/fhg/ - For Honor General

Big Pimpin' Edition

>NEW: First balance patch is now LIVE! Patch notes here:

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Previous thread:

Buff PK.


Not yet. We have to see how her winrate shakes out after her bugfix before we see if she legitimately needs buffs or not.

Nth for nerf OP Valk

Please stop.

Even though nobody asked me about my opinion and nobody cares, this is how I would fix the gear stats. Sorry for bad english.

1. Move default stat amount to the middle of the line and reduce max possible gain and increase max possible loss. In other words, equal stat gains and loses. No more giant pluses with minor minuses.

2. Make only one stat go up, one go down and one always remain on default. No more two buffed stats.

3. Move revenge gain by defence on a same item as revenge gain by injury.

This would result in characters having more or less the same overal power as they were on lvl 1. As the gear would no longer give you as much straight advantage I would also enable an option to personaly turn the gear stats off for people who want to keep their stats on default amounts.






She needs a buff.

Gilgamesh Warden sword looks like shit tbqh

Shower me in your salty fluids!~

>please buff this top-tier hero instead of Berserker, Raider, Lawbringer, etc
PK mains are the trash of this game

>Suddenly everyone is Valk and using the same attack combo over and over.

What the fuck happened to this game.

Please stop.

What combo?

>opponent goes for a guardbreak
>he tries doing it again 3 more times consecutively leaving him wide open
I don't know why this seems to be such a popular thing. If it didn't work for you the first time it's probably not going to work if you keep spamming it.




>Using the most optimal combo on a hero
>It's completely reactable


I wreck Valks. The only good move they have is that overhead that's really hard to deflect. Their GBs are bullshit though, because they can sweep your legs and you're fucked on a heavy.

Still, even with all that, I've consistently beaten them.

For the people who missed it (because a lot of these complaints are repeating like ), here are the summarized minutes from the dev stream a couple days ago.

don't get hit by 2 lights in a row

that's just all wrong

How do I turn matchmaking off for Dominion Vs AI?

Trying to do the "kill 300 minions" order, but there's 3 other people in every game camping at the spawn.

I want to play with me + 3 bots V 4 bots. I know there's a way to do it, but I can't work it out.

I've been disconnected every single game I try to play this morning. I have open NAT. This game is garbage

It does.

So do most Warden Ornaments, pic related.

Any good Kensei players to watch on Twitch?

>not repping house arryn

When you parry an attack, can you just hit guard break, or do you have to dash forward and guard break them?


>don't get hit by 2 lights in a row
you can start it after one attack
i sure as fuck had that happen to me multiple times

Just GB
tho it depends on who you parry
nobushi, some attacks on raider/kensei/law pushes them too far for a direct gb
bes approach is dash + light or something else

I think a lot of bitching about Valkyrie is because people don't know the matchup yet. This is understandable, because before the buff, she was almost nonexistant. Now that she's popping up all over the place, more people are going to learn the matchup and figure out what makes her tick.

Depends on the range of the enemy. Against Nobushi and Kensei, you'll probably be out of range.


Shield / Pommel
>Revenge Gain Defence, Revenge Gain Injury, Throw Distance
>Revenge Attack, Revenge Defence, Revenge Duration

Move Feat Cooldown to the Helmet and it's all pretty well balanced

i will stream for you personally
after i get gud

It depends on how far away you are usually

But the game is retarded and sometimes you push it without dashing and you pretty much teleport to them

only if she whips the 1st
her combo is light + light + sweep

>tfw love bloomed on the battlefield

I can't wait to get to renown 7.
post your best looking characters

>playing brawl
>teammate complements my fashion
>different teammate talks about how I destroyed him a day ago and is glad he got paired up with me
Some nice feels for a change

Anyone know an answer to this?

What's Nobushi's overall gameplan? I'm trying to learn her, but either I run out of stamina, or I get bullied in close range. I'm not sure how you're supposed to keep people out with her relatively slow attacks.

Her second light attack goes into the sweep. So she can miss the first.

definitely wasn't an attack before that one light hit
and then straight into sweep.

rate my IW conq
I'm too lazy to try and make their emblem in the editor

As with all classes, you want to focus on your faster attacks. Side dodge heavies and any direction dodge lights. Any time you get a hit on a light, try to finish the chain by switching locations because the full light chain does quite a bit; or finish the chain with GB for a stam drain kick. If they're close and you get a parry, you'll be close enough for a GB into top heavy, but you've probably noticed your heavies do less than 1/3rd of the lowest HP chars. Use your free dodge on a block to keep your distance against opponents who try to stay close.

so i think ive broke BOTH my controllers now because of fucking peace keepers and how they need to be removed from the fucking game.

if you play peacekeeper you need to fucking kill yourself.

im so fucking serious, im not memeing or joking at all. end your fucking life you fucking faggot.

for some reason it's not on the moveset and i wanted to tell you go read it
but i tested it, and it's definitively 2xlights + s+heavy
impossible with only one light

any word on when server goes back up?

i know its not
but it happened
it has to link from SOMETHING > light > sweep

>Fighting an Orochi in Skirmish
>arrows are fired as he pulls out the bow
>attacks hit as he starts them
>say "I wish the game wouldn't match me with people connecting from the ISS"
>starts shit-talking and calling me salty
nah but seriously how does that happen

Love you too, cutie pie.

