Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
What's the most obscure anime kusoge
Ryu buffs when?
Play Rashid's game
The low tier isn't referring to character tiers. He believes humans are made in the image of God so they're "low tier gods" or some shit like that.
Play Vsav
2B for Playstation Allstars Battle Royale 2.
Dance to my game
Play pokken
meant to quote
Good lord, which porn game is this?
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
don't play SFV
TWEWY fighting game when?
2B empowered my love for legs
Violent Tusk when
Ougon Musoukyoku
So i've been doing alright with kolin against everyone but laura.
I'm starting to think that kolin does okay in most matchups, she only struggles against command grabs.
Anyone else have any tough matchups with kolin? I'd look at replays on CFN but the servers are being gay
muh dik spit up
This is Hisako
Say something nice about her
"The Koran states not to believe in UFOs or otherworldly beings" - The Muslim guy in my class that tried to convert me
My toughest matchup was with the servers. What a shitshow.
She scares me.
got more fun games with her than with akuma when he was released
Who would win Frog oZma or TAMO-II???
She's hella cute and if I played KI I'd try learning her first
This copy pasta is right about Tekken not evolving enough
Movement could be better
They could give every character a jump like Akuma and Eliza too
put captain britain in mvci
There is so much wrong here
>Hisako but not a ghost
Dank shills this shit
stafy no!!
I know this may sound silly but could it be possible that most of the people that got "invited" to this tournament payed to get in?
There should be no reason why that spic ken player, chris t, gootecks and marn are in it while most of the top japanese players are not like Galtu
they seem cool desu
Japanese aren't good at SFV
I miss Excalibur
I always thought it was weird that there are still religiously strict characters in the Marvel universe.
cool enough to run a home daycare
japanese are terrible at this game
>all females except scrawny kid in spandex
>Doctor Hussein Fasamalala
Truly, PC has ruined comics.
They invited the people who will bring the twitchboars.
It's esports baby.
the whiff 2s into run up wild throw
its western tourney not japanese. of course they going to invite only recognizable faces for their marketing campaign. #riseup
Eternal Fighter Zero
That's small time. I think Umineko is at least somewhat popular because of its anime. Kanon and Air aren't really popular anymore.
JP players doesn't attract the general Western audience, PogChamp man and traps does.
Didn't realize he was back. Can't wait to see how angry he makes inexperienced players.
> TFW leg man
> 3 year of leggings on cottage cheese legged hambeast has nearly killed off my love of legs
> Most character designers don't pay attention to attractive legs and Tumblr character designs with short stubby legs makes it even harder to find decent characters
> Nier Automata gets teased
> Her legs look great in the promo art
> Get depressed that it probably won't carry over
> 4 months ago discover JAVs
> There's a sub-genre of JAVs about women wearing high-cut swimsuits or panty-hose to show off their legs
> Nier Automata clips leak
> 2B is everything her design said she would be in 3D
You know, there are some times when faith, faith is rewarded.
Although it may be hard and there are times when searching seems fruitless, always persevere. For your promised land could be just around the corner
bison/necalli is like 8-2 in bison's favor. devil's reverse gets him in for free, all of his buttons rape necalli's in neutral, his pressure is unstoppable, one wrong guess dp to counter = stun and game over. awful match.
>Necalli still under the radar
>implying Glty and Gooey could rope in more viewers than Diego Umejarez and Bonchan Nipchong
sounds good
Is this nigga ever happy?
But, I just got here.
>Get ready for the next battle!
git gud
Don'T lie you are a wifi warrior if a capo freaks you out.
Why do people hate Eddy?
Bison definitely beats necalli in neutral, but necalli can still light dp the devil's reverse, which is a good way to check bison. After you start beating his devil's reverse and dashes, it's really hard for bison to get his damage
when you get roasted for putting out more of the same
This...oh man fuck swe but this was really funny
Scrubs and casuals refuse to learn any matchups.
Because if you don't know what's going on he can basically lock you down into an unsafe blockstring constantly.
Also some of his moves are still active when it looks like they shouldn't be.
For new players he's a pain to deal with and the ultimate scrub machine
For intermediate players he's a devastating surprise in the hands of decent player but generally a nuisance
For expert players, he's free.
Literally the most annoying fuck in the entire game, he's worse than Bears and Bob which says a lot
Arsenalty must be pretty mad, the main thing he liked about Tekken7 was how Lucky Chloe replaced capos
what makes life bars good?
Simple and easy to read obviously.
Not like that trash in Xrd.
They are designed for casuals who hate facts.
Show raw numbers or just stay with cod.
its ok when iron galaxy does it
anyone else going to FR next weekend? I didn't have that much fun last year, nobody wants to party. maybe this year will be different.
not being like vsav's
SF2 copied them from another game just like its characters
How do you think in SFV?
I'm having so much trouble with 2nd round grapplers in this game it's not even funny. Just heavy normals swung everywhere and and I can't get them to stop even with whiff punishing. What is the thought process when fighting zangief other than, he's gonna eventually jump and you may or may not be prepared for it.
What fighting games use numbers instead of life bars?
I'd love to go, but I've run out of extra cash at the moment. Hopefully I'll be going to The Fall Classic this year, at least.
What constitutes a party for you?
getting drunk and playing on the candy cabs my dude
Smash and Pokken from what I know.
He said fighting game.
>devil's reverse gets him in for free
Nigga are you dumb?
Just DP the reverse lmao nigga just press the button
>his pressure is unstoppable
just block lmao, and punish dashes when he gets antsy nigga
how mad are you to say that every time someone shits on smash
what are you even doing in this thread
Does smash have a grappler?
Aesthetics. Colors. Complementing the games graphical style
Notable good lifebars
SF3 Second Impact
Alpha 3
Capcom vs SNK
Notable bad lifebars
Every MK before MKX
Primal Rage
Classic Tekken
Official /fgg/ approved character reveals:
>Doctor Fate
>Eddie Gordo
>Shin Hisako
See ya next time.
I'm so sick of V-trigger, literally v-trigger is just free damage for everyone. It's stupid.
more like all zeroes cause I'm not playing those wack ass games lmaooooooooooo
How literally shaking are you to still think in early 00 memes? So literally shaking you can't even use your shift and . key anymore?
2nd Impact is better than turd strike in every way but especially aesthetics
how do you quick-restart training mode in SFV on PC? it says LS button but is there a way to change that to a non retarded key that no arcade stick has?
More like 1/100
what about donkey kong?