Quick Veeky Forums! You became the undisputed dictator of Historistan and you have to create a new constitution.
What do?
Quick Veeky Forums! You became the undisputed dictator of Historistan and you have to create a new constitution
If I'm a dictator, why do I need a constitution at all?
Because you are a good person you care about your people.
So? I'm still apparently an authoritarian. I'll just go with enlightened despotism. Fuck creating anything that can even theoretically trammel my authority.
Nothing, I retire to my harem until an uprising happens then I kill myself
>Article 1: the dictator shall be awarded an unalienable 50000000$ from the treasury
>Article 2: the dictator is and shall always be immune from prosecution
>Article 3: no articles of this constitution may be lawfully altered
>Article 4 and beyond: to be determined after a nice long constituent assembly
Why "istan"?
Because, let's be honest, it's going to be a shithole.
First, I order all gold to be turned in. Then I will abdicate and leave the country with my gold, because I don't actually want to have to rule because was soll nicht alles Meine Sache sein? and so on tbqh.
> written constitution
Firstly, I would outlaw marriage.
Just write some decrees, I don't give a shit.
take the US constitution and bill of rights and then add limits to lobbying and corporate interferance
>having a non-written constitution
get with the time britain
I'd expedite the process and use a religious book as a constitution
Ain't nobody got time to write no goddamn constitution
I'll defer to meme black science man here.
>religious book as a constitution
already doomed, fuck why do GODKEKS wish so hard to ruin everything.
literally eat cake
Secretary of the Treasury here. I have bad news ...
Limited government
right to bare arms
then abdicate my power and become a florist
Basically the US constitution, but with the head of the legislature and the head of the executive sharing the role of head of state, like with Roman consuls.
The legislative leader is intended to be a political hack, the executive leader is intended to be an arch bureaucrat.
Oh, and something good like approval voting rather than First Past the Post.
Oh, and no electoral college.
Also, maybe make government agencies directly responsible to Senate subcommittees as opposed to the executive.
just copy Switzerland
Nice one, my property.
US Constitution except alternative vote rather than first past the post.
Also, no electoral college.
Finally, mandatory conscription nationwide, and everybody keeps their rifle if they chose to after their service.
Also add in an Equal Rights Amendment
Think that bout does it. I retire taking a wealthy amount of land and go off to the frontier after organizing counties into provinces and stuff and they vote in their first leaders.
Separation of corporation and state.