League of Legends General - /lolg/

Supports are for Lewd

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>7.5 PBE Update


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Join us in the /lolg/ Official Stream, find the link on Eyoson

Come in and have some fun !

xth for Syndra

>Junglers who tax
>Junglers who steal blue
>Junglers who never gank
>Junglers who miss their smite

>no ignite buffs
>no cleanse buffs

Xth for Katarina
best girl

fuck americans they are all closet faggots and suck at video games.

is smite support legit or just a meme

Ignite is fine, but I would enjoy a cleanse buff. Maybe on the cooldown

xth for support games

I want to marry Zac!

>instead of buffing ADCs that are garbage they nerf the shit out of the ones that are semi viable


Dominant and Lewd Elemental Mages

what's hot in top lane right now?

I love Poppy!

Nah, buff it to cleanse suppressions and resistance shreds.

Post orange rat nigga

>Laners who feed
>Laners who count how many ganks the enemy jungler has done, and compare it to their own jg
>Laners who expect blue
>Laners who force dragon when the jungler pings that his smite is on CD
>Laners who expect blue
>Laners who don't understand the necessity of pushing in a lane

they'll never be another good online game because of all the faggots that play this one.

when the fuck are we getting an offline mode?

Sometimes I just want to play some solo games without having to pretend to be entertaining and not depressed

I wanna cuddle Jinx

does it not cleanse suppressions already? thats fucking dumb

obviously just a meme unless korea starts doing it

I hate this fucking game. I really do.
It brings me nothing but negative emotions. Any sort of rush or gratification is offset by anger, frustration and worry.
Why can't I stop? Why is this all I want to do?
The only time I feel good is when I'm stomping a game, or arguing with someone and knowing I'm in the right. I hate myself.


>QSS is now obsolete

adcucks deserve NOTHING

At least that makes sense.

I just played a 50 minute game with a fucking Twitch, Rengar, Yasuo, Kennen, and full AP Teemo, and the SUPPORT ZYRA DID THE MOST DAMAGE BY 15K MORE

>arguing with someone and knowing I'm in the right
you're arguing with 12 year olds
you're always wrong for wasting your time

> exhaust nerfs
> xin zhao skin
Connect the dots

>junglers who gank in huge waves after we ping them back
>junglers who don't take easy opportunities to counter jungle or counter invade
>energy junglers who take blue
>using your smite on gromp when drag is up
>junlgers who know we can't push because we'r getting camped

yea thats the best part arguing with someone when you know you're right, cause this game breeds fucking retards and i mean breeds them.

>you now own the weapon owned by the last champ you played

How fucked are you?

can you even lift it?

Allow QSS to cleanse marks and debuffs like Trundle, Zed, LB's delayed damage.

Also, even if Cleanse and QSS were identical, QSS would still justify its own existence because it has less than half the cooldown and it doesn't take up a summoner space.

QSS is a cleanse+AD+Lifesteal, how is it obsolete on Carries that deal AD? Even if cleanse got buffs, you would never see a fiora or caitlyn take cleanse over ignite/heal/exh

i wish i had a body like that

then everyone would want to fuck me

> Ryze
I can... Do hard math problems?

whaddya say family

Im fine with this (if she can lift them I'm sure I can...right?)

>played elise

uum, i get spider powers? cool

Personally, I don't like Merc Scim having life steal and miss the old 80AD 45MR Merc Scim with BF sword as a component.

>xin zhao will never be broken again

feels bad man

>have a vagoo
>everyone but gays and nongay females want to insert into it to varying degrees of effort depending on your further attractiveness


> Oh boy jayce nerfs
> they reverted them

Tanks that take the new bond of stone are going to take frozen heart as core, mark my words
They changed "crowd control" to "movement impaired" on the PBE
I thought of this because singed will have two methods of refreshing the earth buff shit whether it's with Rylai's or Frozen Heart

i especially like how leblanc's neck fuses seamlessly with her face

chins are overrated my dude

Anyone know why you can get banned for talking shit in a free to play game?

this is beautiful

would love to see more

I know how you feel friend :(

I wish I looked EXACTLY like Sona, but I'm an ugly Negro instead

>Old Journal of Justice archives
>Anti-Yordle Sentiment Rising in Noxus
>Revelation of proposed law stirs non-human outrage
>Tobias Drumm reporting from Noxus
>The Noxian High Command is secretly considering a request to ban yordles from within the Noxus city boundaries, reports an anonymous source close to the High Command.


