Lincoln is back!

Lincoln is back!

Cadillac BTFO

Volvo BTFO

Lexus BTFO

>vee six
lincucks btfo

No thanks, I'm not african-american

>inferior company to all other brands mentioned

At least lincoln tried


>implying blacks buy lincolns

>this is what v8 cucks believe

Sales numbers say everything

Lincoln has been literally who since the late 90s when the escalade first hit the market.

t. v8 cuck

Enjoy your slow 0-60 times and shit mpg

>implying they don't

The town car doesn't count, everyone has one

Now its just shit b8

Lincoln is gonna die off anyways

I think it's just one guy who posts Lincoln shit

This. The marketing is extremely negrocentric. Same with Buick.

Same with alfa and Genesis

Ford really hasn't killed Lincoln yet? Do they even sell them outside of North America?

>A Lincoln doesn't count as a Lincoln
So I guess Common doesn't count as black either.

t. pushcuck

They're extemely popular in China especially amongst young people, they sell in the middle East and people there like them.

In China among young people American luxury cars are as cool as g wagons are to teenage girls here

>The marketing is extremely negrocentric
Matthew Mcconaughey is niggerish?
Common is a good gentleman is he not?. he wants black fathers to stick with their sons.

So you're a pushcuck?

Thanks for letting us know newfriend.

Will it be more supreme than a new Expedition Platinum?

>they sell in the middle east and people there like them
least common souped-up-family-car brand here
lexus > infinity > cadillac >> lincoln in sales


Literally who?

>Lincoln is back!

GREAT! That means fewer niggers and spics will be buying premium brands. Best news I've heard all day

Both new Volvo and new Lincoln are aesthetic as fuck

Oh look, another SUV targeted at the widest audience possible. What a rare and interesting thing for a car manufacturer to create.

According to Lincolns president the interior will be almost identical to the concept

If that steering wheel and all that fancy nice wood stays on the retail interior I'll PayPal you a hundo user.

I hope it does. I was disappointed when the Continental didn't have the concept wheel

There's no way they're fitting an already manufactured airbag unit from Takata or someone else in that concept wheel and they aint paying for a custom unit senpai and they'll probably put multimedia buttons on the retail wheel.

Nice shitty Tesla interior.

>just put a tablet in the dash bro

dumbest design trend ever

The Mark VIII was the last really cool car Lincoln offered, this is just a rebaged explorer.


That was just a rebadged thunderturd

The lexus SC was better. They still run too

God just shut the fuck up already shitposting autist.
None of these companies are going to be "btfo" americans barely even respect domestic luxury brands.
The fact that it had to "come back" in the first place says something.

Thunderbird didn't get the DOHC 4.6L, air suspension and they didn't share any sheet metal.

And I still see Mark VIIIs, if you see one sitting it's usually because of failed airbags.




What's with all the Lincoln shills?

>butthurt yuropoor

Please stop shitting up my board.

it'll be a dated and plastic made piece of shit with sub par fit and finish when it finally hits sale.

like most domestic cars.
smd fanboys

I don't even like suv's but I have to say that is cool

See. This is the car for a family.


Watch it get btfo by Cadillac in sales.

>what kinda interior you want pham
>just gimme the dentist's office from the future treatment

How can they ever recover?

thats disgusting

implying normies play chess

>5 ipads