
What's Veeky Forums's biggest speeding ticket? Where and in what. How did you plead?

I got a 90+ in a 45mph two lane divided highway driving an Impala LTZ.

Honestly should have just kept going his Tahoe could have never caught me but I panicked. They offered a pretty generous plea deal and I was guilty as fuck so I took it.

I got a warning for going 81 in a 60. That's about it, boss.

What car you drive? My Exploder has no problem getting to 110 mph. If you have some

Oh I missed the Impala LTZ. What's that, a 5.3L too? I guess. But yeah, biggest ticket I ever got was a $41 parking ticket.

Idk like 60 in a 45 I guess. It's been about 8 years since my last ticket

What the fuck does weight have to do with speed?

its got 230 horsepower more of a luxury sedan but you can feel that muscle car legacy for sure

117 in a 55 when I was 19.

>reckless driving
>negligent driving
>speeding in excess of double the posted speed limit
>regular speeding

I had to pay 3k for that dumbass decision.

2200 in fines, 800 for a lawyer so I didn't get 12 points and lose my license

I was in my dads 87' SVO

got a warning for doing 40 in a 30 when I was 19
that's about it

wew thanks for sharing

got a reckless driving ticket cause I did 110 in a 65 and was weaving in and out of traffic, whole thing was 700$ and now it's wiped of my records

88 on a 60 road in Toronto. didn't have insurance card or driver's license with me. 3 tickets came to roughly $350 altogether (tree fiddy, yes i kno). Cop kept on trying to hint at me to go to court.
I went, he wasn't there, ticket got thrown out by a really chill West-Indian judge who was giving everyone reduced fines if they said they were poor (white prosecutor called him out on it and he told her to calm down).

Riding with uncle in Sask. camera caught us going through a construction zone on the highway at 120 or 140. got a $800 ticket. uncle was jobless at the time. financial rape is worst rape.

I did this basically

130 in a 55 (though he clocked me in a 45)

Kept going


Only got careless op, and reg speeding. Probably felt bad that i totalled my car

>broke girl
>fat ass
Yeah no

>implying fat women can be anything but broke

lol women get free money for their looks. if they eat those down the drain they are basically men and they would have to work for money

120 in 55.

Got let off the hook cuz cop was my friend from high school. Never doing that again.

>95 in a 65
The cop bumped it down to like 87mph, either a mistake or was letting me off a bit.

110 in a 75 on the freeway when I was young and retarded. College kid in my 1996 Maxima. Cop took pity on me and only gave me a $200 ticket. Paid it and no problems. Although I only do 100+ now on back roads. =D

>Honestly should have just kept going his Tahoe could have never caught me but I panicked

Lol. They definitely could have, and would have, caught you. Be glad you weren't dumb enough to run from them.

Never got a speeding ticket, Just don't speed more than 10 km/h in town and watch for cops when your in the countryside.

uh... everything..

129km/h in a 110. I've gotten so many photo radar tickets in the past, though.

>be me 2 years ago
>don't care about cars much
>zero recognition ability
>in a rush and tired/angry
>stuck behind this stupid SUV or w/e
>tailgate the shit out of it to try to get them to go faster
>get to dotted yellow
>45mph limit
>they going 40
>i hop in left lane and speed up
>car oncoming over hill now
>need to bump it up to 55ish and jump in front of that SUV
>it was a cop
>get pulled over
>realized i just tailgated and cutoff a cop while going over the limit
>lady officer comes up
>takes license and registration
>comes back
"well young man, your driving record is spotless, so i'm giving you a verbal warning"

What kind of sick fuck would give money to this hideous beast? Maybe her father does but regular men? Come on now

77 in a 55 in a Wrangler...

Between '08 and '13 I got 10 tickets, mostly in my STi, a few in my dad's '98 suburban, and the aforementioned Wrangler one. The cheapest one was $175, most expensive $280.

Oh I also got a reckless driving one for powersliding through an intersection downtown in my miata but I got that thrown out in court.

it should have been 145mph in a 70 zone
but there were no police to witness this.

Biggest ticket (i.e. over the limit) was in my Chevelle. I had been going over 120mph in it, and I'm not sure how fast the cop actually got me at, but when I saw him, right as he was turning on the rollers, I was coasting down and going around 90 when I hit the brakes hard. I stopped right away and when he came up I got the ol' "do you know how fast you were going" routine. I said no, and he said "I clocked you at 74 in the 55". I agreed and was happy as hell that was all he said.

