/fhg/ - For Honor General

Nobushi Edition

>NEW: First balance patch is now LIVE! Patch notes here:

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>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

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femwarden best

This thread will move so fast no one will no I migrated here illegally

Peacekeeper is okay.

horrible thread, gamers!


can you trip so i can filter you

yeah it's perfectly fine that PK can play a different game spamming lights and zone while everyone else has to deal with her bullshit
They're too fast to react to, it has nothing to do with block speed.


>Peacekeeper is for spanking.
I agree.

For those who missed it, here are the summarized minutes from yesterday's dev stream.

Peacekeeper is for making shitters who haven;t learned how to block and parry salty.

peacekeeper is also for reporting

The main issues with Warden and PK stem from their zones. They are far too fast. If they nerf the speed on those it will bring them in line. Maybe a slight nerf on PKs initial strike damage.


more like Nobu a SHIT

What's the best software for recording my gameplay?

on consoles the right stick has a gigantic software deadzone and it makes her an even greater nightmare. if you're on consoles move the stick around gradually and check how far you really have to move it to get your guard to change.

in that moment i realized how poorly-designed pk really is

I want to chop off all of peacekeepers limbs! I want to fillet her thigh like a salmon and eat it!

>tfw peacekeeper that can do both

They don't need a direct speed nerf, they just need to force you to change to the proper stance before you can use them.

>having issues with Warden zone
Nigga, its literally a free GB if you block it that the Warden can't tech.

Remember to BULLY Wardens to go outside of their comfort zone.
Honestly, I get fucked more by wardens feinting and then delivering on a big sideways heavy, or top heavy than the vortex stuff. Vortex is annoying at best. People who feint going for vortex but don't are the devil. People who fuck with your brain are a lot more difficult to deal with.

>they just need to force you to change to the proper stance before you can use them
that'd actually be an excellent change for zone attacks across the board


do controllers on PC have this?

That's exactly how Kensei is meant to be played. They are absolutely terrifying with their mind games.

Yeah no, you should not purely go for blocks and parries against her. You are fucked if you do that in most cases.

oh shit thats almost entirely good news
well done ubi :)

Does anyone else has the basic attacker/defender colors locked out? I have to reset my appearance to use them.

I'm talking about Storm and Dusk, btw.

Raider should be the exception, and I think nobushi dodges into hers so those should get a free pass as well. Honestly applying the change exclusively to fast switching characters might be the best way to go about it.

That feeling when a Kensei successfuly cancels his overhead big swing 3 times in a row, only to guard break you and hit you again but it fucks with you each time.

The reason why that is a problem is guardflickers. You can't react properly.

Well shit it looks like they are actually trying to make this game better...color me surprised.

don't know. by default, maybe, but i'm sure there's a way to reduce or remove it. again, no exaggeration, you almost have to hit the plastic border before your guard switches on console. it's insane.

Fascinating. Not even being sarcastic.


xth for random hero mode (1v1/2v2) when. If there's issues with balance, let each team ban one hero before picking.

Also best of 10 ranked modes with no environmental hazards when.

I need a crash course on playing Nobushi. I haven't branched into the hybrid characters yet, and I want to give her a spin first, but I've constantly gotten my shit pushed in. Either I can't maintain space like you're supposed to, or my attacks are slow and constantly get rebuffed, or my stamina gets wrecked. I want to like her, but it's rough. Where do I start?

Yeah, I play with my stick against the rim at all times and just roll it to whatever guard I want unless I'm going from top to allblock.

I understand why you dislike environmentals but you have to understand that Law and Raider are balanced around their existence.

With this being said most maps have too many.

what the hell was that warden side feint, it happened super fast

Once I got to play against better players as a Warden I was getting cucked by good berserkers on the regular. Shoulder bash feint into parries were my only savior so I learned to use them well.

Also - I stopped trying to parry against them unless they are doing a dash or have committed to a leap (which good ones almost never do), because otherwise feinting me and then going for an attack in another direction was the main way they chipped my health away.

Feints, surprising commitments, and the occasional top lights is what I go for. Usually play more defensively against them because their counterattack capabilities are fantastic.

If the enemy is playing defensively either feint heavies and follow up with a bleed light or just keep attempting to poke until they do something. I find people have trouble avoiding her side heavies and zone attacks too
If aggressively, hidden stance if you can time it well (counts as a dodge and as the first step in a chain, this means you can either poke the nest or kick immediately after), otherwise parry > GB > overhead heavy > kick > I forgot what goes here. The main things are to not rely on pokes for damage.

Give them bonuses for slamming people against walls, then.

>play nothing but conq since the game launched
>start to get a bit tired of the whole "throw sluts into walls and bash them up a few hundred times" thing
>decide to play shugoki
>my fucking face when

Holy shit why did I not play this fat ass nip sooner? Every time I golfball a bitch off the map I get a rush of endorphins. It's fucking NUTTY.

I never realized that but you're right. Maybe I can up the sensitivity on the stick...It's basically artificial ping.

Looking for a side/probably new main, need some suggestions, i want something that isnt plain as fuck with more than one combo or something that atleast has feint games that i could use
I was thinking about valk, zerker, raider, kensei or the law man
Anyone recommends someone out of these?
i want something thats satisfying to play as

I hope the Roman hero brings a coliseum

Put a gun in your mouth

Also keep in mind she changes stances REALLY slowly, just dodge if you're not confident in a parry or block.

Shugoki is legit broken, and not in the ''This character is OP'' way.

and shugoki also

Also kicks.
If you're in a better bracket than me you may have to use hidden stance dodges.

