/ceg/ Conan Exiles general

14GB update edition

>Official Links
Website - conanexiles.com/
Steam Store - store.steampowered.com/app/440900/

>What is Conan Exiles?
Conan Exiles is a survival game made by the devs of Age of Conan, and it's currently on the Early Access fun ride.

>Unofficial Premium Veeky Forums Servers

PvP server 3x harvest/kill xp 10x crafting/gathering xp:
(Veeky Forums comfy server)
PvP Server Launched Friday2/24 2x/2x Fulltime Admin: or 24001

>Official Veeky Forums server
Officlal PvP #185 vanilla rates

>Server not showing in the list?
Go to your Properties for Conan Exiles on Steam, and open the Launch Options, then type in : +connect

>Helpful hint of the day
Skin color determines the color of your pubic hair!


>Steam Group

Other urls found in this thread:


Will this update bring life back to the game?

>EXPLOIT FIX: You can no longer jump on top of exploding jars -not without consequences that is...
>EXPLOIT FIX: You can no longer repeatedly harvest your own body
>EXPLOIT TEMPFIX: Temporarily disabled the pike alternate attack while we fix the exploit

Server Settings
>Added ability to restrict PvP time on a server
>Added ability to set start time, end time and specific days for when PvP is enabled on a server
>Added ability to restrict when players may damage buildings owned by other players
>Added ability to set start time, end time and specific days for when players may damage the buildings owned by other players
>Added ability to restrict avatar summoning on a server
>Added ability to set start time, end time and specific days for when avatars can be summoned
>Added ability to modify damage caused by NPCs
>Added ability to modify damage caused by players


i would say it's mostly up to the server admin like it has been thus far

even vault exploiters have been banned from some servers for exploiting bugs. if you got a decent, active admin this shit doesn't happen

NOTE: Graphical materials and textures were re-calculated in this build, which will result in a large download size (~14gb). We apologize for the inconvenience.

vault exploiters?

vaulting up a 90 degree corner with a weapon in hand to access otherwise uncrackable bases

they literally fly for good 25 meters

>You can get a female player characters with male voices. This is fixed in the next patch.
fucking finally

it's ironic that the modders could come up with futas before a voice issue was fixed

ayy lmao



haven't played in a few weeks have the bugs for logging in been fixed?

at least this recalculation won't remain as 14gb on top of the earler build because my SSD can't handle 35gb+this update

what do you mean? logging is faster than it ever was atm but i think when the server disconnects and it gives you the option between staying in game or going to the lobby if you pick going to main screen it might take a while

I had an issue that happened consistently whenever I tried logging in after the loading screen would just show a black screen and tool belt slots indefinitely

i can't say i've had that problem ever

you're talking about loading the game normally but when you pick a server shit gets fucked? or did you get into the game?

That was happening after joining a server, could get in the main menu without issue

if it's true that it's consistent then i don't know what to say. but i believe there's a fix

the 14GB is preventing me from downloading the update onto my SSD while also preventing it from transferring onto my other hard drive before updating which fucking sucks

The fucking game was 35GB yet we have an update that is 14GB right now. No matter about the download size but what the fuck is going on?

it's not an additional 14gb the game's size will still be about the same

scared the fuck outta me all the same. this is not the way updates are supposed to be like

the limited time for PVP option is pretty much guaranteed to make the game better

Motherfucker, how else do you suppose they replace all the materials and textures with the new versions? What, did you think that the majority of the 35gb install size WASN'T the art assets?

it's impressive if they fix so much shit in one patch with 14GB. what the fuck could it even mean

>14 GB update

Can't wait till my SSD adapter arrives. I'm not playing this game until i get rid of these ridiculous 8 minute load times

loading times have gotten better irregardless of SSDs imo

literally can't play the game right now. pressing E will crash your client.

Last patch I got 5-8 minute loading times. Better than the seemingly 15 minute loading times I used to get when the game came out. 5-8 is still long as balls though.

>get home frome work
>girlfriend not home tonight, intend to play all evening
>get on my shitty canadian countryside internet, slower than usual
>check the game, it's updating
>14 gb
>9 hours left
>no game
>a fucking leaf
Thanks Trudeau.