>nigger that wants to look like Sona
I've seen it all

There was almost no reason to purchase that merc scim, same as old essence reaver

Okay guys what about the following?

BotRK Darius.
The AS means you stack passive and max Cleaver's stacks much faster, cleaver + E passive gives you retarded amount of armour pen and BotRK deals physical on hit damage, and the new changes means you get more ad for stronger bleeds autos and Qs.


>ree a fapbait doesnt look overly fapbaity at this bare bones sketch
senpai come on grow up

dam son that just blew my mind

i'm sorry user i'm too stupid to figure out what you mean

now that's a shocker

> offensive items darius
No, we go through this every now and then, and it's just no

Frozen heart doesn't do anything to movement, unless you're kalista.

How do you enjoy playing a game when the people you have to play with are fucking worthless braindead scumfucks bastard piles of trash mental dickfaces that should be gunned down in the streets like the degenerate they are?

Wukong jg is legit! LEGIT!

go try it and tell me how it goes

in multiple games, not just one vs a feeding yasuo

There was no reason to ever purchase any iteration of Merc Scim aside from the active, and no reason to ever purchase the current Merc Scim aside from the active either.

MAYBE if Merc Scim had a passive that QSS didn't, but that's it.

>Not wanting to look EXACTLY like Sona
What's wrong with you?

W-what's so shocking?

Maybe you can't look exactly like Sona but you can get close and be a cute brown Sona female (male)~

Riot needs to cull accounts to people will have to buy the same skins again, since bans won't push people away from this awful game, they'll just make a new account.

dead inside

If I was going to look like a league girl I don't think I'd go with sona

why is quinn so fun

You guys all live in the third world, right?

Like, I seriously don't get how anyone could enjoy this game in a world where Paragon exists (i.e. the first world). Everything about LoL is so depressingly sub-actual.

Why do you get banned for talking shit in a video game?
What is this fucking pussy ass baby preschool time?
Talking shit one of the most fun parts about this boring ass game

Frozen Heart is movement impairing
Prove me wrong
Literally standing near an enemy team will have 5 earth runes that permanently refresh with the items tick rate

>Why aren't you playing Paragon? It has actual graphics.
Just let it die already.

Not Possible, I'm not feminine at all

Why not? She's the cutest girl in league

leblanc is too flat and her face is fucked up
vladamir shouldn't be in his blood lord armor since that's an AU where he eats the rest of noxian high command
elise's spider form is supposed to be a secret among even her allies

other than that it's a fantastic picture full of dark foreboding, and the artist is to be applauded for nailing the tone of the piece

If youre talking shit, youre at fault for it. Shut the fuck up and just play and improve instead of talking. Whats the point in telling brainddead retards theyre braindead, they wont ever listen to you.
t. 10 permas


this game legit just inhibits how good you can even do it's so fucking cancer.

>gay black male who wants to look like a big titted fictional white girl
really gets the noggin joggin


It slows attack speed, nothing to do with movespeed.
Am I missing something?

I-I'm not gay you bully! There's nothing gay about wanting to be a cute girl!

>can't control his emotions enough not to sperg out on people in an online game
>calls other people babies

desu most people would want to be big titted white girl's lad


wtf is wrong with laughing while your talking shit?

you're cute

sorry that you're black though. no offense

Really nigga?

>Road Warrior Miss Fortune

Free sawed off shotguns hell yea

>cutest girl in league
I have bad news for you user

This is surprisingly untrue

Lulu is my STAR!

T-thanks user!

It's not that BAD being black I guess, wish I were asian though.

Shovelman VS. Bronze

Episode 1

>no anti-mage style fighter who has hyper obnoxious synergy with the AD MR items

do you think she wears a navy-blue bodysuit under all that armor, or is it part of the armor itself?

You could try estrogen and see if it helps any

post a picture of your "ugly" black mug and have the rest of us judge

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>no monster girls
>meme orcs
>all the women are either average or flat as fuck

Fuck off. At least Smite has some interesting character designs. This game is literally worthless.

Frozen Heart has worked with Liandry's for the movement impaired effect already
Frozen Heart's aura is a cripple and being crippled is defined as movement impair