/mmog/ - MMO General

Extreme watersports edition

This general is for discussing new and upcoming MMOs, or MMOs with populations that are too small to sustain their own generals.


>Game databases

>Popular foreign MMOs & MMOs in development

>Popular upcoming MMOs
Bless: bless.aeriagames.com/
Revelation Online: ro.my.com/en
Dark and Light: playdnl.com/
Albion Online: albiononline.com/en/home
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First for Age of Wushu.
Let's cause some turabu.

That game actually looks pretty cool with the skill system. Did you guys from the other thread end up making new characters?

I want to reinstall it but I forgot both of my username and password.

pros and cons of la tale is it any good?

>cancerous mabishit shill makes the new thread early to force his cancer

Yep, I did.
T3 dropped yesterday as well, guess this is as good a time as any.

Is Elsword any fun?

Alright, I'll download it and give it a go. If I pick a specific faction does that preclude me from playing with you guys, or is that just for skills?

No, KoG has killed everything that was once fun to promote whaling.

Nope, the school you pick decides which skills you get and that's about it.
One thing to take into cosideration is that some schools are "good" while others are "evil". So if you plan to live the jianghu way, killing and raping along your way, some schools might punish for it. (Scholar for example).

Alright, I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

DFO literally doesn't "get good" until around the 70s - mid 80s for 90% of classes so stop being so got damn impatient user. Not to mention all that dumb shit you have to do in DFO just to awaken a class. Like holyshit that is some tedious shit. So tedious that I skip that shit and waited for awakening passes from an event multiple times.

Closers opens up each time you graduate, so get to graduation, moron!

How is partying in Closers? I recall an MMO beat-em-up I used to play and it was hell since every party member had their own knockdown\juggle combo and you touching the enemy interrupts that.

lotsa rules/good alignment: shaolin, wudang, emei, beggars
few rules/neutral alignment: tang, scholars
no rules/evil alignment: rg, wv

Learn to fight your own got damn mobs user and stop going for the ones everyone else are going for. You sound like this is your first time playing an MMO.

coudlnt get into the game, other than the bad lag, couldnt stand the fucking tiny draw distance
also afk kata training wtf is that

Why haven't you gotten your free Soluna?

She is fired, calm your tits already.

Does that mean this was true? I just looked it up, about a GM generating weapons. Pretty hard to believe, that's some private server shit.

i miss the days when people killed for a miss in tp

Some guy missed twice and I was about to go jianghu on his ass but then his guildie said that he was just a newbie and the poor guy was at inner 5 or something.
Felt too bad to smash the poor fucker.


Good OST
Leveling is easy
Can buy outfits with ely
Need a pet so ya can auto loot
Upgrade to skills are just cooler looking skills unless you go a different path when you get to level 50

Woah surprised I never really looked at this, seems like Mapestory with a much cleaner UI. Appears to have nice music as well. Is this the part where people tell me it's dead? I would definitely like to play this with you guys if we can get even a handful of people together.

If it's on here then it's ded. But we do have a guild. Also I been playing it on and off for 9 ish years.

Isn't it extremely grindy as well?

That's a given for MMOs made 9 years ago.

Hnnng. Sounds like RO music. Are you guys on the official server, NA\EU, or does it not matter?

NA and their is only one sever if I recall that's hosted by OGP.

Alright, I'll grab it when I get back from work. Thanks.

Alright. But I can't play today or give ya any ely for ya outfit. Also what kind of place style do you like ?

Sissy slut boy user, what are my options? I want people to know that I'm looking for a daddy to take care of me.


End your life.

killing people when they miss teaches two important lessons
1: don't miss
2: dying doesn't actually matter beyond the moment
if they're, like, weak mind and body though I could see an exception

That's fine, I assume you're all level a million so I'll get started and just explore as much as I can. Not sure how to answer play style in this context, in MMO's I tend to make builds that are fun and support focused but since the pop in low I'll probably strike a medium between solo-capable and works well with others.

I haven't looked into the classes though, one of them might look cool and I'll jump on that.

are wakfu forums down or some shit?

Well just pick what ya want and I will send ya some ely when ya make ya char. Post ya ign when you do make one.

Already announced on Gamakna:


The general feeling/concensus on the community is leave Nox to die and merge Phaeris with Remington. Nobody likes Nox 'cause of the dupers, the inflation and PK's.

Just you user. Your net is trash.

I logged off and it works now. Maybe im banned!

what were the first two wakfu puzzles gifts?

5 wisdom and 5 prospecting potions, 15 of these useless morphing potions, and a complete set of bed, carpet, screen, etc for decoration. Only trash, here is hoping for something actually useful on the 3rd.

Also, there is 100% craft, xp and resource weekend this 5, for 24 hours. Gotta autism hard.

wakfurries needs their own thread

If you've played Maplestory then be prepared to complain about LaTale jumping. That shit sucks.