>internet bills are jacked up cause canada only has 3 telecom providers
>all 3 are obviously colluding with eachother, but the government gives no fucks
>people give no fucks either since they've got cucknadian blood running through their veins
>price for food is outrageous
>chinks keep buying up houses and jacking up prices
>crack shacks will cost you well over 1milli
>all this while our dollar is getting raped

I never left the game, but I have been extremely busy in real life. And Rome Total War II

I may play again starting next week.

normies coming to new 2x serb...any day now. just waiting to pounce on our server. they comin'. i can feel it.

I wonder if there's any screens of the new hairstyles yet.

some weeb shit


>getting a bit bored in my base
>decide to finally explore the center city and build a secondary base there
>spend some time killing skeletons and scouting out good spots
>come back with a bunch of stairs and foundations to get working
>everything is invalid location
dammit, i really wanted a base in corrupted city.

you were able to build there last patch, guess they shit all over that

How has no one mentioned pressing E crashes the game?


ded gaem

Doesn't crash mine.

This pepe is


It doesn't crash on non-battleye servers and singleplayer

I'm on an official server with BE enabled.

>banned from conan exiles subreddit for making fun of some carebears crying about offline raiding that were begging for admin tools to find out who attacked them
man only 100 people read that shit

I wanna play but I don't wanna lose all my shit basically every time I don't play for a day. In Ark, I couldn't even get myself started because literally every time I logged off and back on, my shit was destroyed and dead. Someone even killed my fucking Dodo that I named Dumdum. How often does that shit happen here? Could I build a hut in the middle of nowhere and be relatively safe?

You could give it a shot on Comfy. It's been dead as fuck lately and I haven't been on as much since I'm in the middle of moving.

Or just fuck off in singleplayer.

I mean I like PvP, but I don't like the huge imbalance of joining a server late / not playing as much. But I'll try PvE. Something about this game is really pulling me in, I never knew the Conan setting was inspired by Lovecraft's works. Also I definitely like the character models and overall look of the game.

PvP is busted right now anyway with exploits + avatars. Comfy is good because there's no building damage (so you can be like me and have a comfy little river house), but the population is kind of low. On the other hand, most servers have a pretty low population compared to what I was expecting, so it's not that bad.

it really depends on the server, but there always are people raiding.
people with steel weapons (level 20) can destroy your t1 buildings.
as soon as you get t2 buildings (level 20 too), people need bombs to break your shit open. unless you're on a 3x or plus rates server, i don't think many people would bother grinding bombs to just raid small isolated bases.

i'd say in general, it's not that bad.

it personnally happened to me only once, but i mostly played on the vg servers where nobody was raiding until that red headed avatar summoning naked chick.

Check that subreddit or the server list and find a server that was just wiped, there are some every day. Only problem is finding one that has actual people playing on it. The one I'm playing on was wiped on the 4 days ago but has 3x rates. At the same time people are normie as fuck here and seem to be doing shit slowly. I'm already lvl 50 and am ready to summon Mitra as soon as I'm too bored.

No offense to Funcom, but the rollout of PvP is really offputting. The amount of effort required to shit on someone's base (just get to 30) makes people far less likely to invest any time in making an aesthetically pleasing base.

I've been poking around the control panel and found an option to modify damage to buildings, which could hopefully lead to a bigger time/resource investment in raiding.

In combination with adjusting the time restrictions, it could potentially lead to a more balanced PvP experience.

>14 gb

i'm hoping there's optimizations in this mess, i can run the game on medium fine single player, but online is a shitshow

Game loads noticeably quicker now after the patch. It's still not all that short for me, but it's a nice change.

>4 weeks out
>still no modded butthole and vagina
back to BDO

vag is in vanilla. Take a swim and see.

>people on server start raiding a bit more
>hide a large chest completely out of sight and reach
>fill it with steel reinforcements and demon blood
>capture a mitra archpriest
>break him on the wheel
>use chest to hide the archpriest inside until i need him
>chest just fucking disappears
>log out and in just in case
>all is gone

yes that painted on hairy gash, i see it
now look at BDO's

>press E
>go play another game
>login in
>was killed and looted


not for us non-gays

BDO has legitimate nudity or is that a mod?

