/bbg/ ─ Bloodborne General

Old thread: >A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>Co-Op & PvP

/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
(every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules: a.pomf.cat/jzmnvh.jpg)

/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

Other urls found in this thread:


Annalise is the best.


Things that piss you off after losing PVP?

Join the League.
vermin > blood-cum

Restocking vials and bullets.

It seems like reddit will do a revival event. Also one month PS+ costs only 0,99€$, so you could get your twinks out and fuck some reddit fags over.

You could also show up for the fightclub on saturday.

Visibly hitting the dude 3 times and no damage

>Fags popping vials every hit and Respect/Beg for Life after a fight (bonus rage for gankers)
>Lead Elixir + Evelyn
>Invading and dying to oponent with few pixels of life few times in a row

Hello /bbg/. It's been a while, I hope you're all going well

All is well

What chalice are the FC's most commonly in? the OP doc mentions 3 or so glyphs

What makes Micolash such a meme? What is is about him that had such potential to be such a huge in-joke? Micolash is arguably the big bad of the game, head of Mensis, overseeing the ritual that caused the moon to come down and cause rhe beast problem to explode, responsible for kidnapping all those people and melting them down in Yahar'gul, Micolash is the game's main villain, really.

I think one part is the Kos/Kosm dichotomy, it's a perfect thing for a community to latch on to and take sides over for fun, and he introduces this bizarre, seemingly pointless divide. I think also it's that he's so tonally out of left field - a whooping, laughing, howling lunatic talking to himself wearing a cage on his head. And he's just a human, not a beast, or kin or undead Pthumerian, he's just a person.

I honestly love Micolash, he's a fucking great character.



Every saturday everyone goes full panic and spams "FC WHERE????????????????". Then some dude writes either Loran, Isz or Phtu and everyone goes there to slap each other.

Did you get that from some facebook BB group?

Simple. I'm pretty sure he talks to you more than any other NPC. The fact that he endlessly repeats his lines and the VA obviously had a blast recording them makes the meme potential even higher. Then we see the Mensis Cage, which is bizarre even for this game and finally the obvious: Micolash Cage.

Thanks, better blast through some chalices to get the Isz root then

user, I MADE that facebook BB group and I post there every day

what does no host blood bullets mean?

Finally, FINALLY beat all the Old Hunters bosses. All that's left now is the Chalice Dungeons.

When I was like Lv70 I nope'd out of Lower Pthumeru because of the Bell Bitches summoning Spiders who took half my health away with every swipe. Any recommended level for the Depth 3, 4 and 5 dungeons? Should I go NG+, beat that and then do the Chalices?

>no host blood bullets
You've read that wrong.
The host has to blood bullet in a FC because then you're roughly the same HP as your invader.

No healing, no vials, rally is okay and if you get a message rated, allow the other person to heal.

If you are the host, as in if you summoned someone else into your world to PVP, hit up on the d-pad to make 5 blood bullets which will then lower your health to the amount theirs is lowered upon being summoned. Summoned opponents only have 70% of their health, making blood bullets removes 30% of yours, so it's fair.

You bloodbulled before fighting and don't heal so that both fighters have the same health.

Just get mensis gems and power through that bullshit. There is a speedrun and a guide IN THE OP.

how to you get it for .99?


Just change the en-gb to your country.

Oh I see, I didn't know the one who joins has less hp

I can't get it to work for US.

>9,99$ for one month
>no discount

Burgers btfo holy shit

>make a strength character
>want him to be a part of the church (fitting with the kirkhammer)
>join the league again

Same happend with my bloodtinge character.

Okay /bbg/. Need your help on deciding whats next.

So far, I have 3 characters at BL110:
>STR/VIT, both greatswords
>BLD, guns only (also bloodletter)
>SKL/BLD, chicago & bowblade

I have 4 more planned:
>90 ARC broccoli with tonitrus
>STR/ARC wheel and boomhammer
>Quality build for beast claws

Ive never done an arcane dominant build before, or really used the beast claws. Im unsure which build i should do next. I already have my stats worked out for each one and am aware which korean gems i need for each one.


why 110?
i'd say do a arcane build, hunter tools are fun

Arcane is funmode, top tier elemental damage, broccoli, hunter tools, it's great

Why people claim that BB is linear? I mean correct me if I'm wrong but you can just kill CB or BSB, Amelia, go to Forbidden Woods and then go straight to Frontier, right? Thats, like, skipping two gravestones.

