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How do we fix Teach?

make her brown

Make her a blonde Protector or Imperial and she'll be perfect.

I desire more Zodiac art





Meant Purple/White Zodiac but that works too

Stuff the fluff.

I woke up today and EOV was still not out yet.

It is out though (in japan)

What is the instant death icon, that black square one? Can FOEs even be instagibbed or they all are immune/have ridiculous resists?

Curse damage I believe

curse is a skull, just as the one you see when you curse something. The only two icons i can't figure out is the first two, especially the black square

first two are stun and instant death

Most FOEs have 10% resistance to instant death and petrification, most bosses 0%.

So you flat out won't be able to instantly kill bosses and it's very unlikely to work on FOEs.
Keep in mind that 10% does not mean it works 10% of the time but rather it's a multiplier.
So if your instant death/petrification skill has 35% chance of actually inflicting its condition it will work 3.5% of the time against FOEs - if you had as much LUC as the FOE (assuming EO2U, other games take both TEC and LUC into account).
But since FOEs have really high stats for the level you are supposed to fight them it is likely even a Hexer has less LUC then they have. Which means the chances that it works are even lower.

That being said, I got the Sky Metal Knight conditional (kill in under 5 turns) with Chained Benefit -> Creeping Curse + Petrifying Stare when I was in no shape to actually fight them.


33 more days until Atlus announces a release date for EOV

I don't believe you

Believe me.


thats a very cute tummy


i remember playing eo3 and i ended up getting the zodiac girl killed, and apparently the ninja kid managed to kill all 3 sea fish FOEs that traps you in the little room. why the hell did he need your help to bypass the hippo again?

he is afraid of hippos

Who isn't?

but he can kill three gigantic fishes which are objectively more powerful and dangerous than aforementioned hippos.

he accidentally tagen battou'd hypatia

Do you realize that Ninjas can solo the game.

Think that for a second now

that still doesn't explain why he was scared of the hippos if he's so overpowered.

>implying you are not scared of ragelopes the first time you see them
Also, skill points



Incredibly cute!

will include in my EO3U party

>he doesn't play with L-confirm

Someone post Zodiac x Gladiator art



Why you keep dying?


DED general


please delete this


Is U2 really more difficult than U1?

The cores were a mistake, Ricky.

>Dragon with shining core: "I am growing stronger."

EO2U has more overkill stuff that is either pattern based or a punishment for doing something wrong.
But as you can predict that stuff incoming and have a lot of options do deal with large amounts of damage (Walls, Force Boosts) it's actually not that big of a deal.

On Expert EOU is harder because random encounters are way more dangerous and bosses are way less predictable.
On Standard EO2U is harder because the number tweeking takes the edge out of normally dangerous enemies in EOU but does not do a whole lot about the overkill stuff of EO2U.

For future reference, spoiler flags for gore images are appreciated

We have autistic gorefags here that get off on the attention.
Do not reply.
Do not post about your waifu/husbando otherwise the gorefags will post gore of her.


Nigga, you what? How often do you see gurofags around in this general?

delet this general it offends me

There's nothing in the rules that says a dog CAN'T be an adventurer.

Too often. The pic related to pic related is their biggest sin, all the people posting that need to die.
Other gorefags are okay.

fangs deserve to be pulled

That cannot die which is eternal autism.

>Letting your dog be an adventurer
>Letting your dog play basketball

Excuse me War Magus defanger but I think you missed your target

I think you are overracting a little, but that's okay.

delet all v posting


>other gorefags are okay
We must kill this man

The one with the Prince's face falling off gets posted pretty often.
I seriously don't see how this shit isn't bannable.



>I seriously don't see how this shit isn't bannable.
Why should it be?
I seriously don't see why guro should be bannable. Same for NSFW by the way. We're all adults here, no need to throw a fit over some drawings.

Because a highschool dating sim sells better. Persona has also completely overshadowed SMT, even though it is shallow casualshit

>Same for NSFW by the way
You have to ban it or everything turns into a porn dump. See any orange board. Getting offended over it is silly though, I agree with you there.

I can see why you would worry about that but other imageboards where lewd posting is allowed everywhere and there's still not a huge amount of porn unless it's relevant to discussion show that it can work.
If it the distinction between blue and orange would get abolished on Veeky Forums, there might be a higher amount of porn in the beginning because it's new but I'm sure it would calm down pretty quickly.


How do I get legendary names?

>If it the distinction between blue and orange would get abolished on Veeky Forums, there might be a higher amount of porn in the beginning because it's new but I'm sure it would calm down pretty quickly.
No, it'll never turn out that way anywhere with decent traffic. Maybe in dead places, like right here, but I don't think it's ever worked otherwise.

Spam on s4s.
Or get to get to the third stratum.

>Or get to get to the third stratum.
That sounds hard!

I want a chocolate Ricky in my party

Do buffs stack or does my Troubadour become useless after casting the first buff?

Why would i be afraid of a fucking deer

probably is because lmao oneshots, third stratum at least is absolute ass cancer (and scylla is not even the worst part of it) and you have to change jobs because survivalist fucking sucks and taking hexer makes the game way better


What is the purpose of 10 attack weapons with status? I don't get why would i want to deal no damage just to be able to maybe put a status

>that event where a dumb fafnir and some unlucky sap get high on funshrooms

conditional drops

those weapons can usually be used by any class so you can get any bind/ailment without having them on skills or as consumables

There are three buff and debuff slots each. You can see your buffs by hitting Y and debuffs by hitting Y again.
Enemy buffs/debuffs can only be seen starting with EO2U.
If you cast a new buff/debuff when the list is full the topmost one gets pushed out.

Also oposite buffs and debuffs cancel each other out no matter how strong or weak they are.
So if you get hit by a -90% defence debuff and cast a dinky 10% defence buff the debuff will just get dispelled (but you don't get the buff either).

>Enemy buffs/debuffs can only be seen starting with EO2U.
It seriously took them that long? I never bothered looking

Rhinos are probably the most stupid moving FOE ever
>teleports in a line
>psssh nothing personnel kid

I have to know this - does a ragelope porn exists?

I don't know of any. But I have seen a doujin with Raquna and a Forest Wolf.
But it was a rather short one.

>No doujin or Raquna petting the Forest Wolf

you sick fuck



Holy shit with hexer even yellow FoEs are fucking nothing

What is FP?
And what is Chloe doing with bread? She needs some meat.

EMD stuff

She's holding the bread obviously


>and she's even strong

Not strong enough.

for what

Arianna pls, the guy is drunk and doesn't know what he's saying.