>What's the daily schedule like?
Really, it depends. For the most part, you'll be following the flow of the freight. Wake up after a 10 hour break, drive till you get to your destination, get your freight sorted then drive until your clock runs out. Rince and repeat.
>Start driving at 8 every morning, drive till 8 or 9
This is one technique some drivers use, but imo it only really makes sense to use when you spend more than 3 weeks out at a time and have fairly consistent freight (lots of drop and hooks). It's never worked for me as a flatbedder.
>Or do you wake up and start driving at different times every day?
Usually, no. If you use up your 14 hour clock and take a 10 hour break, you will be able to get up at the same time every day. This changes every now and then when you get strung out with nothing to load/stuck at a shipper...etc. again, it depends.
>How do you get internet on the road?
I have ATT unlimited on my phone only.
>Mobile hotspot your only option?
I've never used one. Can't justify the cost.
>How often is hometime?
It depends on your company. Industry standard home time is 14 days on the road and 3 days at home. Some are worse and some are better. Now, I work 5 days a week and get home on weekends. It gets better with experience.
>Getting stuck out...Is that often?
This only ever happened to me on weekends and seldom. I hated it, but some people like it. Different strokes.
>How big of a paycheck do you get every week / every other week first starting out?
Your first year you can expect anywhere between $35k to $50k depending on your company, how good freight is that year, and most importantly, how well you adjust. When looking at companies and comparing pay ALWAYS ask what the trucks are governed at. From there you can get a ballpark figure of what you can expect to earn. Figure (cpm) * governed speed * 8 hours of driving * 6 days
That will give you a fairly conservative figure, but should end up being about average