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We omnic crisis now edition

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remove omniggers


>Luciofags who spend the entire game wallriding a mile away from their team

I planned to literally 100% only play rein this season, am I fucked?


I love Hana.

5 Cute facts about D.Va
-She is a girl!
-She is a pro gamer!
-I love her!!!

>-She is a girl!
Did you just assume xer gender?

Hats when?

it's just not the same

*smacks lips*
What youse tryin' to say is
*rolls up invisible sleeves*
What you red team is saying
*wallrides heavily around enemy team*
That we lucios can
*pulls up armoured pants slowly falling back below the waistline*
That we can like get sum
*snorts loudly through huge nostrils*
Get sum of that you saying that
*holds ghetto blaster in hands and shakes it twice*
Some finna
*eats lucio-o's and frog legs while having some overtime*
Hol up so u be sayin is
*licks teeth and grins*
That this paylod hurr

What are your worst me ooga team booga stories?

Me too, user!

Why are french people so stupid and shit at this game? Whenever I have a really shitty game with no comms at all they always end with "lelele baguette oui oui xDD" in group chat followed by other frogs replying in their faggot language. Please rename the leave button to "Surrender", I'm sick of those shitters.

me ooga rank 999999 best wdowmaker
team booga say not play widowmaker
ooga me show them
booga booga no you stop play iwdowmaker
oogga bugnga i will change if i dont paly well
we lose
me unga team bunga

>tfw you finally figure out sombra's spray pattern

haha i am unstoppable now

1/10 reformat amd try again

That's only 4 though.

>I planned to literally 100% only play one of the most broken heroes in game this season, am I fucked?

I wonder.

this isn't csgo, shitlord


>sweet the server browser's here
>now I can avoid the maps I hate
>maybe get a bit frisky and turn off snipers
>check the browser
>everyone is going full retard with it
>the lobby titles are like youtube titles

I didn't think this community could disappoint me more.

How is neoBastion and nuHog? Balanced? Busted?


This was S1 for reference.
>Soldier just following me around as reinhardt, doesnt seem to be doing anything but following me.
>Hear "Put your shield down so i can shoot them." over voice comm.
>Oblige out of sheer confusion.
>He actually starts shooting.
>Throw it back up on reflex because of an incoming helix rocket.
>"Thanks man."

To this day i have no idea if he was just trolling or legitimately didnt know he could shoot through a friendly reinhardts shield.


Continued from last thread!
>185 posters
>41 votes

Come on /owg/


kill yourself

Piss off you utter wasteman

5th fact - she's a gigantic slut that hosts these "fan meetups" when she lets the fans gangbang her with a bukkake finish

If the meta is bastion does that mean I can main Genji in comp now?

road is a tossup, if you're a veteran you'll have to get used to it after 1 or 2 games, partly because of the new cooldown. You'll be peaking corners too early by 2 seconds. everyone is now either 2-3.5 meters hooked but at the same time your spray has been reduced, so you have to aim dead center on your reticle for them to eat the shots and still 1 shot.

Feels amazing honestly, I dont have to be dead smack on someones face anymore if my hook isnt on cooldown to 1 shot them.

Bastions survival has increased since you can move and repair, but the only way you can pull it off is you coordinate with a team cuz roadhog is still dominant in meta

I'm getting sick of QP because every game is decided by who has the better Widowmaker. I played a few hours yesterday and in every single game there was a Widowmaker, especially in the enemy team. You know what happened when the enemy Widowmaker ragequit? The replacement was another Widowmaker. Or another game when their Widow switched off, someone else immediately swapped to Widow. The first thing what happens after I load in is that someone instalocks Widowmaker.

Widow is as common in QP as Rein is in comp.

>genji beating the new bastion

>Anubis attack
>play Rein
>attacking point B
>team gets 3 picks
>I assume it's an easy 3v6
>put shield up and move on the point
>die 1v3
>check what team is doing
>they're still hiding and poke-firing behind the chokepoint

>tfw you try hard but still lose
>in mystery heroes


So did you place lower or higher than your season final?

