent a lot of time on it.

I can tell. It takes time to draw such a great likeness of Fernando.

I thought it was Kinessa?


isnt that grover?

>no longer earn exp/gold playing ai games at lvl13
well this game died fast for me


Have you considered playing against real people?

You should also still get exp/gold for the PVE challenges.


you're not confusing anything but your own sexuality. now wander off and never return.

>tfw you're responsible for 6 of the 12 posts in the general
I disappoint myself.

all me

casual should not allow parties, or at the very least we need a "solo only" queue

There's nothing wrong with matchmaking, it's all working as intented.
- Sincrely, HiRez Drybear

They've worked hard to try and encourage people to party up. A "solo only" queue would undermine that.

post yfw Nando

Thread too dead for this shit my good man.

Nice post though, appreciated. I'll keep this one in mind.



Hi, it's that newbie who has been posting again.

I've now been playing for a week, and while a lot of my complaints are now invalid as I've gotten better; I still have other complaints that maybe someone can help with.

My biggest one right now is how much more this game relies on team balancing than overwatch. In overwatch, even if your entire team picks DPS; there is a fair chance you can still manage an objective with some clever teamplay.
In this game, I feel that the game shouldn't even leave the lobby menu, but instead award a win to the opposing side when your idiot teammates inevitably all pick flankers when the timer ends.
I don't know why, even in casual, the game is allowed to start without there being at least one frontline, one support, and one healer. It seems like an exercise in futility, and relies entirely on your skill level at being able to yell at your team in chat in order to make them pick the right class.

My other complaint is the obfuscation of drops behind crates, awarding pieces of a loadout one card at a time. Frankly, that's kind of stupid. I understand why they do this, but it basically kills any urge to buy crates I may have when, every time I open a new crate, it's filled with four duplicate cards and maybe a new mvp taunt. I'm not even sure why someone would bother buying new crates if that's what they contain the majority of the time.

Also, I'm still having matching issues. Are those a common thing or have I been really unlucky?

>tfw intelligent enough to play Fernando

I disagree, but you can think whatever you like!


I really wish he'd stop stealing my trinkets and give me his own for once.

Also ten minute queue times. Is this normal or are the player numbers pages lying about how many people play?

Reminder, that Drybear promised us something in place of Tyra's cinematic and still hasn't delivered.


but DD needs a trinket sink

>play a match
>torvald's model fucks up
He stayed like that for the entire game.

Waht are you, a POORFAG? hahah! fucking loser!

Being gay is a sin.

Repent, heretics.

I think it's this recolor specifically that causes it. Had the same problem, changed his robes and everything is okay.

What is this thing? I haven't played DD since last year, I'm still waiting for the Crimson Court.

That recolor is broken and has been broken since the patch came out. Woo hi-rez we don't need a PTS!

It's not gay if it's Fernando.

its not gay if youre fae, bolt


Flanknando best Nando

>implying this picture is not an another piece of propaganda that is supposed to make us hate Fernando as much as Drybear hates himself
I'm not falling for that, Rory.

>My biggest one right now is how much more this game relies on team balancing than overwatch
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
And you can still win even if you have a team full of flankers, as long as you choose items right and prioritize right targets.

...Is there more of this calendar, or only one month?

youtube.com/watch?v=LC7dzRHjptU the shrieker, the guy explains it at the beginning

Reminder that this game might as well have no tanks or suports

Just realized everyone on my team spoke english when I played some matches last night and the game was actually somewhat enjoyable. Now I don't want to play anymore because the moment someone put some BR shit in the chat I'll feel demoralized ;_;

lmao friendlessfag get some friends loser

i'd like to see you try to pull that shit against a team of ying/gronk/torv/ruckus/doesn'tmatter

>Players are required to reach Mastery Level 4 with at least 12 owned champions to be able to play Ranked matches.

Players are required to reach Mastery Level 5 with at least 3 Support and 3 Front Line champions to be able to play Ranked matches.



why torv not makoa?

Ying + Ruckus and Makoa + 2 AoE dmg dealers (pip, drogoz, evie, grohk, BK)

Torvald only profits from Ying after losing shield, thus Makoa as a high HP killing machine is better. IMHO

Why isn't Kinessa deleted yet? Almost all of the maps play against her role, Sha lin does her job better AND the average Sha lin does more damage than the average Kinessa.

He is my amigo.

Good morning! Time to get up! This forest needs our protection. Hehehehehehe!

>jew rez
they wont refund me my 20 dollars but the good thing is that they gave me 25 crystals im so lucky



and steam wont refund me either holy shit both are shit companies that are never seeing a single cent from me anymore.

since the Founder's pack is considered DLC and i had played for longer than 2 hours. (but i didnt even get Founder's pack)

this isnt real

There's no way this can be real.
Literally no way they can be THAT Jewish.

Reminder that this guy didn't receive the founder pack right away so he decided to buy it again.

25 crystals is still stupid, they should've given you a founder's pack worth of crystals

I'm getting into fernando for the first time recently
Is it normal for me to do so little damage or am i just playing him wrong?

