/ng/ - Nioh General

>Equipment Drop Rate+ only ya fucking nerds edition

>What does each element do?
nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/Status Effects

>What should I do with the armour/weapons I don't want/use?
Purple/Blue = Disassemble (Then use the blue mats to forge a purple if you have enough)
Yellow/White = Sell or you can give it to the kodamas for amrita and the odd free item.

>What does the summoning candle do?
It returns your guardian spirit to you when you die along with the amrita you collected.

>Should I use soul match?
Honestly, no, not unless you have basically finished the game and have a weapon with some really great stats. As you progress you will get a steady flow of new weapons and armour that is better than what you have. Don't waste your money on soul matching until later.

>Why do people keep mentioning "smithing texts"?
Bosses tend to drop pieces of their armour and weapons when you defeat them. Very rarely they will drop a smithing text which allows you to forge their armour/weapon.

>Which clan should I join? (clan unlocked through progression)
Whichever one has a bonus that you think will benefit your build the most.

Beta guide that could still be useful : pastebin.com/VEHby7kd

list of smithing texts:


Reminder: Smithing texts are key items and show up in your key item tab. Every key item in the game drops as a purple bag.

The color is literally just so you don't dismiss it as junk and move on without checking.

So who is right? Is it equipment or an item?

You can't scrap key items.

But you can choose to don't pick it.

Jesus are we so starved for discussions that were complaining about smithing text now.


I meant so you actually picked the things up.
Believe it or not some people actively refuse to pick up white shit, for example cause its not the rarest, and don't stop to actually look at the item itself before running off.
The devs didn't want you to kill giganigga and run off entirely oblivious to the smithing text for his armor he just dropped.
So they made it purple, the highest tier you'll see until lategame and by then plenty of texts could have dropped and been missed.

Except for the fact that every single key item that's dropped in the world is a purple bag that triggers an onscreen text pop up when picked up.

Why did Uroboros join Wirriam even though he literally stabbed the mofo outright?

While the struggle for the magatama continues, this just dropped. Aint so bad for farming right?

No i just hate >doesn't know's spreading misinfo that was disproven a long ass time ago.
Now lets get back to why fuku is undeniable best waifu since mothgirl(male) dumped us at prom.

He absorbed its amrita afterwards.

nobu should have left without a fight, and just be purely a side mission

the hyrdra should have been a boss, but then afterwards we should have had a 2 part fight with kelly
can't believe how shit the kelly fight was

>Luck 19
>Yokai item drop rate
Useless. Sell it to tome.

>that cutscene after orochi
Can't believe Okastu honestly thought William would give her dickings after how she treated him like an asshole.
It was perfect watching William walk out like he just won the lotto with Saoirse.

>One last mission before the achievement
>It's the fucking Oda-Yuki fight I still can't beat

Who else /on the road to platinum/ here?

You're missing the point.

If that fucking smithing text WASN'T purple but was white instead there are some people that would instantly dismiss the fucking bag on the ground without even looking at the text that would pop up cause they wouldn't even hover over it.
To avoid this possibility they made it purple, as thats the highest rarity for a good bit, to catch your eye and make you want to pick it up.

Can we get some solid verifiable proof that texts are effected by anything? For all we know they drop based on the day of the week and the last two digits of your gold total.

>not 30+ Luck

Whats the highest Luck can go? 30? 19 is the highest I have seen and I have been farming for hours.


>some people are retarded
wow thanks such an insightful post

Holy shit.

Kelley being a shit boss is just proof that mages suck ass. Hell even those three kelleys ain't shit.

>just reach Sekigahara on a 2nd character
>beat Saika the flyest bomber dude
>didn't get hit
>dropped Yatagarasu armor text

Really makes me think, lads.

And you point is meaningless because it's a fucking key item, shares every property with a key item, and shows up in your key item tab until you give it to Tome.

>tfw beat them on 2nd try
>tfw I'm not a platinum shitter but still get it without even trying

Luck During Living Weapon bonuses go up to 100, I believe.

Are you legitimately retarded?

I'm saying fucking idiots exist and that item won't even make it into your inventory to be recognized as a key item cause some idiots will actively ignore drops ON THE FUCKING GROUND if its color isn't representative of the highest quality.

To idiot proof this the devs actively made the item the color of the highest available items, at the time, that way they would WANT to pick it up.

