Veeky Forums humour


Other urls found in this thread:


Any more like those?

But this isn't humor, this is a fact


Do filenames count?






Not even a Romaboo, I just find this to be hilarious.

This makes me rally depressed

class is a spook

>"""""Veeky Forums""""" humour
>thread is just /pol/itical autism balls
pretty accurate metathread if that's what you were going for


where did it all go

Is this for real?

Mainlanders shouldn't be allowed to travel without supervision.

The ball people meme can be funny, but a lot of the time the humor is removed by grossly misunderstanding the actual ideology. You can't critique ancaps by talking about annexing someone's property.

that's where you're wrong bud

rip that kid

Learn about middleman minorities, fgt.


Good meme

What happen here?

rome was a republic back then you uneducated twat


>Veeky Forums

Pick one.


I dig it. I used to read a lot of ancap theory so this shit cracks me up knowing it probably pisses a lot of ancaps off.



Holy shit my sides

nuclear tests.

AnCap memes are best.


But isn't this the point? Making fun of ancaps while snickering at the gross misunderstandings of it? You can't really take an MS comic seriously.


>not true ancap xD

>we dindu nuffin it wuz de goyz

I really really like the fact one of them is holding a conferdate flag.



fresh oc


Fuck man








Hello soldiers.
Look at your general.
Now back to me.
Now back at your general.
Now back to me.

Sadly, he isn't me.
But if he stopped following lady-scented officers and pledged allegiance to Cao Cao, he could smell like me.

Look down.
Back up.
Where are you?
You're on a boat to Red Cliffs, with the general your general could smell like.

What's in your hand?
Back at me.
I have it.
It's a communique with the location of the Imperial Seal.
Look again.

Requesting the pope Urban II it's 1095 meme.


>secret police
>rock quarry
What the fuck?

Kill Yourselves

Isn't this how reddit's boards work?

Reddit boards are run by whoever set up the board.

This typically means a dictatorship of the circlejerk.

this is how ALL websites work.

They're not anonymous

ok, but post pope it's 1095 first


Why don't you want to live in my perfect society where you always have to be armed and have to fear for your life the moment you leave your property?!