Genji is not a counter to Bastion and he's never been a counter to Bastion.

>people always prioritise widow and hanzo over a healer or tank
Kill me

das it mane

higher by 200 points, my friend got pretty salty since his highest last season was higher than my alt


>people who really like widow but know they can't play her competitively only use her in QP

You should be happy.

Post Sombra

ok, here she is

right here

been here all along

>switch to Winston to go hot monkey dick on their ass
>there's always a fucking Laneboar who focus fires you all the time

I just hope they permanently fuck off to sniperbabby custom arcade

hello silver

It's free ult charge for them
it's why winston's passive should be to give no ult charge on damage

>Young Reinhardt


I want to become good friends with Sombra and buy ice cream for us two.

Kill (You)

Kill myself

Why? She's ugly and also not a good person

I have never met a French person that wasn't dumb as fuck desu

post cute

Argentina is white!

What does being 'on fire' actually do?

we kept playing like this until 3rd round, when ana swapped to lucio, good game!

makes all the girls wet as fuck.

>Roadhogs full name is Roadie Hogington


It lets the enemy who they should kill first

que tal


>Befriending people baesed on looks
Sombra is pretty and i don't mind her not being a good person

Well I got placed in 1597

The new SR decay is one of the best things Blizzard has done to this game. If you can't play 7 games in a week, you don't belong in diamond or higher. It also weeds out all the schoolkids and other retards.

as someone who played just quick play up until now I think i enjoyed it much more during the offseason when there were people who knew what they were doing. now the average competence of players has noticeably dropped, is it time for me to start playing comp?

how many fingers do you have

>Sombra is pretty
She's pretty disgusting to look at, yeah.

Twitch tv more like koreans fucking everywhere tv

t. Gold player

Let's the team know who's boss so the on fire player can bully the rest of his team.

>they broke D.Va again

Good one blizzard, i see you aren't even trying to be subtle anymore in your bias against her.

Ever get that feeling Déjà Vu?

If Doomfist doesn't have Savior and Scourge legendaries when he releases I'm going to be very upset with Blizzard.

What is this poster trying to convey

Who sunken cost gaming here? Every season, I'm hoping to play less but already put so many hours.

Anyone good wanna do placement matches on Xbox? I'll do 2-3 people max. I placed diamond last season but I'd like to place masters or close to it this season. I'm 2-0 so far. Just gonna try and instalock soldier if that fails zarya, no mic just don't be braindead

>need to play SEVEN games a week or decay
Diamond is going to be ELO Hell now when all the Master and GM players decay.

Why is Bastion everywhere. Why is Ana so strong. Why is Zarya so unkillable. Why is Lucio a nigger.

Fuck McCree, Kill Hanzo, Marry Rein. Actually really easy, I don't know why you would pick differently.

best soloq tank atm?

Sombra is beautiful and you shouldn't bully her.

Blame the fags who abused ranked to pad their stats and sr. I see my games being really bad this season and I'll never be able to play that many ranked games a week sometimes.

Most of them

Zarya has always been a solid choice


>she's broken
>blizz is biased against her

You're not making sense. Either way, the bastion buff is good mews for D.Va since defense matrix is the best thing you can engage him with.

>matrix is still bugged
>"defense matrix is the best thing you can engage him with"
point and laugh

>Served stopped working
>was about to win my 9th placement match


I mean literally broken.


>finally about to win a match
>servers go down

>please play the ptr, we really need feedback to ignore

bastion is fucking unkillable with a mercy and a rein

still does retarded damage in sentry mode and now even pharah rockets don't do shit and deflecting him to death with genji doesn't work either

he's a goddamn juggernaut in tank form even without nanoboost and somehow I still had a teammate that couldn't get one kill as a nanotank

blizz why

automated tournaments?