/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, March 1st:
509 BC – Publius Valerius Publicola celebrates the first triumph of the Roman Republic after his victory over the deposed king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus at the Battle of Silva Arsia.
1457 – The Unitas Fratrum is established in the village of Kunvald, on the Bohemian-Moravian borderland. It is to date the second oldest Protestant denomination.
1713 – The siege and destruction of Fort Neoheroka begins during the Tuscarora War in North Carolina, effectively opening up the colony's interior to European colonization.

CK2 DD41 - Secret Religious Cults

EU4 - 14/02

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.




>playing such an early start date in a game that doesn't represent it well

Why not

The latest DDs



Oh good, a real thread.

Because it doesn't represent shit properly
Play a CK2 mod or something or play EU:ROME

Join the official discord

What will be the theme of the next EU4 expansion besides golden ages? What's the name anyway and when it will be released?

send link pls


Mongoloid & acidic


Ask James Reed

>implying ck2 represents the period properly either

Caucasian and Magnificent

alex are you here?

La Plata

what ya need senpai?

fuck off nigger

>Finally religion will stop being a binary state and people will be able to hide their true religion
It only took 5 years for this. Maybe in the next century you won't be able to immediately tell if someone's gay

>USA and Britain fighting a proxy war over the Brazil/Peru border in 1888
>Fighting also breaking out along the northern US border with British Canada
>Tiny Nordics banding together to fight off all the countries with red, white, and blue tribands as flags and actually winning

Now there's something you don't see every day. And thanks to the nordics my tiny shithole will probably survive France attacking me.

Why is france attacking you?

Does anyone have the full Alternate Flag Pack image with all the flags

AI will justify shit against you if it hates you.

Download the thing and just see it

Why did you let a GP hate you?

How did you become independent?

What's the best way to become a republic as a Latin American presidential dictatorship?
Should I just start a war and let myself be occupied to generate militancy for reforms?

Based mods deleting the troll thread.

>French Colonial Conquest of Baltic Bas-Congo

I think they started the war because I was involved in two other wars at the time, because they have a neighboring colony, and because we had terrible relations.

They don't even need to justify because all the GPs got Place in the Sun against me when I annexed the Congo

Rebellion for independence

Reedgruppe blow the FUCK out

Recently learned that naval tradition gives trade steering so I added that.


No cheating. It's not even hard, try it yourself. You just sit in your comfy little baltics building industry while waiting for Russia to get overrun by rebels. Then you just let rebels siege your own capital while Russia is too busy to save the Russian-backed government.

>play V2
>get attacked
>400 000 v. 1 000 000 -> 200 000 v. 100 000
Every fucking time.

I am the individual who made the other thread. I am not a member of any groups outside this general, and my personal opinion on external communities is that they are cancerous by principle; if we're going to have a community then it shouldn't need other little communities attached to it which inevitably become their own thing.

I just hate how verbose the OP is and I hate how /gsg/ unironically has a fucking shadow government.


You basically just have to deal with it. R&I is a newfag at that, but an autistic one.

>I just hate how verbose the OP is and I hate how /gsg/ unironically has a fucking shadow government.
Keeping the obese OP is useful because it helps make the thread instantly recognizable.

A lot of the links in the greentext section are probably useless and could be condensed, but they aren't hurting anyone. Keeping the recognizable OP image (or at least recognizable variants of it) is something I'd say is important though.

What do you mean by a shadow government? Are you referring to steamgruppen or to R&I? Because you should know that R&I doesn't exist. There is just a bare majority of people here who have independently arrived at the conclusion that the only way to keep the thread going is to stick to convention. I'm definitely not "R&I" and yet when I post the thread I follow those conventions exactly, just to avoid added drama.

not him but are you fucking retarded? just search "/gsg/", why would anyone NOT do this

Fuck off, no other fucking generals have this level of OP drama, all these things you've just said apply to every other thread and yet somehow they're not issues to them

Our problems are artificially created

Reminder to report spam.

the drama only comes when Alex and the grandicorps have an austism attack because someone added a mod they don't approve of into the OP.