>Every time I golfball a bitch off the map I get a rush of endorphins
Just this line almost makes me want to buy the game.

she gets a free overhead from GB?

if you mean the attack, then it was the zone attack, but double attack reticles happen due to generous input timings
since zone is made up of heavy attack + light attack, you can hit heavy THEN light, rather than at the same time, and the reticle will flash for the side you're aiming from but the attack will always come from your right

this works for all chars, though orochi, warlord, warden, pk are the only ones who have fast enough attacks for it to actually matter

was the memory leak hotfixed or is it still happening

Kensei and Law are the only satisfying ones in your list.

So can Warden really not crushing counter a Kensei's unblockable or is it just me? Is that a bug or intentional?


> i want something that isnt plain as fuck with more than one combo
Of those, Valk and Memebringer. Zerker's kit is simple but does reward mind games
Combos? His gimmick is basically spamming heavy attacks against people who walk right into them and bear-hugging if he loses fights. He's not really that mentally demanding

>ragequitters causing game wide lag

im rep 3 law

i want a break

is conq good at giving me that "bashing and throwing" feeling?

They really need to add a leaver penalty over anything, considering someone leaving the game can fuck it up completely

>noticed i almost never see kensei players
>try him out
>pretty fun, seems pretty balanced. That's odd.
>go to 1v1
>btfo roaches and PKs because they seem to have no idea what he does or how to deal with it
>pouring of salt claiming he's op and disconnect every other match

why are assassins such shitters

It's so good man. Max Throw Distance on your gear, get Throw Farther feat, and enjoy being able to launch fags off your point like a small, fat, Japanese version of King Kong.

so people don't go double shugo/lawbringer/raider and meme people to death?

and would you really want to have to fight double warlord/conq?

It's clear the issue with why Conq and Warlord are so strong in 1v1 is because of their allguard. It completely negates the point of having a guard system because it comes out as fast as a regular guard and blocks anything. They don't even need any skill. If they make it take longer to execute and/or guardbreaks become untechable when in turtle stance that will help bring it in line.

warlord will do you much better

I'm getting burned out from playing kensei at this point, gonna try Shrek a bit myself tomorrow.

its because there is no reason not to quit if you're going to lose so a lot of people do it.

They fuck me up so much as a PK because I haven't the slightest clue how to fight them. You never see them.

Why the fuck is the community for this game so autistic?

A lot of you guys on here are pretty cool but the community at large is full of 13-year-old autistic sweaty honorfags. Was there a mass migration to this game from fucking Call of Duty or am I missing something?

Fellow PC players, should I use KB+M or Xbox or PS4 controller?

But is THE NOISE SATISFYING when your tetsubo send them flying after breaking ALL THEIR BONES?

Even though it's just talk so far, the fact they are acknowledging all the horrible shit going on makes me a bit more hopeful. Let's hope they don't fuck up

>berserker is using a raider helmet, and raider belt/pants
>warden is using a flail
>orochi is using a mishmash of all jap character's gear

what the fuck is going on in this picture

I use Xbox controller, never even considered M&K really. Same question.

Because it's a fighting game, fighting games are salt farms.

Raider WIP guide


Rate and hate

fuck off redditor

conquerors all-block is straight garbage

wtf i hate youtube comments now

>There are shitters on this board that actually think Warden is OP

no the clear problem with conq and warlords all guard is that its only weakness is its stamina use. But when they are out of stamina they can basically just block everything and maybe get hit by a few fast move here and there but for the most part wont get really punished and will just get their stamina back. They will never get thrown down because they are always looking for the gb and its too easy to counter.
This is why I think that raider is one of the best characters against all guard spammers. Raider punishes anyone who runs out of stamina hard and forces them to not just block.

He's fun as fuck. Abuse your super armor, throw people into walls for a guaranteed bear hug, and remember, golfballing people into spikes and off cliffs is the best way to play him.

Every time I hear that CLONK sound I smile. Bonus points if they roll off a cliff.

that's real box art senpai

I have no idea why they fucked that up either

This. Warden is just balanced perfectly and anyone who plays him dedicates to learning the hero properly because he's so basic.

the salt mines is like 99% of the reason i play this game

there's nothing like pissing people right the fuck off

god bless the ledge

XP and steel payout?

That sounds really fun. Damn, I dunno.
On one hand :
>salty community of leavers
But on the other hand :
>can send people flying

So, between For Honor and Dark Souls, which one produces more salt?

well he's also OP

The Duel mode tutorial video even says "Throw people off of shit, its their own fault for not paying attention." and there are so many hazards in most duel maps that they're almost impossible to avoid. Trying to maintain honor is pointless, especially if you're a character with knockbacks or knockdowns.

>be shit at game
>rely on crutch
>haha u mad xd

>everyone says Warden is OP
>get the game and decide to main as him
>isn't OP
>get good playing warden
>play on consoles so the most people can do is spam wow! on the chat box

you are all whinny fags

>When you're playing a new character and you get beaten by someone you would absolutely destroy with your main

My rage knows no bounds

ps4 controller is straight ass it feels so small and yet you have to reach so far for the analog sticks.

>being this mad

Dark souls generates next to no salt I don't really understand the correlation.

There's too much retarded shit in Dark Souls (hit detection being the prime example) to really take it that seriously, when this on the flip side is DESIGNED to be taken seriously and taken to the hardest the tryhards can go.

help i dont know who to main

A bot in skirmish just got a 4 team instant breaking instant win catapult holy shit