Never forget

user, why the fuck did you even bother posting in the first place then when what you're saying had nothing to do with the original post you fucking faggot

I got the Obsidian set Katana after no-hit killing big black samurai on the first try.
It's official, text drop rates are better when you kill bosses without getting hit. Fuck off with your luck and drop rate bonus shit, the only thing you need to get texts is to get gud.

Man, all I wanted to do was show that Smithing Texts drop as physical items, not cause a shitstorm.

>Nikawa glue
Game says it increases armor's familiarity, the internet says it increases durability, but neither of those even made it in the and. Is this item an oversight?

gonna attempt axe build, what do I need? Never used it much. spin2win? does it have anything else or is spin2win just most damage/efficient.

Divine armor has familiarity.

Does familiarity bonus show up as a reforge skill normally? Is it rare? In NG+ and trying to make a nice 1kat. Using one that already had a change to stat Heart A+ on it and just adding on stuff. Got a nice +22% back damage on it which is amazing for the mystic art. Trying to get another damage increaser ability on it.

You're an idiot.

I do wonder about armour familiarity.

>Have 42 armor
>wanna upgrade to ~80
>costs 800k
>too much
>upgrade to 60 or so instead
>cost fucking nothing
>now to upgrade from 60 to 80 would cost me well over a million

I would have thought due to the level difference being closer, the price would go down, but it went WAY up. So I think all armor has familiarity, too. Not just divine.

use high stance heaven and earth for humans instead of spin

>water monster
>weak to fire

>joro gumo
>not weak to fire

Pokemon taught you wrong.

What's wrong?

Fire vaporizes water

>Spider boss
>Can be poisoned

>throw some water on some fire
>it extinguishes it
>throw some fire on some water

>99 stamina
>full obsidian set
>atlas bear
>each atk is deadly
>spin2win almost never gets interrupted
>bosses need more hits to kill me
>blocking barely takes out my ki both for mobs and bosses
>tfw living the dream

Fire > Water > Lightning > Wind > Earth > Fire

>skill life drain on weapon and from guardian
>heal more than they can do

How do you fellas get 100 million for farming runs?

I'm still only getting 60-75 million for Demon King Revealed.

It's all because of that fucking Magatama isn't it? Is there a better spot than the bath house? Since I've been at it for over two hours

Easiest armor to forge in order to get 160 one?

Never tried life drain, is it that good?

Is it possible to get an accessory or armor that has enemy sense that isnt from a set bonus?

Yes, I got one way back during third region and use it occasionally just for it's sense enemies ability.

Normally it's kind of shit unless it's something like low attack life drain on a kusari since life drain gives you a set amount rather than a percentage of damage done.

Yes, it's a bonus from head pieces. Forge helmets until you get an inheritable Sense Enemies and put it on hands or some shit.

Yeah pretty much get as much amrita earned during LW on your accessories slot and tons of amrita on yokai on other gears. The only human boss is Oda so yokai amrita will net you more.

Also don't ever let sake buff to disappear. Apply another before it does to avoid having the kill count from the sake reset.

life drain on skill is absolute shit for axe unless you stack 2 of them and spin

I only get a 25% bonus during living weapon with a maga, but it comes with an added Yokai bonus

Accidentally sold my last bath house maga which didn't have any living weapon amrita bonus on it.

But you're saying that I need to chug down some sake because the effect is stronger or something rather than being reset, right?

Actually think I got fourth or fifth region my mistake.

Soul Match cost is based on the item's original level


Chugging another amrita sake while the first is still going refreshes duration rather than give you a new charge. Much better than letting your amrita bonus get reset from the buff going away.

Oh yeah, you can also get Enemy Sense from a couple of the Guardian Spirits, and it's a possible spawn on every accessory type besides prayer beads and medicine cases, I think.

Isn't that overkill?

Sake gives more amrita the higher your kill count is while having the buff so applying another before it runs out prevent you from having the kill count reset. Also don't let Hanzo and Okatsu steal the kill as well.

>he doesnt want to be extra tough

Look at this pussy ass bitch. I bet he is A agility too.

Does Amplification increase the sake buff time?

His obviously going for full tank mode so no.

Fuck if I know. I haven't tested if Amplification alters things outside of Onmyo buffs.

