/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

"THUNK" edition


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So why is the riot shit always brought up with Hong Kong?

So is that Echo /ss/ thing still in the works or...?

3rd for final solution

Because every single time you see Hong Kong CTUs in action they're putting down student protests about democracy or some other bullshit wearing riot gear and shields
Ubisoft doesn't care about authenticity, it creates CTUs based on stereotypes. Look at the SAS who are fresh from the Iranian Embassy, or the JTF-2 who are wearing goddamn arctic fatigues instead of CADPAT.

Hong Kong's policing is heavy armour and shields, which is why some people think the attacker or defender is going to be one.

I too am curious on the status of this.

Go away, alt-right

Shut up nigger


user that's a joke not politics

For everyone that missed it last thread


>implying threatening terrorism isn't a trademark of left extremism
Read a book nigga

pepe never deserved this

feels bad man

>guy shoots up shit in quebec
>right wing
>terrorists like isis/isil and the like
>right wing religious extremists

really makes you think

Team Rainbow doesn't approve of terroism from either side of the spectrum

So if you accidentally buy the start, what do you do to unfuck the situation?

>stopped playing a few months ago
>came back because year 2
>my game sense is gone
>all I can do is sit in the objetive room
>if I finish 1:1 its already a victory

My aim is still good but thats it.

>all of antifa is left wing
>all riots of the past few years have been left wing

Get a new account.

Buy a shit ton of R6 credits? Or just the regular edition. U fucked up

>guy shoots up a mosque killing 6 people
>isis/isil have killed and raped god knows how many men, women and children.

> but the antifa slapped someone

the magnitudes of the crimes are not comparable.

how about a taser gun operator?

Why do faggots like you 2 do this to generals

that furry's got a nice ass

Predict the next Ubisoft cross-promotion DLC.

Wildlands shit for Blackbeard maybe?

its ok user, as long as you are having fun right?

Speaking of which, the voice actress of Valkyrie is doing Peebee

Im not
I just want to bi gud agin ;-;
It seems everyone has moved on to the next level and Im stuck with everyone that just bought the game
Even tho I played from launch

So Valkyrie is an Asari commando?

now get the fuck out my general

You should be telling the user making terrorist threats to go back there


>telling the guy who was saying that right wingers have caused more extreme violence than left wingers to go to board predominantly dominated by those with right wing ideologies.

34 posts in and we already need doc poster

shoo shoo politics

>my collective is better
kys my friend

>my collective is better

implying i ever said anything like that. i just pointed out that most of the violence recently has been committed by people who many would consider right wing.

american politics were a mistake

I just want to use tear gas

I didn't want to bring up politics

I think he just wants the political discussion to go back to /pol/, regardless of alignment and content.

>most of the violence recently has been committed by people who many would consider right wing.
I didn't realize black lives matter was a right wing group

Preordering Andromeda just so I can pretend my poorly animated not-Shepard is having sex with Valk instead of a blue squid girl

Politics fuck off

I hope the world burns

Only the Monolith will save us brothers

quick, post r6s wallpapers!!!

Please take this shit back to /pol/.

what part of the crimes are not comparable did you not understand?






Monolith is the true answer

We are all brothers with no politics to divide us


I just wanted to fucking chill on this general since I can't sleep but fucking /pol/ fags killed it



>Dead game series
Makes you think

>we haven't needed a docpost in so long i don't have the text

Can the wish granter save Veeky Forums from faggots who like to discuss politics for no reason

An user just wanted to play a riot cop

>I only play the hottest triple A series
>I physically can't play games that do not have sequels or DLC being actively developed for them

I hope for your sake this is bait

So this thread has already gone to shit, huh?

really activated my almonds there

please respond

le docteur est ici

please stop shitposting in the thread. also do not give those who bait and crave (you)'s and attention what they want. ignore them and/or use 4chanx's filter to filter out the bait. give your precious (you)'s and attention to those who deserve it, like drawfriends and OC makers.

remember, only you can prevent bad generals.


Like a kid promised ice cream for doing his homework, people were on good behavior for promise of THUNKING. Now that drawfag delivered and everybody's finished unloading, it's back to no rules.

So the Islamic right wing is bad. And?

See and just last thread people were complaining about drawfriend and porn discussion taking up the majority of the recent threads.

I didn't know if anyone took dibs on that yet, but I was the one that mentioned it at first. I've got a lot on my plate as it is but I can definitely add that to my list after I finish the sequel to pic related and a few other things.

gave me a chuckle

It's fucking 2:30 in the morning. I was supposed to study for an exam in my 8 AM class tomorrow. Instead I've spent the past few hours very high, browsing this general, and thinking about how Hibana kinda looks like Nagato because I'm a good for nothing boat fag. I'm just living the dream I guess.

Give us a list of projects you have in the works so we know what's coming (or cumming) please, user.

Historical operator when?

After Third Echelon and the Division get added.

This is the Swole Frost of anti-shitposting.

Good threads of level headed game discussion and good OC will come to this thread but only if you reply to this post with: "Remove this junk with a THUNK."

what anime? is this the same one with that girl called tenryuu that has the eyepatch?

i come into /r6g/ to escape political shit
Remove this junk with a THUNK you beefed up canuck fucker

>Literally making assumptions

It's Kantai Collection, Tenryuu is in the game but isn't in the anime but I strongly suggest you avoid this shit like the pleague.

Remove this junk with a THUNK

go back to china ya chink

>Frost THUNK pov sequel/pt 2 [nsfw]
>Quick portrait request for a friend
>SAS wallpaper set

And then after that in no particular arder
>Ash and Hibana tweaks/redesigns
>Smoke/Mute/Echo comic
>Smoke/Echo buddy photo
>Echo/ and IQ/Mira/someone else SS [nsfw]

Remove this junk with a THUNK

Remove this junk with a THUNK

Why isn't she in the anime? She's the most memorable grill.

Remove this junk with a THUNK

>echo /ss/ with mira and IQ

Remove this junk with a THUNK


>Dead game series
Do you really think a game has to get another addition to be relevant?
Stalker is one of the best atmosphere centered games ever made. Who gives a shit if it has a bunch of bugs and is made by slavs? The setting makes the game as amazing as it is.

>historical operators
>tainted by Ubisoft
boy do i have the game for you

>torch messily taped to weapon
new charms when



That art is beautiful
Doc best boy



>thereare peoplewho actually like bomb
not sure wether to be triggered or to laugh

bomb is objectively the best game mode right above hostage and secure.

you're a pleb if you think otherwise

So a friend gifted me the Starter edition.. is the game literally unplayable and should I send it back to him or is the hate just a meme?

Bomb would be infinitely better if the round ended the instant the timer hit 0.
I hate the game giving the attackers time to finish planting if they've started.

>i can't hold more than one room

see also i like to roam as jager so i dnt have to hold rooms :^)

>or is the hate just a meme?
See if you can upgrade it?
You're in for korean-MMO tier grinding to get any operators.

When someone is planting it's literally a 4v5
you just suck