>but i didnt even get Founder's pack

wait wut
So not even 1 copy?
I understand that money goes to Gaben but why can't lo-rez activate your founders pack?

I still think you're retarder, from last thread, but 25 crystals is a spit in the face, i'm almost on your side user.

They should at least give you tons of crystals and essence.

Fernando is best used as a hybrid tank / pressure pusher.

If you can make the enemy disengage off of the cap or another teammate, you are doing your job.
If you can shield your team on pushes to fire around corners or wall off flank routes, you are doing your job.

If you're jerking off with Aegis up on the cap all game long, you might as well be a Half Shell Makoa or a turret Barik and actually do damage as well.

>3300 elo viktor
>880 elo kinessa
>both on the enemy team

a moment of silence for a viktor enthusiast that was sentenced to lose by the matchmaking gods

Not dealing damage as Fernando means no one is contesting the point with you, so it's all good.

I dunno man, even with Kinessa being the equivalent of a bot, a good vik can make himself a goddamn force of nature and plague the enemy team.

Unlock all current and future Champions, 10 Radiant Chests, Standard Voice Packs, plus Exclusive Beta Skin and Mount!

Did you get any of this?

Get scorch, get incinerate 4, whenever you see enemies group, fireball them in the face. Get caut, so no one can heal on the point. Also, Nando is best on maps like Jaguar Falls, because everyone is kind of forced to nuke it out on point and corridors are not too wide.

dude at this point exposing their jewness on reddit is my only choice but i cant write properly so im stuck there

Just capitalize your sentences and separate your paragraphs like a sane person.

First 10 upboats have the most weight, I'm sure we have 10 reddit accounts here.

oh it is very real i couldnt help but to actually laugh at the absurdity of the situation and i was boiling with rage before that

>I'm sure we have 10 reddit accounts here
Fuck outta here.

>le epic 4chain vs lebbit meme

ill write it when i get home then, lo rez is incredible

Fernando is the only tank i'm not successful with.
Spoon feed please.

friendly reminder

throw a fireball at the enemy to start

then shield

then get off the point and go kill people, starting with guys that are diving on your squishies.


>roast enemies and chase them away
>shield/charge away and shield when you get low
>get healed up

apply your own favorite blend of cards like last stand, hot pursuit, the shield on charge card and that charge cooldown card as you shield card and more as you probably want to get your shield up while healing and have your charge available when you need it

you want to be a giant annoyance they can't easily shake off thanks to your hp that can whip out a shield and get healed up to repeat the process

>In overwatch, even if your entire team picks DPS; there is a fair chance you can still manage an objective with some clever teamplay.
In OW, they can also change (and heroes have more direct counter play), although good luck with that. I'd say with clever teamplay you can still occasionally win with a weird team comp, but you'd probably need to be in a voice chat or something.

i'm retarded and wrote the second part there like a downie or something

but also obviously shield team if they need it, and personally i like the fireball card as FAT fireballs are satisfying and a great move to start with

To be fair, I've seen people win with three flanks and two damage. Once they kill you they just spawn camp/unhorse you until they cap the point and then murderball your team as they shit out enough damage to burn through your shields/healing.
And you're going to have matching issues 5ever because Hi-rez can't into matchmaking properly.

>PVE challenges

I only play those if there is a quest

Looks fairly balanced though.

This game is so much better if you can find just 2 competent players to party with. We don't even use discord and we lost 1 out of 19 games.

well i dont feel mad anymore since they gave me more crystals than if i had paid 20 bux for them, 25 crystals was some spit in the face.

Just me or....cassie's bolt now kinda have smaller hitbox, i mean you really need to aim really precisely ? Not to mention have to timing your attack

It's something for sure. Maybe something quietly patched in because ever since a few patches ago she's kind of faded from the scene. Rarely see anyone play her.

hi rez in a nutshell:
>"we fucked up hard, here are 20 gems"
>"oops, we meant 2000"
they are like this one kid in school that tries as hard as it can with the best intentions, but still fails

Its true, I can never manage to hit her bolts if I get even a bit of lag.

Swap Cavalier to Last Stand, it helps when your healer is retarded. As for the shields, use them mostly when you expect a lot of damage, like Sha Lin's planted, or Makoa's hook. Then you can even drop it, you have enough health to survive till it's back again. If you are getting low, shield, heal up, then fight again or run. Your build is nice, thought heat transfer 1 is a good card, because it allows you to run away quickly if your shield melts too fast.

I think she 'faded' because of Sha Lin and Drogoz. They are more consistent with damage, Cassie is more of a flanker with her mobility. And buff for Viktor does not help her case.

Against smaller heroes, holy shit really grt in my nerves

Jones, bro, get your shit together.

Well, I always become flanker or offensive depends on the situation, I didnt really realize that, a bit shame though. Her first LG really useless. Hi-rev expect me to juggle hero with her Disengage ?

HiRezJones did nothing wrong

He's probably overworked.

Disengage leggo looks good on paper, because it's a tank shredder, but damn, it's hard to hit those airshots.
The blast shot is underwhelming too, the cooldown is too long to make it viable.

I feel bad for him.