Tell me about African American history Veeky Forums!!
African American history
Other urls found in this thread:
> complaining about being slaves for all eternity
good thread
They made jazz and cause millions in damage through riots while claiming they did nothing. Apperantly one of them was a president at one point in time.
the smithsonian african american museum of culture and history opens later this year.
they already announced a modern civil rights movement exhibit featuring signs and tshirts from black lives matter, Baltimore and Ferguson.
and it only cost us tax payers $250 million!
Who decided to memorialize those large-scale chimpouts
had to find something to put on the walls i guess
I like how they're building on the national mall right next to the Washington monument.
The building apparently looks much better in person, though.
You mean it cost me $1?
more like $2.25
They were doing all right until welfare and CIA drug trafficking
I'm thankful for them creating Jazz and Techno
holy shit that is ugly af
They didn't anything wrong
Even Brutalism would have been better than that.
Good music
Peanut butter
thats about it desu
would rather buy a beer desu.
Nice Minecraft build!
This is basically /pol/ 2.0.
Don't even bother bother. Veeky Forums is the sewers of American thought.
>/pol/ still trying to claim Veeky Forums
Are you trying to say Africans have a good history?
>Are you trying to say Africans have a good history?
>I'm dumb, and I don't know about African history so I'll sprout bullshit.
Fuck off Psuedo.
we wuz boxes n shiet
Please enlighten me on the topic of advanced African civilisations making big contributions to human progress.
Or cut your critical theory revisionist bullshit and accept the fact that they are the great failures of the human species.
>they already announced a modern civil rights movement exhibit featuring signs and tshirts from black lives matter, Baltimore and Ferguson.
Are they going to be honest or just polish the turd? Because so far this "modern civil rights movement" has been far more Malcolm X than Martin Luther King.
>good music
>good lit
>thug life glorification
>apes chimping out
>black science guy
> Tell me about African American history Veeky Forums!!
The most successful and advanced Africans are African-Americans, despite (or maybe because of?) all the shit they had to historically go thru.
Unfortunately, far too many of them bought into the race politics of the 60s and post-1960s African-American society has been a disaster for them as a whole, though many individual African-Americans have been highly successful.
>Its another history is like my civilization games episode
Jazz is worth a lot of the bad things.
You guys like house music or techno? They made that stuff.
Oh and a black guy invented the video game cartridge. That's pretty damn cool.
>Slaves come to america in boatloads from west african nations that sell their kind to euros in exchange for sovereignty
>Slaves settle predominately in the southeastern USA
>work as farmers, picking crops, and some manage to become servants, mailmen etc
>Nations around the world ban slavery and americans start splitting between abolitionism and slavery supporters.
>South needs slaves to hold their economic might and political representation (slaves were 3/5ths of a person)
>A bunch of conflicts in the settling of new territories over whether it should be a slave or free state
>a few slave rebellions that are quashed
>american civil war
>slaves freed but still more or less poor af and still live on their estates doing sharecropping
>Demand voting and education rights
>migrate north to cities (creation of the ghettos)
>demand equality, end to segergation,
>Marcus garvey says all niggers should go back to africa and spearheads a project to do so
>Nation of Islam says blacks must become their own nation
>Nigger music influences american music to create Jazz and Rock
>Niggers make some poems and stories about how hard it is to be a nigger
>Freedom rides in the south to desegergate bus lines
>MLK nigger becomes figurehead for niggers to get equal rights and an end to desegergation
>niggers win
>mlk dies
>niggers stop trying to better themselves because there is no more hardships
>Niggers create violent gangs and whitey leaves the major cities of america for the suburbs
>cities that were once centers of riches and architecture become decaying ruins
>Niggers create Rap
>Libtards and jews promote multiculturalism and start attacking white people
>Libtards start promoting niggers in tv shows
>affirmative action starts
>Be 2016
>Ferguson happens and niggers still get away with the things they do
>BLM shoots cops and still get away with it
>Niggers get uppity
>MLK cries in his grave knowing that he create a menace to america
>Not including house or garage music
m8. I do love a good Detroit techno song though.
The great failures of the human species are faggots like you who spend all day shitposting on a Tibetan rock carving forum.
Now, if you want people who really haven't done much (implying civilization is a race to see who's on top), look at the scattered hunter gatherers of the world, especially Aboriginal peoples of Southeast Asia and Australia.
Fucking bullshit.
Read a Fucking buck or check a website.
We arn't you textbook faggot.
>bawwww we wuz slaves!
>bawwww we wuz oppressed
>bawwww we need mo money fo dem programs
black history is total shit