BB and BoM are not good Skl/Arc weapons, no weapon is. Just stick to Skill with them. You could just use Claw on the Strength build. Str/Arc will probably be a bit easier than Pure Arc since you could slot Physical gems on your weapons most of the time. If you want insane Tool damage, go pure Arc. If you want more weapon options, go Str/Arc.

Its just something I've stuck with since DeS. I dont really know why. I see level 100 as a good cap level but add an extra ten for a sort of bonus thing. I dont know my reasoning behind it really. Autism probably.

So pure arc then?

Bloodborne is partially linear; It has linear progression in some places but is open-ended in other places. It is linear because Gascan>Amelia>Rom>TOR>Memeolash>Wet nurse are required and always in that same sequence. It is nonlinear because there are hundreds of different things that can be done in between those bosses.

Oh, forgot Amelia>Shadows>Rom

I understand that the BB and BoM dont synergise well with arcane, but my builds are roleplay based to a degree. Its a 50 skill 30 Arc build, im just squeezing a few more AR out of it while being able to use most of the hunter tools.

Tbh, this one is an experimental build anyway, ill probably end up scrapping it.

-Pthumerians bow to Micolash
-In contact with aliens
-Possesses psychic-like abilities
-Controls nightmare with an iron but fair fist
-Owns castles & libraries globally
-Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities in Loran (Cagegrad will be be the first city)
-Owns 99% of blood ministration sites in Yharnam
-First kin of the cosmos will in all likelihood be Micolash babies
-Said to have 215+ Arcane, such intelligence in Yharnam has only existed deep in the old labyrinth & Byrgenwerth
-Ancient Phtumerian scriptures tell of a man who will descend upon Yharnam and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented meme progress with him
-He owns cage R&D labs around the world
-You likely have eyes inside you right now
-Micolash is in regular communication with the Great ones Kos and Kosm, forwarding the word of the Great Ones to the Healing Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the Rom & Ebrietas (First meeting between the two in over 1000 years) and arranged Ebrietas’ first trip to Upper Cathedral Ward literally a few days later to the Altar of Dispair?
-He learned fluent Awoo in under a week
-Nation states entrust their meme reserves with him. There’s no memes in /bbg/, only the Nightmare of Mensis
-He is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he is a benevolent memelord.

What are good vit/end values to go with for the early game until like rom

Vit; 30-35
End; mostly base, end is usually the last thing i level on most builds

I usually pump vit to 20-25 before Rom.

The game has a very clear progression path with branching areas that eventually loop back on each other. I don't think you can actually skip anything.

Central Yharnam leads to Cathedral Ward leads to Old Yharnam, then Hypogean Gaol (optional version of Yahar'gul) which leads back into Old Yharnam.
Also, Cathedral Ward Lecture Hall and Frontier (once you have the tonsil stone), also leads to Hemwick which leads to Cainhurst, dead end. Later on leads to Upper Cathedral Ward.

Woods lead back into Central Yharnam, then to Byrgenwerth which by way of Rom's fight leads back to the Cathedral Ward and Yahar'gul.

Yahar'gul leads back into Lecture Hall and then Mensis is its own area. Also provides key for UCW.

Point is, you have to go forward to go back. I believe Cainhurst and Mensis are the only dead ends which don't lead back somewhere else. It's a connected world for sure, but only half one way.

20-30 Vit, base End-15. Late game reach 40-50 Vit, End will still be enough at base with a Stamina Rune. If you want more End, don't go over 20.

Does untricked LHB have phantom range or was I just unlucky to get paired with someone with high latency? I'm willing to admit that I'm fairly new to bb pvp (but not souls in general) and it was pretty daunting to fight against.

Pump VIT to 30 (bare minimum for any character, 50 preferable) before any other stat. Weapons dont scale well untill higher upgrade levels anyway so theres no point in leveling them early game anyway. Base END is fine but never go over 20, you have runes that do the same job.

Because when you get over the confusing layouts, most areas are really just a straight line with occasional short side-paths. Even the oh-so-confusing lower Forbidden Woods are literally just a winding path you can follow if you have no interest in exploring.

Non-linear means you can do mandatory elements in an order of your choosing, but in Bloodborne you cannot.

You WILL start in Central Yharnam, you WILL then go to Cathedral Ward, then the only way to proceed is to go to the Forbiden Woods, then Byrgenwerth, then Yahar'gul, then Nightmare of Mensis and Mergo's Loft, done. You cannot skip any of these and every single other area is completely optional.

A little bit I would say. Just dodge out, let them spam and try to parry. LHB babbies usually just spam the r1s.