I thought that as well at first but I barely see any difference while doing the run. I still use 3 sake a run even while having that skill set.

I need the two titles after Unarmed Samurai. Anybody already have them?
It's in the Agyo Title List, for reference.

>tfw just beat shima sakon with 11 hp remaining

he hits hard

what are the best 3 set bonuses? 2 set bonuses?

Defeat a fiend with your bare hands and defeat a one-eyed oni with your bare hands

Basically impossible.

I know this is but little baby damage compared to better stuff, but jeez Divine gear is strong. Dex Kusarigama helps

Aces. Thanks.

I imagine I'll be forging lots of gloves for bare handed attack up, and using the bare handed ninjutsu.

Shouldn't be too difficult if I use Sloth, Weakness, and Carnage. It'll just take forever.

>tfw got three weapons to +5

This is annoying as fuck. I hope the DLC brings some sort of change to this grind. A new Kodama Blessing that increases the quality of divine loot? I don't know. I'm just tired of getting very few + items each mission.

Try getting all weapons and armor to +6. I'm still grinding for some + to get to 10.

>Revenants at Clone Kelly missing sometimes up to three pieces of equipment
This is probably why you're dead, you retards

Can someone direct me to a place where I can browse some Nioh fashion creations?

I feel I'm pretty boring currently. My look is:

>Veteran Helm
>Fanatic everything else

What are you all wearing anyway?

Your best bet is to just look in the archive, people will usually say something like "post willies" to get others to post, so you can look for that. Ill post some of mine.

why does ogress have more defense/health than other bosses? She's a tank

She does? I just went spin2win on her ass.

>conspirators NG+
>just 3 stunlocking ninjas
died more times than i have to any NG boss

Should I care about the rarity of the armor I make divine? Like should I be wasting my time looking for exotic pieces of gear to make divine? Does it make a noticeable difference?


Her hotbox is bigger and her attacks are slower. If anything she doesn't have enough HP.

Where do you get that sword

no, not speaking as if I have trouble, just weird when I can two shot some bosses, higher level mission than hers, yet she takes more hits to kill in comparison.

Does droprate change at all during co-op? I remember hearing it increased but I honestly can't tell.

Looks like the Obsidian Samurai's sword. Yasuke's sword.

Divine IS a rarity type

The one i'm wearing is the Hoshi-kiri Tachi, which you get from the obsidian samurai, the Juzumaru was just a random drop.

Do I need to worry about strength if I use light/medium armor and don't use axes?

I mean, I have been noticing most armor in the medium category requires up to 13 strength. Mine is at the default 5. Feeling like I may need to respec it to 10ish for armor.

Oh shit. So any old piece of common rarity armor soulmatched with a divine becomes divine rarity? Didn't realize that was what it was doing. Thought it was just increaseing def/atk. To be fair though I'm partially color blind and I find it difficult to make out a lot of the text colors.

The things you look for in Divine equipment, regardless if it's found or forged, is the following:

>Is it level 150 or higher
If not, trash it.
>Does it have an inheritable slot.
If not, it's trash. If so, is the inheritable any good or will you be looking to replace it?
>Is it part of a set?
Set bonuses make literally all non-set equipment garbage barring the rare exclusions such as Kodama Bowl hats.

Once you unlock access to Divine rarity gear, all other rarities of gear become pointless and shouldn't be in your equipment slots (accessories are above this rule for awhile into NG+). Break down purples to feed your forging habits, and sell everything else. Hell, seeing as you might consider save scumming your forging sprees, just get a decent supply of materials (I like to keep a stock of 150 to 200 of each material) and then sell anything that isn't green.

When you're balancing which stat to level up in early game, just focus on one armor type (light/medium/heavy) and raise the two stats required to activate the bonuses. Once you get almost through NG you'll have enough stat points to throw around to level everything to 15ish and not worry about that again.

No user. You can MAKE divine equipment now using divine fragments. Go to the forge, try to make something, then press Triangle when on the 'Forge' button, and it'll ask how many fragments you want to use. It's green in color, though depending on what kind of color blind you are that might explain your confusion.

Ah ok. I'm on the incident at okehazama sub mission and in full red demon because it's the litterally the only set that always comes out on top in the end from revenents or otherwise.

I like medium more than light but having sub 30% is pretty great.