It looks fake and painted on.

also ur gay

For having standards in pussy?

and loving dicks


Calm down it's early access what else do you expect

>Log in
>Discover the same thing has happened to me

who the fuck raided my vanilla isis cave on 2x2x, I had just got a furnace and shit and this happens, rude.. Every single place-able is GONE

could be patch related problems

>3-4 foundations inside the mountains/up in the cave roof to make sure nobody raids it and takes muh spot
>5 bedrolls
>2 boxes
>furnace and armorer's bench

so you're telling me that the 14 GB patch deleted all of my items but nobody elses on the servers? rude


I also lost some stuff. Pretty sure it was the patch's fault.

fucking patch, died right outside and spawned back in south with nothing again... nice game

>he doesn't know he has to reset his respawn point upon login

my bed was gone you dingus

>not having extra bedrolls in boxes all the time

>a black raperhino aggroes me when i'm crafting shit in my house

Can someone explain to me why this game is apparently so good? I'm trying to learn more about it before I buy. I like the setting and the game looks beautiful, but I don't know much about it other than it's a survival game. I see it has single player, is it actually fun alone? What the combat like? I tried looking it up on YouTube but it's either a huge series with 30 long episodes, or a tiny video about the early game.

i like it because it's brutal. most things and npcs out there are there to kill you if hunger and thirst don't do it first. i haven't played in single player but depending on the server population you might not see a single guy in 3 hours of playing (in 40 pop servers you might see a few people if you go to certain areas). so yes, it is fun "alone" because of base building, leveling and npc/slave interaction

now combat is really barebones atm. you can dodge some monster attacks by jumping and using a spear and block attacks using really easily falling apart shields. and of course you can dodge arrows but i don't have much pvp experience. multiple people fighting just one easily makes the numerically superior side attack one another due to swords having slashing attacks. then there's potions, magic, stat attributes and shit but they're not really complex or even closely finished aspects of the game

I tried connecting to the comfy server but it said I'm running an incompatible version?

updaet gaem

huge ass patch 18 hours ago

Literally just bought and installed the game. Steam doesn't say there are any updates.

don't quote on me but i believe comfy has 3 mods active

2x/2x server doesn't

Looks like I was trying to connect to the wrong one. The first one in OP was fine when I got the mods. Can't get on the second though, same error. Also why is shaved and oiled a requirement? The oil looks weird.

ah ye, comfy has some mods

hyena is dead
new server is dead
comfy is dead
thread is dead
game is dead
yet I still play and I ask myself, why?

Comfy just got a new player. Though unfortunately I'm stuck at work now. Probably just gonna die of dehydration when I get back one too, I couldn't see a damn bit of water from where I was. But I'm not naked anymore.

game needs a few small hidden fountains scattered across the map inside rocks and caves

>Try to lay down foundation
>This land is claimed
>This land is claimed
>This land is claimed
>Someone else's campfire
>Can't cook meat or interact with it in any way
How do you play this game?

other people's buildings claim round area around them. small objects like campfires, bedrolls and singular foundations shouldn't claim land but it might be broken atm

and yes, campfires and all workstations (furnaces, tables, benches) are owner (clan or individual) locked unless it has been modded away

the word shitshack means small buildings left behind by new players which clutter the starting areas

seems like i only lost a wheel of pain and stuff i had on me.

and if it weren't for the laws of physics of this universe i would slaughter that spider flinging shit at my from a cliff

pewdiepie made a video on the game

And those stupid little 2x2 pieces of shit that pickle leaves lying around everywhere.

2x2x and comfy get a few players every 24 hours but it's p ded...

you play because it's fun, the problem is that EVERYOEN is scattered the fuck out on diff servs, and like 80% has stopped playing cus end game is lacking or whatever excuse they have i got 150 hours and still havent hit past lvl 30 on any server so im having fun

build near south water at start

kill everyone elses shit unless it's more than like 5x5 size and 2 height

yeb, nazipie,