/vn/ - Secret base Edition

Visual Novel General #1357

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:
pastebin.com/U7HUj0fk/ (embed)

Previous thread:
→ (Cross-thread)

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion

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this thread sucks make a new one

This thread is awesome make a new one


Could you not fuck with the OP? Retard.

Thanks for fixing the OP

noo pls don't ignore my thred we need cool guys like u in it

this thread sucks make a new one

at long last /vn/ is reclaimed from the /jp/ saracens

Chrono clock torrent when?

By popular demand, real new thread.

fuck off, threadsplitting is against the rules JOP scum

Why don't they go to the /jp/ thread again ? I'm new to this.
Shit looks comfy.

Good question

we still don't know


I... see.
Guess "those" are everywhere.

I fucking love clockup

>popular demand
>no one is posting in your thread
Haha, fuck off, JOP.

I know they already have /jp/, but why not have a separate thread here for the JOPs if they are so persistent?

It would be fun watching no one ever post there.

Best girl

>It would be fun watching no one ever post there.
You just answered your own question. A dead thread gets bumped off the board.

damn straight.

You mean like the other thread that was made as an alternative to this one?

Yes, that's what gave me the idea.

they don't care about VNs discussions.
some guys are genuinely mad about shit getting translated, and want to share the butthurt, some others are your typical run-of-the-mill "lulz i trol" wastes of space.
just hide their posts or report, and move on

So looks like this new OP should be the norm if most people prefer it this way.

Let's have a strawpoll to confirm.


where's the "I don't give a fuck since shitposters are gonna shitpost anyway" option?

> if most people prefer it this way.
that's not how it works, user

Truth is most people don't care either way, 90% of the regular posters here don't even bother reading the OP and the ones that do nitpick on that small detail are just doing it for the sake of shitposting.

Do you?

>tanned Amane

Meaty thighs.

Are there any well written VNs?
It looks like most are mindless copies of one another with cliches and tropes we've seen a hundred times already, with copy-paste characters

How come japs can't tell a decent story?

pretty hard not to care when they're spoiling CGs and shit.
same for the OP no one cares but keeping it as is is just an incentive to continue shitposting, however small it is

Define well written. If you want actual literature then go read an actual book, don't waste your time with laotian cooking recipe books.

While I do agree that a lot VNs follow the same themes and tropes, theres a bunch of them that don't and stand out from the rest, you just gotta find something you like.

Himawari was tightly written with mature themes if you ask me.

maybe they seek their decent stories elsewhere.
the medium is as old as videogames basically, it had way enough time to adjust to its consumers needs

People that are into this medium can't handle mature stuff, the second something doesn't have routes, moe or porn they won't even look at it.

>tightly written

I agree.
Couldn't spot any inconsistencies.

True. If someone wanted to write a serious story, they probably wouldn't do so in VN form

because they can read a book, watch a movie, read comics etc... when they want this stuff you're talking about.
tell me what the VN format can do that any of the others can't

VNs allow for more knowledge of at least the main character through the 1st person narrative (then there's cases like 11eyes where the VN changes perspectives and allows you to get in the heads of other characters)
>but books allow that too
Books don't have images, voices, sfx and a soundtrack

>VNs allow for more knowledge of at least the main character through the 1st person narrative
Lol, what? Books do it just as much. And unlike VNs there are way more good protagonists in books.

>Books don't have images, voices, sfx and a soundtrack
Oh, so you're like a kid who needs a picture book. How cute.

You're talking like moebutas read books
you can't do
Ever17, Sharin no Kuni, Subahibi, Yu-no, Fata Morgana, Island, Muv Luv, among others.
They all pull a trick that is unique to the medium or benefit from in a much greater way other medium could.

>look at how mature I am because I have mature hobbies like books.
Kill yourself. Why are you here instead of in Veeky Forums if you expect to talk with people who like books?

>I read visual novels for the "plot"

>Books don't have images, voices, sfx and a soundtrack
like huh... movies, anime and videogames ?
i thought VNs didn't have mature writing, stuff and shit ? are you trying to ruse me ?

