Let's have a real discussion here
Was Atheism a mistake?
Let's have a real discussion here
Was Atheism a mistake?
The truth is never a mistake.
Atheism is an inevitability, calling it a mistake or not would be incredibly simple minded.
Yes because while it is the truth, most if not all human minds can not handle it. It'd be best for you to just pick your favorite fairy tale
>they say, as they wipe the salty tears from their eyes
>There is no significant example in history, before our time, of a society successfully maintaining moral life without the aid of religion.
- Will Durant
Atheists need to understand their "holy war" to destroy religion comes at a cost. Even Nietszche understood what would happen when you remove the morality from the West.
You cannot destroy a buildings foundations without collapsing the building
Better to be depressed than suicide-bomb people because they don't share my imaginary friend
>these filenames
about what I expected
>reddit on suicide watch
>Depressed inpatients (N=371) who reported belonging to one specific religion or described themselves as having no religious affiliation were compared in terms of their demographic and clinical characteristics.
>Depressed inpatients
The only thing the study proofs is atheists are less affraid to kill themself.
>atheists are less afraid to kill themselves
Thank God for small mercies. Why don't you join your brothers-in-arms? After all life is cruel and meaningless
Never said life is meaningless.
Why don't you bomb yourself in a mosque and enjoy your life in the eternal paradise.
Too easy. Suicides don't get eternal life my ignorant reddit-friend. Why not hang yourself bro? It's all a pointless accident. Join your comrades.
>when you remove the morality from the West
Secular Humanism is superior, compatible, and as easily explainable as "lol its good cause god"
So, all atheists are depressed = no one who is religious is depressed?
Then why is your life so sad, Op?
I don't know about depression. But about suicide, isn't it strictly forbidden in most big religions?
Fear of hell is one of the main reasons I haven't killed myself to be honest.
>It's all a pointless accident
And yet in this pointless accident we say fuck it and find our own journey. Where are you without your little theological narcissism?
Really? Is that why even militant atheist Hitchens began to understand the West needed - at the very least - to preserve cultural Christianity?
>hurr durr humanism will save us XD XD XD
An utterly retarded answer in a world where secular Europeans and Americans are being out-bred and replaced by Catholic Mexicans and Muslims
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>religion is narcissistic
Religion teaches humility. Not bragging about how clever you are on reddit/atheism.
If you can't find meaning in your life outside a god you cannot proof then you are one of people who need religion, and I feel sorry for you.
But the only accident was your conceivement.
>Religion teaches humility
Calling other people's lifes pointless and empty; and your opinions divine is considered humility these days?
> at the very least - to preserve cultural Christianity?
Pragmatism, really. What's the point of trying convince hundred of millions of people into a different view?
>hurr durr humanism will save us XD XD XD
I never said that but okay lol.
>where secular Europeans and Americans are being out-bred and replaced by Catholic Mexicans and Muslims
I really do like how Christians pretend they "built the west" from nothing, anyway. The world has been going on way longer and societies have found different ways to function well before your 2000 year run.
>Hey guys, I'm special! God's got a plan for me! Follow my religion and we can all be special! And all the non-special people can go to the bad place xD
I don't even reddit, btw, so pick better insults.
>I'll just put words in his mouth to make myself look smarter; then I'll pretend to pity him. I'll save this to post on reddit after for likes.
Get to fuck you dishonest charlatan. Everyone can find what meaning they want in their own lives. There's only one group of people who run around dismissing the neaning of others and looking down their noses at them.
A group tending to be made up of middle-class twenty-somethings who seem to think they know everything about the world without experiencing a thing first hand.
>calling your opinion divine
Point out where that happened
Strawman, a bad one at that. Fuck off back to
and learn how to argue
Can you point out where it didn't?
Checkmate theists.
not him but
>I'll just put words in his mouth to make myself look smarter;
>Why not hang yourself bro? It's all a pointless accident
The only superiority complex idiot here is you.
>literally arguing based on how something makes you feel
Maybe you should read up on why he changed his mind?
>I never said that
Fair enough - I apologize.
Atheists moral code leading to collapsing birth-rates means said moral code will be subsumed back into the religions it eventually left whose birth-rates are still high.
>built the West
That's not the claim and I suspect you know that. It's that the wealth of the ancient world would have been lost forever if Western Christians hadn't devoted themselves to the copying and keeping of texts
>the only superiority complex idiot here is you
>literally crying over the 'kys' meme
>when the opening was given by someone proudly proclaiming atheists are good at suicide
Neck yourself redditor
Ad hominem, and a bad one at that.
Why don't you fuck off to FunnyJunk and learn how to nit a sweater.