>Keeping the recognizable OP image (or at least recognizable variants of it) is something I'd say is important though.
Why? No other general does it. We have a thread title. The retarded warning is worthless, shitposting gets reported anyway whether or not it comes from reedcord or somewhere else.

>I'm definitely not "R&I" and yet when I post the thread I follow those conventions exactly, just to avoid added drama.
So you create threads 20+ posts early and slot in a retarded post? The funny thing is that on the rare occassions where no second thread is made, the first thread is generally quality, without shitposting...

The only time we have OP drama is when someone tries to change the OP.

Stop fucking complaining about it and there will be no drama!

That's what I do, and when I see four threads, I look for the one with a big black rectangle and fewer than 700 posts. I know the ones with anime images are troll threads.

Just ignore the shitposters lad, no use in arguing with them.
They just want to create drama.

>the first thread is generally quality, without shitposting...
who do you think you're fooling?

>shitposting gets reported anyway
No it doesn't.

Ok you caught me lad. Clearly the jews are paying me to shitpost in your thread to prevent national socialism from rising up, right?

>I look for the one with a big black rectangle and fewer than 700 posts
Why? Just use the thread that was made first, or even better, let the thread get to page 10 before making a new one and sperging out when it doesn't have a 'big black' thing in the OP

memesupreme are you here

Wait a sec do people actually believe that posting "Reminder to report and ignore shitposting" is actually going to reduce the amount of shitposting?

This is some next level delusion

>Keeping the recognizable OP image (or at least recognizable variants of it) is something I'd say is important though.
Which is why you use the fucked up R&I version.

>The only time we have OP drama is when someone tries to change the OP.
How long have you been here?

>That's what I do, and when I see four threads, I look for the one with a big black rectangle and fewer than 700 posts
1. It should be "fewer than 750"
2. usually there are like six threads up, all with the rectangle.
3. why the fuck are anime image threads "troll" threads? Who the fuck is trolling you?

Have you actually gone into those threads (OP image or not) on the rare occassions when there's no second thread? The lack of "reminder to report and ignore shitposting" in those threads doesn't harm the quality of the thread. ONLY when there's a second thread made is it full of "This is the Steamcord thread".

>posters are fucking retards who need to be "reminded" to report posts by a person who's been here for less time than half the posters in this thread
Reminder that R&I was conspiciously absent a couple of years ago and that the OP image wasn't a thing on /v/ or early Veeky Forums.

Weebs who add unrelated images to their posts must be stamped out.

Lads, I'm gonna start a new campaign in eu4, what achievement should i go for?
have these: pastebin.com/1eZjyW0k
Haven't bought RoM yet but have the rest

>r&i doesn't exist
is this bait

It's R&I. He admits he's the one who made this thread. He posted it after he wrote up his reminder, and after another thread existed.

Stop lying, you nigger.

No arguments?

The R&I post is just a meme. It's shitposting, but far less annoying than the autistic shrieking fit that you fags are throwing about it now.

I'm just talking about making the OP "Grandi StratREEDy General - Liqqy diqqy doo!" and posting some fucking anime shit as the image, which is exactly what would happen if there stopped being a "traditional" OP.

>some fucking anime shit as the image
Like what literally every fucking other general on Veeky Forums does?

>The R&I post is just a meme
Yeah which is why it's always present in the thread before it's even posted as a link to the previous thread and why OP always makes a thread 20+ posts early, which is not done even on the fastest of generals which wait until page 8-9, nor on slow ones which post the new thread as the 750th post or try to.

Go post in those generals then

Not everyone who plays gsg wants to "meet your waifu" or whatever, fag
Are you literally incapable of leaving anime out of everything you do?


bitchboy it doesn't have to be anime. Pic related would work on /twg/. /gsg/ could simply post a picture of some historically important or iconic event. You're autistic about an infopic nobody reads, and autistic enough to repeatedly change it. Don't think anyone forgot your autism trying to kick DH out.

I just don't see why we can't have the OP image by a historical photo. I've tried multiple times to make a new thread with an image based off of the This Day in History stuff, but it just gets instantly ignored and deleted.

I never post the thread early unless someone else tries to and ends up screwing it up (wrong date, no subject line, changes the title to something without "/gsg/" in it, etc.)