>Fata Morgana
I am pretty sure there is tons of shitty books about metally ill trannys.

I believe you. After all, you are the thread's authority figure on mentally ill trannys.

Kek. Btfo

Nice reading comprehension, the topic was that it does something you can't do on other mediums, mainly all the mindfuckery with the backlog.

>tfw too intellectual for literature and read mature vietnameses powerpoint slides insead.


Big, meaty, thighs!

>porn is holding back the medium

>movies anime and videogames
Adressed in my first point. They don't have a 1st person narrative and tend to be shorter, so I don't connect with the characters like I do with a VN.
It's both the 1st person narrative and the images, voices, sfx and soundtrack

>I think visual novels can be "deep"

>They don't have a 1st person narrative
You are retard.

>Kisara's footjob scene in Eroge!

Woah I'm surprised 企画屋 is still going, I wonder if Maruto or Hiei still do work.

>reading VNs is childish. Real mature adults like me read books


Chrono Flop torrent when?

Maybe some videogames do. But movies and anime? Nah. Why do you think people who haven't read the VNs and only watched the adaptations fail to grasp Shirou? Because internal monologues don't work in anime. So anime only people lose a lot of the characterization and reasoning behind Shirou's actions by not knowing what he's thinking.

>>like huh... movies, anime and videogames ?
but these don't have the budget that exceeds my imagination, user

>Because internal monologues don't work in anime

Wow, you really are retarded.

Got ya covered user

>Why do you think people who haven't read the VNs and only watched the adaptations fail to grasp Shirou?
Because UBW anime was a dogshit? Internal monologues was pretty good in Fate/Zero.

Fate Zero was based on a book though, and it has a lot less internal monologues

Was the f/z light novel done in first person?


Sure let's waste the already limited runtime with monologues and stop the fight every second to get what the characters are thinking. That sure won't raise any complaints of fights being mostly people standing around. Nope.
Also, wow I sure am compelled to take you seriously when you can only insult me without providing any counter argument

I wonder what the Dies anime is going to be like without the fuckloads of narration in the dialogue
It'll probably be Marie's route which would be the best for that plot-wise I suppose but still...

You have your own thread.

Dies irae translation is finished so it's okay.


>and stop the fight every second to get what the characters are thinking

You really are retard

Dies irae translation is ruined by shitty rewriter though. Anime is our only hope to experience true Dies Irae.

Pedos get out.

Not him, but you sure sound like the retarded one here, bud.

You aren't addressing his arguments, just going "hurr durr retard" over and over again, like a mong

>Anime is our only hope to experience true Dies Irae.
Half way, no way will the subbers do a better job anyway, and half way, with almost certainly 3 of 4 routes being cut, and on top of that a ton of narration being cut, no way will the anime come close.

You'll be glad to hear MG's secret project is actually a lolige. Most likely. Probably. At least in an alternative timeline.

Schizos get out as well.

this is what usually happens when a moege manchild tries to have a conversation

Best girl
Best scenes

>You will get to experience Dies Irae in your lifetime

You can have characters have internal monologues while fighting you know. They don't have to stop fighting to think.

>Sure let's waste the already limited runtime with monologues and stop the fight every second to get what the characters are thinking.
Welcome to anime, manga and VNs in general, enjoy your stay.

let's hope that shit is as good as they say

In an animated medium, talking takes more time than fighting. You either need to have the monologues at light speed or need to slow down the fight. And then there's the problem of the limited episode count.


The prologue they posted on youtube looked decent enough, I didn't really enjoy the bad guys talking all pretentiously and chuuni but I assume that will be more bearable once they get some better development

In a VN, it feels more natural because from beggining to end, you're reading the MC's thoughts
Also, there aren't any worries of fitting the story within a time limit

Yeah, either way doesn't work. Slowed down fight, not enough episodes. Normal paced fight, not enough time for the narration to be spoken.
Conjueror said it took him 80-some hours to read Dies irae. That would take around 240 episodes of anime, not even mentioning that he reads way faster than people speak.
Dies anime is getting 13 or 26.

>bad guys talking all pretentiously and chuuni

Goodnight, sweet prince.