You could slap 20 Arc on a Skill build for Exe gloves, they won't be used for damage though. Just pressure, stagger, setups and what not. It's better to put 25 Str for BB. 25 Arc gets you Tiny Toni and 30 gets you Brew, both are only good at higher Arc. You can go 50/50 Skl/Arc without going over 120 though, you'll just have to live with base End and around 40 Vit which isn't bad.

What the fuck are you smoking? Do you actually enjoy having every boss fight take fifteen minutes? The higher you pump your scaling stats, the more damage you do, the faster enemies die, the less Vit you need.

Granted, I don't claim to be the pro in this game, but so far I've always pushed my main attacking stat to 25 before I even touch Vitality (unless I play a Noble Scion, fuck that 7 base Vit) and I never felt I was too fragile.

Makes sense, Thanks. I think ill leave this build to last or untill I've thought it through a bit more.

Not him but BB Pellets and Papers are enough to compensate for low damage stats. I always pump Vit to 20-30 before damage stats without any problem with damage as long as I upgrade and gem my weapons.

I start pumping str/skl/arc after i hit 30 vit. Thats usually around cathedral ward/hemwick for me. Then i add onto vit as i need it up to 50. Sorry if i wasnt clear, but chill out a bit mayn.

Sorry, I had just remembered that "Vitality is not a meme" idiot who had 99 Vit and everything else on starting values

May be just my opinion, but if you're using Pellets to up your damage with the downside being that you take more damage meanwhile, then you might as well just keep the Pellet uneaten and the Vit stat untouched.

Eh the risk isn't major when most things won't do much damage early game. Plus Pellets are to kill bosses quick, you'll do enough without them.

>Sorry, I had just remembered that "Vitality is not a meme" idiot who had 99 Vit and everything else on starting values

wot u say about me faget

END>your faggotry

become absolutely rekt

Anyone up for helping me shred defiled doggo?
The Wheel i want is just beyond this flaming faggot and i just cant get him past the 30% mark without getting one-shot by some shit.

Yeah, what's the password?

bbgdog, look for Executioner Hawk


Holy fuck, thanks dude you're great.

Just started playing. Does the Bath Messenger in the Hunter's Dream sell infinite amounts of Blood Vials? Or just 20?

Infinite, naturally.

Cheers m8
It's infinite, so there's no need to worry about a limited stock.

20 means you have twenty blood vials currently.

Have you two ever had a duel? If so, who won and why wasnt it recorded?

it's funny how most of the people I SRRC with don't even know what SRRC is, and they just assume I am on the exact same floor of the exact same dungeon as them ringing my small resonant bell all day

Infinite, the price'll go up as you keep playing. you can only carry 20 vials&bullets at a time without runes to increase that amount. the rest goes to the storage box

Anyone up for frontier Amy?

Ah, ok then. Thanks.


>wanna do a cane playthrough
>never used it before
>took me forever to kill the cleric beast because it does 0 damage

Am I gonna regret this? Does it scale well or should I just switch weapons


with slashes, right?

iirc the '/' doesnt work
or has /bbg/ lied to me

Cane is for style. Its good for chipping away at multiple enemies at once but yeah... Overall its pretty shit.

No slashes.

The only thing really that impressive is how wide reaching the transformed mode is, despite not reaching that far forwards.

You're doing it wrong.

I bare no ill will towards the original meme master, but we did co-op once, I believe

>tfw you will never see endurance man and vitality man face off

It has a bit of a rougher start than the other starters but it's not too bad. Pretty fun weapon imo, does well in both PvE and PvP.

why do you guys still play this 2 year old game and how is the general still alive? the game can be beaten in an afternoon and pvp has always been dead because of the dumb bell maiden thing. I don't understand

I've been sitting at the lamp for a while now I guess I missed out.

>accidentally kill simon on my first playthrough
>have to kill him now for his weapon
I'll never get this niggas dialogue

also killing amelia took forever without levelling my damage stats

great post

Ask /ddg/ or /ksg/.

Because we somehow have to justify buying an otherwise $400 paperweight.

Naw i'm still waiting

it's just a prank haha

Dungeons, Co-op and PvP aren't dead as long as you ring in the right areas. Even Demon's and Dark Souls on PS3 still has a bit of activity.

I guess I'm underleveled or something? Are there even BL restrictions with a pass? It's weird I've been sitting by the lamp for solid 15 minutes.

There isn't BL restrictions for pass. You sure your password is just "bbg" and its set to worldwide?

I'll try and reload.

Because it's fun

He's the BANE of Bloodborne