About half the time I make a jokey R&I post myself, sometimes verbatim "reminder to report and ignore shitposting" and sometimes a tongue in cheek variation. When I don't, someone else usually does. It's not a fucking conspiracy m8

Stop posting anime.

What's the best EU4 unit comp



>Don't think anyone forgot your autism trying to kick DH out.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about?

The only game I think should be banned from this thread is EU4, but I know I'm in the minority on that one so I've long since given up on it.

They give a nice goal and bragging rights, I like them!

>I never post the thread early
You shouldn't post the thread early fucking period, report the other thread for being early.
Now if the title is wrong then that's literally an incorrect post. Wrong date, I can understand that. Subject lines are required to create a thread at all.
R&I isn't a 'meme', it's annoying as fuck. By perpetuating it you're only perpetuating shitposting and early threads yourself. Kill yourself.

>Literally what the fuck are you talking about?
Are you this fucking new that you don't remember R&I trying to change the OP image to not have DH?

>You're autistic about an infopic nobody reads
That's completely not true since that was the first thing that I did when I opened /gsg/ for the first time.

Honestly this is the best idea by far, i don't know why r&i won't allow this

uninstall.exe lol
got him lads


I'm tired of the autistic OP pic and the wall of text no one reads as well

>Are you this fucking new that you don't remember R&I trying to change the OP image to not have DH?
Holy shit, how many ways to I have to explain that was a different fucking person from myself? "R&I" is not one specific person. If I am R&I, yet I didn't try to expunge Darkest Hour, who the fuck is R&I?

aren't you a little old to believe in r&i?

Then go away. If you come here to look at meme pictures you are clearly in the wrong place.

>completely not true
That's why we have people asking every fucking thread "what should I start with" right?
Fine - a few people do read the OP. Good on them, that's what an infopic exists for. But it's almost entirely unnecessary, engenders shitposting when edited (as it surely must be from time to time), and enables edit wars. It's also less than useful because you need to ask about shit anyway for the most part and all the info contained can be shoved into a pastebin, and in far more detail because we don't have to worry about not having enough space to fit in all the info.

Anyone who doesn't remember when we didn't have an infopic needs to fuck off.

More people dislike this idea than like it. We'd rather keep having the thread than "experiment" with changing it for no reason other than to satisfy your need to control everything.

is stellaris grand strategy yet?

R and I seething cause he got deleted last thread, got reported for spam lol.


The infopic is incredibly useful and is iconic of these threads.

If only retards would actually read it before posting instead of shitting up the thread with a million easy/basic questions; these people are similar to those who go to Veeky Forums and ask "?how do I lose 45 lbs in a week?!?" instead of reading the fucking sticky.

Why do you think the infopic came about in the first place? Hint, it's not because someone thought "I know, I'll make the OP useful and informational so as to derail the thread!" Jesus fucking christ

dude just check the EPIc infopic it has everYTHING!!!! you will ever need newfriend :)

I'm quite new in this general, but I've been here almost every weekend and some everyday-evenings for a month now. I came from /int/ so I'm used to shitposting. However shitposting and argue about the OP is weird even for me. Having the same OP-picture for all threads is great, this is something not done on /int/ normally, but it simplify the general quite a bit by doing so. That way we shouldn't have arguments about "bad thread starters" and whatnot.

Yet, somehow you guys have now found a way to do just that.

>your need to control everything
Who the fuck is the one controlling when you insist on a single fucking picture with a completely unnecessary wall of text in the OP (the mods can easily be merged into a single pastebin like /mbg/, the warning is just a huge waste of space considering the inevitable first post anyway, and the infopic info can be pastebinned)? People go to these threads because the others inevitably get fucking deleted.

>weebshit is still mad that his shitty thread got deleted

>That's why we have people asking every fucking thread "what should I start with" right?
We don't, tho.
>engenders shitposting when edited (as it surely must be from time to time), and enables edit wars.
I don't even remember the last time when that happened.

but stellaris isn't there even though it's grand strategy???

>Yet, somehow you guys have now found a way to do just that.
The people complaining about it are literally just mad that it takes away one of their opportunities to shitpost.

Honestly preserving the OP is worthwhile just because of the delicious shitposter tears

are we being raided?