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/vsg/ Vscape General
first for age old template
uh how did this happen? haha
literally shoah
>page 10
>tfw starting to consider buying Veeky Forums gold (tm) because these captchas make me want to an hero
>thread on constant life support
>dying every night
>no one even cares anymore
appreciate the small community for what it is
>he doesn't use legacy captchas
I cared. But look how I was repayed. Spurned by the very madmins that I loved so much.
Why are you guys all so gay
i know u are but what am i
This is what anime does to people.
Hammi is a loser, no friends. Sad!
i-i'm hammi's friend...
Hammi resorts to creating "headmates" to comfort his loneliness, sad!
im not fucking bald
@red@delete this
are you hex
yes, yes i am
good evening brethren
come to pest control you fuckin faggots 1 needed
I'm gay
We know.
I'm glad the thread dies instead of turning into waifus like other generals do.
>struggling getting money in ironman
>start fletching
Tfw UncleChuckus will never go a waltzing matilda with me ever again.
Just fucking end my suffering now
And they say i'm a degenerate.