/bnsg/ - Blade and Soul General

Yes this looks good edition

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ToTT: Trove. Oh god. Fucking trove.

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Suchasoftie more like suchacutie


im sad.

doglyns #1

lol dead game

If you're selling gold at 1:4.0 please kill yourself.

It'll never get better because we're getting new outfit and there is trove.

>website under maintenance

I thought they wanted my money, what the fuck gookjews?

Worse thing is, this trove is actually cheap on gold
Hex gems are 50g instead of 100g

GonF are for __________

Nothing, the ones in this general suck.



Why did they put this piece of cellophane here? Completely ruins the outfit. Its just there for no fucking reason and kills the symmetry.



>not complaining about the arm wrap or the bracelets

>NA questionmark

its okay you look like shit regardless of the outfit

Thank you hungry skellington

me irl

Like anyone cares what a fatfuck thinks about ascetics.

I'm going to force feed you burgers

sup rate me i decided I'm just gonna be the best in pve since SF is worthless at 55.

its okay I already know I'm godlike ;^)

imagine spending months coming to this thread just to shit on people who still play the game only to come back and actually play the game

I never really stopped playing though, sorry if you can't handle a little bit of shitposting

>Only 20k dps with 647 ap

Yeah thats basically Destroyer tier dps for that AP

>AP is the only thing that matters


If you have that much AP but shit crit and acc then you're basically a beached whale

>Implying i have spent a dime on this game so far

I already do that with WoT. Just returned to this game because I was bored and am enjoying it more than the first time. They evened out and improved the skill sets but they completely fucked up the economy and item progression. I feel sorry for anyone leveling in this game that has no hongmoon weapons from before the patch. I dont think I would play it if I had to. I have characters leveling I have used those weapons they hand out over my hongmoon weapon just out of curiosity, they are sooooo shit.

>Whaling means spending money

A narwhal is still a whale

Results from 50 keys + free roll. There were 15 Legendary Jewels but I used 14 of them.

Non-Crit items of interest
>Raven feathers are in stacks of 2 for 2g
>Ornaments and Evolved stones can go up to stacks of 10 for a few silvers each.
>Moonstones up to stacks of 15 for a few silvers each
>Ingots up to 5 each
>Legendary Jewels in 1 or 5 stacks at 5g or 2.5g each
>KV Resets are 10g 1x
>Blue repair hammers in 10x and 30x stacks

Small Crits
>Have the outfits/accessories including white seductress mask
>Have the HM Hexagonals for 50g
>Have 100x ingot stacks if you're broke

Out of 50 keys I only got 3x absolutely AWFUL rolls, where I took 2x msp plants, 5 basic elements, and 1x Moonstone.

yes whaling quite literally means spending money

No, you can whale by spending your time (which you nevere get back) day in and day out to increase the numbers


I'll be there in a minute

did they do a crackdown on mods or something?
i keep getting crashed with an untranslated error pointing at my CookedPC folder after this patch

Uninstall your nude and futa mods and try again



>15 seconds in he wipes his nose with his hand
he deserves all of this bad shit happening to him



Hello fellow redditor

some of the older chink mods use their bootleg repacking program that doesnt have the correct packing algorithm for the texture, and the game seems to detect it.

now in the chink mod community they are trying to use upk manager to repack the outdated mods. just remove whatever mods the pop up is pointing at and you good

>Comments and likes disabled


Does anyone have any screens of the SAMURAI ILLUSION weapons that are in the trove?

>Market in complete Black Friday style freefall.
Goodbye anyone that was hoarding anything other than darts and gold.

Just buy now and make tons of gold after the trove you idiot

>takes 5+ hours for them to process my payment

man whaling is hard work, even the gooks get me my gold within minutes.

I will fuck this beaver in front of kyoppi

I don't think that'll have the effect you think it will

Lyn imposter


except for ornaments prices didnt drop at all on EU

Now to wait for someone to show an unsheathed razor...

>staff and axe same model


who are you calling a sausage you little shit

So where does the technomancer outfit come from?

I think it's going to be part of one of the store rotations, I want it too.

but they did?

Oh geez I wonder, hmmm... I don't know.

Fair do.

>trove is here
wts luudes for trove moni
keerp promse


why the fuck do you have cinderland thorns favorited?

It looks cool!

Kinda gives me a Jet Set Radio feel

dang that is cute af


>tfw you will never go clubbing with Gulg and pop ecstacy together

>one of my friends got divorced over this, you guys are ruining peoples lives
NIGGA IN TWO DAYS?!? This is wild


Not gonna lie, former Greg viewer here. This is fucking hilarious watching Greg crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nudes :/

Not gonna lie, former Greg viewer here. This is fucking hilarious watching Greg crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nudes :/

Not gonna lie, former Babbletron viewer here. This is fucking hilarious watching Babbletron crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the troves :/

amber is coming back you have been warned

If he didn't disable comments, delete his social media and just embraced the memes it would have blown over and probably got him more viewers.

which should I get...


Fuck im happy when i get 20k at 640ap
Then again ebon shields are some scary shit to get

stone of wisdom if you don't already have belt/neck/ring to stage 6+
Raven feather if you are looking for bt ss
Soul warden's emblems are a total of 30g right now
Moonstone is also about 30g

Raven feathers

Please help
I am at stage 7 weapon
stage 8 soul

I have 1 premium stone and 2 forging orb right now

prem stone all the way

70ish boxes
like 4 crits, unlucky with outfits though
tons of leg jewel (15 gold win)

and then THIS box as last crit... :)

those brilliant keys will be 90-100g each in a month if you want to play the investment game

DC lobby NA #28364
come get money

Anyone else getting a shitload of errors that keeps crashing the game on startup?

if only kyoppi was here....


I need to start doing dailies but I don't have time now. Hopefully there will be lobbies later tonight. I need to be carried anyways.

message him on discord, dummy.

Install Visual C++ redist 2005 and post the error and tell us how you get it

oh but I should add I'm a warlock so I won't be that useless.

its fine we are probably just going to pug it

Which do i pick ?!

Good luck!