Biggest ticket I never got, and the only time I ever haven't stopped(I should have) was going down a city street on my 85 Honda V65 Sabre. I know I was going 100+ when I saw the cop. After a few evasive moves, and some serious acceleration, I stopped and could hear him just driving around trying to find me. I waited another moment and went where he just left from and continued on to work. Pretty sure I would have been in the clink for that one.

the bus i was riding on gut pulled over once


80 in a 60, on a highway where most people are going 80.
Don't understand that prick cop's problem but whatever. Paid my jew lawyer $100 and he got it dismissed with his sheeny magic, as he has before for other lesser tickets. Guy's retired now, fug.

>be out of town
>be driving my 300zx in a shit town in New Mexico
>driving out their pathetic down town
>4 lane street with medium in middle
>assume 40 and speed up
>coast but car is still moving up to about 45
>unmarked Tahoe painted in cop car colors with bull bar bust a fast bitch and pulls me over
>asked me if I knew the speed limit
>explain its a big ass street so it has to be at least 35-40
>its a fucking 25
>points to a fucking sign behind me
>speed limit is on small as fuck sign behind a tree
>says I was doing 43
>pleaded guilty because I'm not gonna deal fighting with small town corruption
And that is how I lost 90 dollars.


Didn't happen to me but my buddy I was with at the time got clocked at 172.2 in a 55. Texas road which is dead straight without anything around for miles. He went to jail that night

>tfw cant drive in Wyoming anymore because fuck paying tickets from a state i dont live in especially when hitting their border means the speed limit drops from 85 to 55

>cantdrive55.avi = lodes a speeding tickets

160kph in a 80
Cop was nice guy, gave me a ticket for 96kph and let me go.

ticketed for going 80mph in a 65, cop cut me a break because i was going a little over 100


>what are radar detectors and laser jammers

Small towns are the fucking worst. Cops in small towns will write you a ticket for fucking anything.

Pretty stupid but it was like 48 in a 35, just plead guilty and ended up paying $45

I've gotten another ticket similar to it too, which they have only occurred when I was trying to escape traffic that was closing in on me; like other cars in all lanes were too close, driving the same speed and all slowing down. That freaks me out and I have to get out of there.

>all these amerilards crying about losing $50 for going 10mph (nearly 20kph over)
>Lose 1 point and get fined $187 for going 67kph in a 60kph zone (4mph)

>le nobody gets away from the police meme
That's what cops want you to think. My parents have both told me stories of successfully running from the cops. If you know where you are and can break the line of sight long enough, it's very doable. Dad told me he turned off his lights on the road and pulled into a subdivision and parked in someone's driveway for 15 minutes.

165 in a 65. Went to jail for a few days for reckless driving. Did differed through a lawyer.

>flying down 4 lane HWY at 2 am
>not another car in sight
>finally slow down (was just trying to get home)
>couple minutes later
>red and blues come flying up
>clocked me on the feeder he was on
>took me to jail

Second story

>on the way back from lubbock a few months after above story
>late at night, long drive, just want to get home
>doing 160ish but relaxed
>lights on other side of highway suddenly turnb on (just headlights)
>I see it pull a U-turn
>go faster
>god damn exit leads right into a small town (lol)
>park at bank pointed the opposite of the way I was heading
>turn off lights, tell buddy "we're heading TO lubbock if they see us"
>cop that was chasing comes flying down main road right past me in parking lot
>2 cops from other roads
>(my car was white) they pull over white ford taurus (kek) heading through town
>while they are talking to driver I quickly drive across the street to walmart
>park and walk around for 30 min
>get in car and finish drive home


Couple months back

Driving 04 Supercharged M3.

>Cruising through tiny town that literally is a few car dealers, a bar and a small neighborhood.
>Coming down long hill on two lane highway, 60 is the speed limit
>as soon as you get to the bottom it cuts directly to 30
>cop city, been pulled over here and been in court a couple times for them camping out here
>coming down the hill in the right lane, going the speed limit
>lifted brodiesel truck flys past and farts exhaust all over me, not just a little bit, like he has a smoke switch and leaves a 30 yard trail
>right behind him is a slammed miata, they're both going at least 90
>I swerve over and floor it to catch up
>we're probably going 110 through the town which is a wide sweeping curve
>legit afraid this truck i gonna death roll but it holds
>come out of the turn and blow past them where the road turns back into highway and get back in the right lane
>they go flying by, and not 2 seconds later I see red and blues flashing from way back
>couple seconds later he goes flying by and pulls over the miata
>I cruise by as he jumps out of his car and points at me and signals over
>know for a fact the cop cars have ID scanners and decent enough cameras in their cars so im done for
>pull over a mile up the road and he eventually comes up behind me
>already have my license, registration and concealed pistol license since when they run your plate they see you have one and I have a handgun in the car
>he asks where the gun is, I tell him its in the holster behind my back
>"Sir im going to open your door and your going to step out of the vehicle with your hands where I can see them" with his handgun drawn
>disarms me and has me stand behind me car while he calls for back up and drug dogs
>20 mins later in the cold drug dog comes, finds nothing
>He didnt actually get my speed but tells me he could impound my car for street racing
>okay officer
que part 2

