/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1192

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

2/28 - 3/4 - Legfest (New Character Rate Up)
3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Free 10 Rolls Until the 7th, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/5 - 3rd Anniversary Livestream


>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

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cute beato, mind if I save it

Beatoshitposter is back!


no, you're not allowed save pictures of MY WIFE

Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for weeks.


Sandals is a dirty NEET

Playable characters?




Why is her head so fucking big?

>my sister

Kats not your sister you dyke go away

My body heats up just thinking about my Vira-sama

>only 3 SSRs from running all my magnas today
>all from Colossus
>2 fists and 1 stick

Fuck off.

Praise KMR.

>the 3 beatoposters timer evaders are back

anybody know what his scroll lines are?

So what happened to the Albert 5* that we were definitely gonna get because Lanlan got his after his event?

She will learn to love Gaston or I'll throw her ass off the fucking Albion.

My body heats up thinking about your body heating up over your sister.

>this event is better than the game's actual story
nice work cy

I'm going to host coop in 40 minutes and after that I'll host a baha

I want to get to 4-5, please help.


We got the buffs instead.

>cynical gay neet
Does Sandy visit these threads?

Because it wasn't Light's time to get a 5*? Next one will probably be Earth or Light though.

Gunslinger isn't any fun until nebu

Praobably Limited characters in the future, most certainly raids

>this game's story is better than this game's story

Really activated my almonds.

Lowain pls

>posts a girl

It's still going to happen chico

He shitposts about Lucio being broken and cries for nerfs


Is there a way to take the +s from one character and give them to a different one?

Has a shit voice.

Lumlum, not pubbed yet




I was gunning for assassin actually.

Are you a major whale?

I want to throw hot coffee at his face!

>Lucifer made Sandalphone
How does a man produce a manchild?

Unless you're going to throw money at cygames, you're not playing assassin.

I wish, I'm f2p

If I was a whale I'd have Monkey and Lucio

Why does Lucifer just get of my ship and tell Sandal to stop being such a little faggot?

Will /gbfg/ kill this chev for me?


Ayer is strong and cute.

Albert is going to get a perma TA and self-crit + atk buff and you are going to like it.

Why shake a psychopath's hand after you beat the shit out of him?

>Why does Lucifer just get of my ship
But he doesn't


Then you're not gunning for assassin.

He's enjoying the show.

What does Lucio have to do with an Archangel?

What would I have to whale for exactly in able to play assassin?


literally everything

>wake up
>no new class 4
>no patch

Go look at the material requirements for Secret Gears.

Then realize that each of them is one use only, meaning you have to keep crafting them.

>now I've drawn two Titans
Why? I don't want to be an Earthslinger.

Quartz, mostly. Saying that you HAVE to whale is stupid, but it surely makes the job easier.

Doesn't show up on ticket, I do have him already at least and can attest to these facts.

Nezha any good? Drew 2 of him.

>(you) will be dead for days before this homosexual gets the spanking he wants so badly


Unless you grind the game constantly to the point of having 0 life or spend money to get summons from gacha, have fun using the class like twice a week.

We just had a patch and we know Harpist-4 is delayed.

Why does luci and altair have those gay little wings on their back?

ded just like my rolls


Luci is a primal beast.

Altair likes to pretend he's a pretty bird

so they have something to grab on to

>Luci is a primal beast.
nuh uh he is an actor

Still hiding from his fangirls. You know how it is. The destruction of the world is nothing in comparison to being in the clutches of fat fujos.

I bet Lucio likes to have his wings roughed up during sex

How do they come up with cool names like sandal phone?

>Renown cap isn't doubled for anniversary

This is dumb.

Jap game devs steal names from all cultures and religions.


>Lucio will never come home
>Lucio will never fuck me

Will he be Fujo Vira and join the crew once he learns his daddy joined?

Game devs in general do that.

Go away sandalphon

you have hot wife with sexy voice in real life

I pray you aren't retarded and don't think Sandalphon is something cygames thought up.

Wow you're dumb af lol

That would require having to mindfuck everyone again

>the protector of unborn children
that really is a shitty purpose

Can I start dash Lucio right now on another account?

yeah if its made now

>anyone by the name of lucifer
>on my ship

You must not be aware of how many Saints have really pointless things attached to them if that surprises you.

S-SOON keep him away from this mess, just turn your brain off isn't working ;_;

>Friend just rolled Orchid and Naru with his free ten roll

wow! yeah that's why multiculturalism does work, fuck drumpf

Isn't HL way harder than magnas?

Why can some characters solo HL but be garbage in magnas?

Once you've impregnated them they can't become a virgin again, even if you abort it.

If he becomes playable I might have to use my spark before Dog.

I am not giving you a (you) for that weak ass post. Try it again on /pol/ where someone will definitely reply to you.

survivability vs speed.

Sandals is a dirty thief and Lucio wears them for his acting career.