Favorite mmo bosses go.


Atleast she gave it to just one guy, not all fuccbois like you

>you'll never be as 4yo as that guy
Lel look what I have haha? ?!? N-no, this one person gave me this!

Just got to rank 17 on Krosmaga. I have a gold pack quest that I fail at the 4th win every single time. ; _ ;

git gud
I'm at my 30th win streak with my cra spell deck.

I think mobas are the casual version of MMOs. It gives exactly the same "reward" of feeling superior to others (whether because of farm or skill), but compressed to 45 minutes instead of months and years.

I guess it depends whether you're more of a PvE or PvP faggot though. The mobage I play are only about your own achievement. There's literally no multiplayer apart from event ranking, which very few people care about except for the amount of rewards you get.

Can't seem to stand leveling windmill anymore.

worst meme
just do it sometime before the 1000lvl

Is there a reliable way to farm gems in Mabi?

accuracy bonus/penalty based on level difference, good or bad?

There's no way to get a lot of them in a short period of time. They are suffocatingly everywhere though. Events, squires, festia, some dungeon chests, some SM chests, ancients, metallurgy, metal conversion, belvast mobs... Wait, belvast mobs. If you think it's worth it to farm them for commerce loot, you'll also have gems as a byproduct, but not much.

Windmill training isn't even that long anymore. It took me 3 days from Rank F to Rank 1.
Just keep resetting skills at Duncan to satisfy the similar rank, strong and boss requirements.

>ecaflip pieces of shit always rolls 3 with the 3 dice
>keep rolling everytime so they have infinite dices

They should make it a 2 or less, fucking 3 its too much.

looking at that "0/100 defeat boss-tier enemy" though he probably

Look, in the options you may set [ ]/[x] "summons finish automatically"
[ ] would mean you may keep killing the mob along with your horse, try to end it with the skill like always but without panic if the fucker will go deadly - pet will kill it but there still will be finishing blow available to plop the skill on it.

Literally RNG mate, he also could be rolling 1dmg for 4AP, killing his board control. The goddamn guy plays with your feelings every single time. Not my thing at all. Some people love to gamble though.


My favorite is the card that deals damage to all minions using the dice. I think it was 8 AP but 1 less AP per bow meow in play.
I had a bunch of minions out all with 2 health, he plays it, rolls a 1. He gave up pretty quick after that.

End of the month user, you still have a long way to go. Reach 10 for the pedestal and a silver pack.


Any user here playing could please sell me one? I'm paying 1 million kamas for it. Server is Remington.

Is that the Cloud Knight? He's the worst knight so you'll have trouble finding him.
Why would you want him anyways? Just to collect it?

do you even play your own shit?
stop reposting the same images
post your original content ugly comfy screenshots so people could see the actual game (wakfu not the card one)
3/10 shill

Of course my horse. I woke up one morning and suddenly wanted all the sidekicks, it has been fun to level them up so far. Drop and Flama knights were pretty cool, I'm very curious about Cloud.

Can he make as much dmg as the krosmoblob thingy?

Are star pieces random drops?

I've done like 5 shadow missions today and haven't gotten one.

Nope. Krosmoblob just hits too hard.
Also I doubt you'll get it for 1m. Most sidekicks I see on the market are 2m+

JIM, don't start please. We are having a comfy chat here.

Have Ush kicking a dofus instead. I have played the goddamn game a million years and haven't made a screenshot in the actual game. I may start doing it now just for you Jim, just 'cause I love you.

Seriously, why can't you go make your own general and leave this one alone? I'm trying to be nice here.

holy crap you are disgusting

this shit ain't half bad, i feel sorry for ever doubting some of you

On what server are you playing? On Remington sidekicks cost from 500k, to a max 1.4mk. Never more. I bought 4 for 400k when I started.

The fuck kind of sidekicks are you buying? I've seen Protoflex for 1.5, Lumino for 2 and a Krosmoblob for 2.5.

>Just keep resetting skills

I don't understand why you would do this. Whatever skill you reset, you've still got to bust your ass to level back up to the point where it was, and then up to rank 1 if it wasn't already there. Overall you're taking a loss. Why not just GIT GUD and actually fight stronger mobs if it calls for you to kill stronger mobs? Or use a tendering pot, since you can't not fucking get one in the quiz event. Even the attendance event gives one or two.

>you've still got to bust your ass to level back up to the point where it was
No you don't. The only thing you lose is the exp at the last rank. If I wanted to fight boss monsters I would reset my skills since I have combat mastery r1 and I can just level it up if I want to fight strong enemies.

>I don't understand why you would do this. Whatever skill you reset, you've still got to bust your ass to level back up to the point where it was
Have you even reset your skills before?

