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Want to roll a Warlock but fuck being a boring and ugly af human or tiny gnome. Which is best warlock race?

i'm a cuckold and i let others boost my imaginary gf

orc or undead

Best caster class in terms of fun?

end me

How are Blood DKs doing? Also what would be a good profession combo for a main? Looking at enchanting and jewelcrating.

>35 tries

>"Curve" group.
>Some dude dies to fel beam.
>Others get thrown off the platform.
>Most don't know how to soak bonds.

Dark Iron Dwarf.

Alliance though

curve means nothing because you can buy it/get carried

>Fire Mage is the 2nd easiest DPS spec
>Also has the most autistic min/max players

>magaera every fuckin week

>2nd easiest

wod was better and garrisons were more fun and entertaining

I only have 35 in frost, I'm not going through the hell of getting it to 54 as well. I'll stick with fire even if it's nerfed to lowest dps

what are the 3 easiest then?

What is, in your opinion #2 then?


kill yourself then

which class has the best utility skills?

They're not THAT ugly, problem is that because of the way the WW stance works any fist weapon is going to look awful, plus fist weapons in general don't have as much detail as other 1h weapons.

The truly fucking retarded thing is fist weapons not being transmoggable into AT least swords since chinese sabers are literally the monkiest weapon in the game and part of the Windwalker's class fantasy.

>I can transmog my arcanite warbreaker into a fucking staff if I want
>enh shamans have to use maces for the entire expansion and no swords for windwalkers tho XD

Huntard specs / Balance / Enh are all extremely simple

How bad is it to roll a DK on a RP server


>other shit

all you need

>tfw 50 traits
I'm gonna make it soon lads

If you don't RP too bad (like super edgy, or you are not even dead or your reproductive organs are A-OK and you can still get pregnant etc) you should be fine. RP is not obligatory.

>tfw no gf

for solo probably rogue.

shamans bring the most 5-man utility, maybe raids too idk

Rogue or Ret

>other shit

>Short CD Stun and Interrupt
>Divine Shield for 100% damage mitigation & can autocast if talented
>Blessings of Freedom and Protection
>Shield of Vengence is a short CD
>Eye for an Eye

Because we have a Warrior and a DH tank I take every slam as Ret by alternating Eye for an Eye & Shield of Vengence

WW if you value mobility. You can also tiger's lust other people. Touch of Karma is also pretty baller.

>Killpoints calculator
>Citing an imaginary system

>play on RP server
>get a random whisper asking if I ERP


once I got above 500 points with that shit, I got memedaries first with my monk then with my DH within 24 hours. Pure coincidence, I know.

Frost or Fire

Current state of Blood DKs?

Reroll. Mages are in a shit spot. They are worse shamans

>loved my marks hunter when I played during wod
>come back to new marks changes
what in the world have they done? My rotation feels so shitty now

>Go on mmochampion
>Links to some of the classic threads like Raid finder and the MoP stat squish
>See this

What artifact do y'all recommend getting for a mage first? Can't decide on a spec

>tfw 5 million crit the other day
>there's at least 2 more tiers left

Are ele shams still shit?

>that one warlock you found in relatively early MoP with a million buffs to get 1 million hp in a dungeon
>that was impressive at the time

Play the meme build it's 100x more fun

blizz calls you in to fix Arms

what do you do?

I feel like playing a new character.

Druid or Warrior for a tank?

>+2 depleted

Warrior, druid tank is like coma simulator 2017

make rend and overpower by default aviable in arms and make rend proc overpower

What are Sub rogues like atm?

Both PvP and PvE

I haven't played since cata and I'm going to be coming back next week. I want to make and hopefully main a WW monk - what can I expect? How are they doing in 5 man content as well as raids? How would you rate them in difficulty/apm? How about general usefulness to a raid?

>tfw just whisper the cookie cutter human females loitering stormwind with their rogue t9 a lewd emote and they either bite back and ditch their guildies tavern RP or arrange something for later

stormwind on AD is literally 10x worse than GS

They are shit and provide no useful abilities to a raid.

Pick something else.

>make a character on rp realm
>loiter in populated areas as slutty female
>haven't got a single tell

>adding an additional slot to a slot machine

legion is shit

it takes months to gear up even if you poopsock 20 hours a day

Very solid in raids and M+.

Not extremely difficult but need to learn how they work with combos.

Very few specs bring along something that is super useful to a raid, WW isn't really one of them.

super quick to level, though.


kys faggot

w-what do you emote user?
So I can use it to find some people


Current state of Blood DKs?

Frost. Fire is shit without leggos and arcane is a pain in the arse to play outside of raid bosses.

my car keeps stalling whenever I'm idling like at a stop light or something

any car otaku here

Fine for any content you'll be doing.

Gutted and ruined like every single other tank spec.

i cant bring myself to lvl an alt this is so fuckin boring
>first spam rdf from lvl 15 till 58
then its geting fuckin shittier and shitter
>complete some outland quests but turns out its even more fuckin trash since i did them like 11 times already
>go back to rdf
>rdf till 98

need more details


>leveled up alt recently
>stuck on 860 because nobody wants me for shit like heroic en

do i just spam lfr nh and hope for some titanforged?

show me your legendaries /wowg/

weekly bonus expierience by 200% when

dungeon finder til 90 then dude garrison lmao and dude gorgrond lmao

Hate the belt, need new gloves, green weapons is just eh, so many other good 1hs to go with, overall not bad though

I'm still confused by the machine they're sitting in. Is it a laundry machine?

>Fall for the "just sim it" meme
>Sim my mage
>Tells me gul'dan ring is a 14% upgrade
>Get it from bonus roll
>Compare all different rings I have equipped and the gul'dan ring
>Gul'dan ring is downgrade in dps

Do mythics and lfr

Janitor is on point dealing with the degenerates.

shit and shit, but more fun than ass

restore it to MoP state

that means rend and overpower, no more focused rage, baseline bladestorm strong in single target


Unplayable without leggo boots

Which melee class is the hardest to take down? Frost DK or Ret Pala? Or anything else?

I've been used to playing glass canons and i want to tryout a more sturdy dps class now

any of the tank classes, especially ones with dude self healing lmao

Veng DH, Blood DK, Prot Pal or guardian druid

fury war with pvp talents

when are they adding the button to open all mailbox letters at the same time?

whats the fastest way to 100 from 90? without exp pots or buying a boost

When the addon to do it stops working

go grind quests in panda land while lfd whoring with heirlooms

I meant dps specs

just use an addon dude :^)

>only boss I need rerolls on are Elisande and Guldan HC
>guild hasn't even downed them yet
>tfw sitting at 6 rerolls + 2 I can't pick up

But blood dk is worse than like, a ret paladin or something.

>Elisande hc

christ this is going to take a few resets

Pug? I've done 10/10h with pugs only.

Guys I think I may be a WoW savant. I started playing two weeks ago and made a talent build that has gone undefeated in three arena skirmishes. That isn't all.
>see 11:11 1:11 every where
>i observe EVERYTHING, i always observe people and how they act.
>i have anxiety and depression
>i have been bullied and called weird all of the time
>i use law of attraction, tarot cards and i study alot of things to do with that
>i'm very creative i love drawing and painting
>i love nature and making things to do with nature if that makes sense
>i get very attached to people i connect ( which is rare for me to connect with people) , and protective over them
>i can sense my pets past lives
And thats bout it.

at least put some effort into your baits