>It's that the wealth of the ancient world would have been lost forever if Western Christians hadn't devoted themselves to the copying and keeping of texts
This is only half-true. they preserved many texts while simultaneously destroying and pillaging temples which housed much of the ancient world's literature
Okay, next time I argue I'll just accuse the person of projecting. That a humble thing to do.
And no, you know no humility, or morality for that matter. You only know commands.
>Atheists moral code leading to collapsing birth-rates
Where did you got that? Looking at the most christian European country (Poland) it seems like nonsense.
Do your opinions come from Holy book (Qoran, Bible)?
>Bringing up a meme country to prove a point
>dodging getting proven to be full of shit
>given by someone proudly proclaiming atheists are good at suicide
I can address the University of Warwick, or an user that may actually be responsive.
>when evidence contradicts my claim it's a meme so it doesn't count
>Scientific evidence
>Social science
nice meme
Nice strawman there, aiden.
When will you plebs learn how to argue?
Aww his poor wittle fee-fees are hurt
To be fair, Poland is one of the memest countries out there
>damage control
Your blue jeans are showing, user.
please explain how that's a strawman. you literally said Poland doesn't count because it's a meme
>literaaly started complaining when someone was told to kill themselves
>on Veeky Forums
>only pretending it's a big deal because the other person has a belief system different to his own
He's right. Kill yourself
& Humanities was a mistake.
Neck yourself redditor
>he's still crying
No, I said memecountries shouldn't ne used to make points. C'mon, user. Reading isn't that hard.
>Maybe you should read up on why he changed his mind?
I don't really care what Hitchens said, desu, the argument was my own.
>I apologize.
Birth rates and such geopolitics are out of my depth, so I refuse serious comment. I only wish Secular Humanism to be continued to be presented, so that maybe some of the religious will realize that their often working towards similar goals, then perhaps seeing the faults of enabling fanaticism.
>That's not the claim and I suspect you know that
99% of the time it's a part of that train of thought, but I fell to the same knee jerk reaction. My apologies as well.
>the wealth of the ancient world would have been lost forever if Western Christians hadn't devoted themselves to the copying and keeping of texts
It's certainly fair more complex than that, and not indicative of Christian Altruism. England executed a man for trying to publish the bible in english.
Kek. Now this is butthurt.
Dank memes in this thread
Wow OP, that really activated my almonds. Now I'm a #ChristMissile
that's the same thing though. Perhaps I should say that Sweden can't be used in support of saying atheism causes low birthrates since its among the memest countries out there
This thread really made me hate christians.
Whats wrong with that? I come from it's Atheistic neighbor and we have better birthrates and suicid rates than them.
And its a good comparism, because we have simmiliar incomes and comparable cultures.
>basing your perception of a religion from posts on a mongolian throat singing board
nice bait
It really is. They make good Army knives tho.
>believes in causality and probably rejects the idea of free will entirely
>thinks the idea of being part of a design plan is ludicrous
Atheist have no self awareness.
>Meme country neighbor.
I'm so sorry
Made me think atheists are really thin-skinned t b h. Great at dishing it out but useless taking it
>the idea of being part of a design plan is ludicrous
What does causality have to do to with design? Also, there is no "design" unless you've proven it the designer.
>there is no "design" unless you've proven it the designer.
Not necessarily.
>don't care what Hitchens said
That's fair enough
>Secular Humanism and religion working toward same goals
The most reasonable on either side would have good common ground alright. Though the extremists on either side would much prefer to snipe and bitch at each other. For what little it's worth I think humanism is a good, principled and honorable way to live.
Part of me does wonder though if the morals humanists take as universally correct have been historically influenced by religious thinking? And I would wonder if humanism can stand up to an aggressive religion. Western atheists don't seem to realize how neutered modern Christianity is
>not indictative of Christian altruism
You're right, texts were not kept for purely altruistic reasons at all. The end result worked out well for the West though
>England executed a man for trying to print the bible in english
Kek. The eternal Anglo. In fairness though it's a good example of how dogmatic earlier Christians were and how the Church has modernized to a degree. Seperation of Church and State in the West is a given fact of life nowadays
please enlighten me on how you can tell the difference between a designed universe and a non-designed universe
Same way you can tell the difference between a car and a box of scraps.
>lol it's good cause god
As opposed to "lol its good cause muh feels"?
Our atheists are a pious people.
>lol its good cause muh feels
What? No. It's not good at all m8Y
I made a typo and wrote "design plan" instead of "divine plan".
If you believe that A leads to B leads to C and these events are inevitable than you essentially believe in a cosmological plan. A course of events has been laid out for you, and your actions will be the genesis of further actions down the line, as your life is just a single link in a massive chain that extends through out all time in every conceivable direction.
You clearly have no problem believing that you were predestined to do X which is predestined to lead to Y. Yet for some reason the idea that this cosmic determinacy was deliberate makes you balk.
It's silly.