I've never seen one drop, the only person in the thread to confirm they drop said they came from VIP missions and he had VIP. No idea if that's intended or a bug.

I want that Nimbus @_@

The missions are not scaling. It's new, and already pretty ugly. Meaning the best rng is on hard and elite missions, so either run things like Shadow Warrior or Their Method on hard or socialize and run something better with stronger players. Scary fucking times

Why would I? I'm not a shitter.

Huh. Well on one hand, I've been lied to. On the other hand, that still makes the pills I've got completely useless, as they do reset all the way to F. Either everything or just one skill I pick. And if those don't knock your skill rank back to F despite saying that's exactly what they do, then what the fuck Nexon, make your useless shit less confusing.

But no, I haven't reset because I didn't, and still don't, see a need to waste my time. I just fight harder stuff and go on.

Duncan resets all your skills for free if you're under 1000.

And so do these stupid pills I can't sell or even bank in the low low chance that resetting skills is something I'd ever want to do.

kritika online when

>I just fight harder stuff and go on.
Yeah, you're not going to get far. There's a reason -CP gear is still expensive because a lot of 'kill boss monsters 2000 times' is just too long and annoying when the only boss monsters are things you can't actually kill.

What? Were do you buy your sidekicks? Lumino was 800k just yesterday. Trank is 900k RIGHT NOW. All the others are below 1.2m RIGHT NOW on the AH. When was the last time you saw it? I keep an eye on the store like one time every 2 hours for all the things I want.

>in the low low chance that resetting skills is something I'd ever want to do.
It's easy to fuck up your skills.
For example I had to reset my skills because my Composing skill was too high. All my music notes were too hard to play at Rank C Play Instrument or Song.

Or if you have too much dex and need to fail refining to level it but everything has a 99% chance of success so you're either stuck or fork out money on training potions or failure potions. Reseting skills doesn't cost anything.

3 months ago on the AH.

Protoflex was so unwanted, I saw him for 200k the other day on a bag. What's his deal anyway? I never ever see him around.

Also, is Skale worth it? I like how he can eras buffs on monsters, seems like something strong for high lvl content.

A lot of people hate Protoflex because of how laggy it is. The smoke effect can make players crash so no one uses him. But I like his design.

See, even those examples I don't understand. You reset because your Play Instrument skill was low? You level that up passively while casting your buff skills, which is faster than using the Playing Instruments skill anyway. You get EXP towards Playing Instruments from casting the buff at all levels, then you get more exp if you get positive results, again at all levels. Right up until Rank 2 it gives between 200 and 300 exp total just for doing that alone, and at Rank 2 it still gives 170. At higher levels, smacking enemies with cheap lutes still gives between 30 and 60 exp total if you go for the max exp from that action. Doesn't matter if every mob you kill is ranked "Weakest."

Then for refining... most levels seem like you don't need to fail at all if you want to rank up. Or are you trying to perfectly train each and every rank of your skills? Rank 2 only gives 24 exp for failing to refine 80 mythril ores. Rank 1 doesn't call for failures at all.

There are either more efficient ways to level the skills you've got problems with, or failure isn't even necessary to hit the exp required to rank skills up. If you're going for master titles, perfect training only counts when you're rank 1.

Is there *.ini on the game were I can take out all the smoke effects on the game? It hurts specially when I multiclient.

>You reset because your Play Instrument skill was low?
No, I reseted because my Composing skill was too high. If it's too high and you make a music note but your playing instrument is too low then you will keep failing, making you unable to level playing instrument.

>You level that up passively while casting your buff skills, which is faster than using the Playing Instruments skill anyway
Wrong. Look at the wiki, for example rank 5. Using a buff gives 0.05 BUT if I use it and get a good result I get 0.15, 3x faster than just using buffs. Also there's a wait time when casting buffs. Music notes don't take less time to cast.

>then you get more exp if you get positive results, again at all levels
You never trained it, have you? You don't get good results unless you have music notes.

Go look at rank 2.
You would have to refine 80 gold plates, 40 mythril ingot, 75 gold ingot, 150 silver ingot and 250 copper ingot just to get to Rank 1. Do the math.
You need 5 ores to make an ingot. That's 200 mythril, 375 gold ores, 750 silver, 1250 copper. But if you fail to refine mythril (which is pretty fucking hard) you can ignore the 750 silver and 1250 copper ores and instead get an extra 400 mythril ores.
It's just way faster.

But sure, if you want to make things harder for yourself then go ahead.

meant to:

I give up. I'm just going to play Ragnarok. Maybe in another few years there will be something vaguely worthwhile to play.

Play HentaiRO with me!

>sprite remix is back
Also any if you cubs going to play RevOnline on the 6th? Plus we should remove it from the OP now that it has a general. I was going too before someone made the thread early.