Peacekeeper does not require skill, because she doesn't require, parrying, deflecting, feinting, timing attacks or even blocking skill.

Nigger give me my sword back.

works with heavy + light
but not any single attack, it must be a chain

- Remove PK
- Make 1v1/2v2 a best of 10
- Allow one ban per team (a team can use their ban to undo an enemy's. In 2v2 the person who bans is chosen randomly)
- Remove PK
- Frequent leaving results in Dota-style LPQ (shitters who constantly leave get matched with other shitters who constantly leave). Shitters here need to win games in order to leave, further leaves are a ban.
- Consistent stance-switching speed among all heroes
- Blocking costs a small amount of stamina
- Unblockable attacks resulting from a counter or chain now count as a block if parried. The idea is unblockables in this context are a reward and while they should be avoidable, punishing for them is a little counterproductive.
- Ban PK mains
- Remove most hazards on maps. Give Lawbringer and Raider some benefits for slamming people into walls as compensation
- Add a separate K:D figure that doesn't include environmental kills
- Remove PK
- Lightly rework Raider, Kensei, Berserker and Conqueror to give them more unique kits

Can someone explain how counting frames in a game with not hard-coded frames per second works? I can understand it in older 2d fighting games, where the frames are hard-coded into the game, but not in a game like this? Wouldn't the frames change in accordance to hardware, graphics settings, and monitor frequency?

Also, why are we using this archaic methodology? Why can't someone record the game in FRAPS, upload the video to Vegas Movie Pro, and count in seconds the time it takes for the indicator to light up to the point of impact? And then measure in second the time it takes to switch guards, and note the difference?

i dont think they even know that shit is down, ubisoft being ubisoft...

it wasnt an attack

The berserker does 3.5 bars of damage on a fallen over enemy. This is roughly 75% of the total health of any character under 5 full bars of health like PK. How is this balanced?

>Elimination is a serious gamemode

...I have to do all of those things as a PK

retarded region locking

it works with shield charge aka. dash back and hold guard + light then sweep
it's literally an attack chain

Also remove gear, give future heroes for free and use microtransactions to sell cosmetics.



we were doing the same shit to the zerker as he fought before the tauntspam

literally kill yourself. i hope you fucking die in real life you cunt nigger faggot

you can get the sweep after two lights, or a heavy then a light, even if the first misses

OR you can get it directly out of a shieldbash or headbutt

or sheildbash -> light -> sweep

but that's it

>getting GBd by a berserker while out of stam

Because it can be stopped by just either blocking, parrying, dodging or GB-Countering. It also requires you to either hit, or miss a swing first, then do one of the most telegraphed overheads in the game.

Lmao what .
I didn't know the oroichi says NANI

What part of "fallen over" do you not understand?

>future heroes for free

They are. You'll be able to use steel to buy them.

literally took me less than 5 minutes to test everything out
i have no idea why people refuse to learn or try anything for themselves

dude i dont even play zerker and I'm willing to say that if he gets nerfed he'll be completely non-viable

If a PK doesn't need to feint or deflect or parry against you, YOU ARE FUCKING SHIT

I meant allow the current level of customization for an unlocked hero then sell ornate-looking gear for jewgolds.

I may as well stream for you then.

Most are playing this as if it was Dark Souls and not a fighting game.


Then don't fall over? Hence why I say that you should tech the GB, instead of just standing there like a retard, like that Warlord did.

At least get some new fanart to post, the same three pictures of her getting reposted in every thread with similar responses is just lazy. Or is that pk players are not only too lazy to git gud, but also are they too lazy to produce anything but shitposts?

I wish Nobushi had the AoE debuff that the assassins have. Much preferable to Fire trap.
>AI Bot Nobushi can have it

The LPQ idea and the rework of certain classes are good
The host thing is irrelevant for most, but why not
The rest of that list is awful.

I'm actually going to finally force myself to learn how to draw because I love PK that much.

i always imagined the girls of for honor like this:
always helpful and well manered
strong smell of perfume
smells of animals
but is cool with everything
smells of blood and diseases
always dirty
is a total maniac

That's pretty ridic damage, but who doesn't expect a GB while exhausted?

Be sure to post your sonichu tier """""art""""" here so we can all have a hearty kek at your miserable attempts.

Nigger I'd never share my art until I considered it decent.

Momoji cutest girl in campaign.

Who are the best optional-girls?

now apply that attitude to your posting

Whats the best build for warden?
high damage, quick stamina regen, revenge build?

>Consistent stance-switching speed among all heroes
you honestly think this is a bad idea ? you are fucking retarded...

5 times in a row now
ppl have rq on me
i can't say no to all these free wins tho

Because it's literally the only thing berserkers got going for them, aside from feinting and half-decent dodge-lights. They have no way in on people outside of deflections and guard breaks, so, if you get caught by it, they need to be rewarded for it.

Warlords shit on Berserkers for free, so I don't know how that Warlord got into that situation right there. I mean for shit sake, Warlord can out-trade the Berserker using the super armor on his heavies if he so pleases and he'll win unless he gets hit by the overhead.

Oh my god it works, I thought sweep could only come off the various bashes. This changes everything! Truly Valkyrie is an endless mystery.

Can you help?

Then why do you play when you aren't decent at the game?

>Create one class that you want to see in future DLC.

>HARD MODE: Create an entire new faction.