>window tint too dark
>license plate light out
>smoked tail light
>exhaust too loud
>Following too closely
>60 in a 30
>all in all when I put them all together it was roughly 1200 dollars
>here's where i knew it was going to court
>"I didn't get your speed but it looked like you were speeding so I pulled you over"
>check the box of court hearing on all tickets and mail em back in, get a date a few weeks later
>get to the court room and wait my turn
>judge does his stuff, lists off tickets, etc so on so forth
>Bring up the audio recording of the officer stating he never got an actual speed on me, only thought I was speeding, but pulled me over for speeding
>push that since there is no actual proof I was speeding, which nulls out his probable cause for pulling me over in the first place
>making all tickets void
>judge looks at my tickets, tells me im lucky the cop didn't show up and dismisses all of them and tells me to slow down

Since then I've been pulled over a few times in the car but no tickets, so I tend to drive like a grandma and save the hooning for the track.

>muscle car legacy
It's a FWD 4 cylinder. Don't kid yourself.

This is the only believe story out of Veeky Forums

>implying she has a father

When I was 16 I got a $125 ticket for doing 80 in a 70 in my 95 Pathfinder. Later that year I was my friend in his z31 300zx and we got pulled over for doing 40 in a 25 in front of a fire station, we had a bottle in the trunk and were both underage, the she cop told us there would be a $300 fine, but said she wanted to keep my friend's record clean and gave him a verbal warning.

Cop ticketed me going 90 in a 70 on a highway.
I had a dash cam with gps to prove that I was really going 75.

I pleaded not guilty, but the judge reasoned with me that they would just reapply with the correct speed or I could just plea out, save everyone the trouble, and pay a tiny fine.

I'm still pissed I took it. It may have only been $100, but I shouldn't have had to pay anything. Who gives tickets for 5 over? Fucking pigs.

128kph / 50kph allowed

Cost: ~670yuros, licence suspended for one month

Everything went better than expected, as nobody noticed that my cars modifications were not street legal (not even one of them), which would result in way bigger fines here in Germany.

Believable* fuck


Can cops do that? Isn't that double jeopardy or something?

Never been pulled over

They know it was u when they lit you up?

I've never been caught.

My biggest ticket was a $140 failure to control.

108km in a 100km zone
Ticket was $30 and nothing else
Pretty pleased about it as i was doing 150km before i saw the speed trap and slammed by brakes.
That would have been a $630 fine.

I've gotten out of 3 tickets in the past month

I don't know what I'm doing right but I'm gonna keep doing it.

First was 19 over, second was 20 over, third was like 50 over but they had no evidence so they let me go

How old are you?

>that webm
many a kek were had


>5.3L V8

How has/can/will insurance fuck you in the ass? Ontario 100 km in an 80 3 demerit points.

Fucking kikes man i swear

Let's say a shitbox weighs 2500 lbs, making 150 hp.
Your exploder weighs 5000 lbs, by your own admission, making 300 hp, which is again your number.
They have the same power to weight, but your car has significantly more air resistance.

Not to mention the LTZ is a 5.3L V8

clocked at 117 (but it was actually a lot faster, praise kek) so I suppose she showed mercy.

Bump for the skinny on how nsurance rates are affected. Don't want this eating into my hemorrhaging gas budget

>large downhill when I go to work
>constant speed traps because you can coast to 70 easily (its 45)
>downshift to third which peaks at like 55ish
>get pulled over and explain to the cop I was riding a low gear without braking for efficiency
>"haha likely excuse, look your young and your car is sporty and red! You are clearly speeding!"
>sees I've never gotten a ticket
>"well you're still getting a ticket, you should ride your brakes more so this doesn't happen again"

It's red so it goes faster.

>when the cop is hiding behind a bridge and runs out into the middle of the highway to flag you down
>hes nowhere near his SUV and I'm already at 90
>contemplate not stopping and taking the nearest exit to flee.
>cuck friend in passenger tells me not to run
>didn't chip in on the 250$ ticket

It's fucking Maroon!

Why should he chip in you greedy fuck? It's not his fault you were driving unsafely

I don't get tickets because I'm not a fucking degenerate.

If you're too poor to afford track time you're too poor to afford nice cars.

>I don't speed
Said no one ever
And trackfags are even worse

I never said I didn't speed, I said I didn't get tickets.

Stop being a faggot then.

Stop being degenerate scum.

Shut up