Why is Poland so irrelevant?

Why is Poland so irrelevant?

>be Polack
>have the same start as Germans
>do nothing with it
>get colonised by Germans
>get colonised by subhuman Russian mongols that can't even read or write
>become toilet of the Europe
>contribute nothing

357k - Germany - mountains, forests, less fertile than Poland
312k - Poland - mostly flat land, very fertile, could feed a lot of people

80 milion Germans
38 milion Polacks

Are Poles mentally challenged?

Because they aren't even Europeans.

Got any source for it?

No, it's just a meme he pulled out of his arse like the rest of this damned place

t. kurwa

>have the same start as Germans
>get colonised by Russian
hey hey hey wait a moment

Russia didn't exist when Poland competed with Germany.

Also, Russia couldn't colonise Poland because Russian culture was too weak. The only threat to Poland was Germany, always.

Poland was relevant, but then it's 3 border countries wanted that fertile land and so it died
Also Prussian backstabbing, just like they did to all their other allies


Real answer here: Poland may be a verdant country, but it is also a completely indefensible open plain. There are no natural borders to prevent invaders from the east or west from sweeping in.
Half of Germany is made of mountains and the other half is bordered by rivers that were very difficult to get an army across

What then prevented them from expanding to the German border, which would be a natural border? Or expanding east until they reached a defensible area there?

>What then prevented them from expanding to the German border, which would be a natural border?
Muh honour, muh god, muh values.
>Or expanding east until they reached a defensible area there?
Stupidity. They trashed Soviet Army and could easily march to Moscow and beyond, but once again Polish stupidity and moral code.

Poland could be literally better Nazi Germany, but they choose self-destruction instead.

>Are Poles mentally challenged?
No, but you are

>They trashed Soviet Army and could easily march to Moscow and beyond
>Poland could be literally better Nazi Germany
This kind of ignorance is exactly why everyone makes fun of you people.

>being so retarded he doesn't know about Niemen offensive

>have the same start as Germans

I don't think so, part of Germany was in the Roman empire and the adjacent areas had contact to it to some degree. The Frankish empire spread Roman institutions to the whole of Germany; Poland was only settled by small remnants of Germanic tribes when Slavs came there; there was pretty much nothing.

>history is a video game

Leftists and Jews hate Poland because they saved Europe from Islam in 1683, Bolshevism in 1920 and communism in the 1980s.

And they are already starting the fight against progressive multiculturalism.

Dear Polandman, is modern Ukraine a friend in need or just an sneaky enemy?

Well Poland was once very powerful. Even more so than the pre-unified German states. They formed one of the largest and democratic european nations with Lituatnia. The Polish-Lituatnian commonwealth ruled over many Russians and Germans. They were decently wealthy and powerful and helped to stem the tide of Ottoman incursions into Eastern Europe.

The reason Poland is so irrelevant now and was conquered was because of the rise of 3 equally powerful neighbors. Russia, Prussia, and Austria all ganged up on Poland in the Partitions of Poland. Poland could have possible won a war against just one of them, possibly. But Poland was literally outnumbered and surrounded and conquered. That along with a generally weak government and rulers didn't help any.

Had Poland never been partitioned They probably would have gone the way of Austria eventually with many different ethnicities trying to break away, but they could have been more relevant and prestigous.

>what prevented expansion?

Other powerful kingdoms and empires.

The Holy Roman Empire presented a very difficult barrier in the West and in Germany. Russian principalities and large Khanates would stem expansion East, even though Poland did control Smolensk, Ukraine, and so on.

>Have the same start

Ye, and the Germans were cucked by the Franks, who introduced all the Roman stuff and the Church. Since then the Germans have had a hard on for all things roman and tried to hold on to the Italian parts of their >Sacrum >Imperium >Romanum like a lifeline of culture and economy.

Also, Poland is much colder and so is the clay, so it wasn't until the invention of the heavy plow that those lands could be easily put to use for agriculture.

>Battle of Vienna

You can thank Poland that you are not growing a dirty beard reminiscent of pubes on your face and getting serenaded by old men in a tower every morning

They got betrayed and dismantled.

by their own stupidity

>be pole
>finally destroy Teutonic Order that killed your people and germanised your cities
>have the chance to annex the land and dismantle it forever
>create Prussia instead

stay mad merkel cuck

>all the polish asshurt in this thread.

>Battle of Vienna
>Nicholas Copernicus

>Muh honour, muh god, muh values.



>They trashed Soviet Army and could easily march to Moscow

You mean the 15 or so autistic poles (aka jobless WE WUZ HUZZARS plumbers) who inhabit pooland could pool together enough zloty to buy enough gas for a one way trip to challenge the might of 20 gorrillion clown hat wearing (less autistic yet still autistic) autists?