/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Duck bullying edition

*****NEW TO THE GAME?*****
Tell us your server and get a referral code from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you research a T6 ship).

>Newb guide


>0.6.2 SOON

>February Event Calendar + Ship Class specific boosts
NA worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/forever-alone/
EU forum.worldofwarships.eu/index.php?/topic/73122-event-calendar-february/

>Plans for 2017

>Captain Skill caculator

>Leaked info from WoT magazine

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
NA Channel: Search for 'Veeky Forums' channel by Antibully_ranger
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel"
SEA Channel: Veeky Forums

[BOTES] on NA - contact Precisionista
[HOTEL] on NA - contact Precisionista too
[BOTES] on SEA - contact Benlisquare
[HOTEL] on EU - contact Rex
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>US Cruiser line split still not announced

>French BB line still not released

>tfw you come to the wrong hood

>lost my image of everyone making fun of the bongspite for having the worst BB range above T4



What the fuck am I looking at?

This one?

28 April 2015, Jesus fucking Christ it's been a long time.

That's the one, thanks user.

You're looking at a qt

a picture of this

i'm looking at anthropomorphized girl, that is supposed to represent a large sunk Japanese Battleship


First non chain, hotel, abrach IP right here posting ITT to say I'm excited for the new russian DDs

Wow, I'm genuinely surprised that someone saved my image. This was from ages ago too, I'm also surprised that you remember this even exists.

t. benlisquare

>First non chain, hotel, abrach IP right here posting ITT

>there are people out there like this

Premium when?


this seems shopped

Probably, I just grabbed an image off Google.

In the OP it no longer says BOTES NA is full, does that mean I can join?

Would you watch this movie


>wanting to join botes
holy shit my sides




Friendly reminder you will never sit in the first row of a movie theater with a QT Hotel GF and get jeered by the audience because Hotel is too tall


>Sit in 1st row

You want to break your neck?

You have to get through the Panama Canal to access the other rows.


Just got rank 1 when do I get Flint, also Katori is pretty thicc.

Not enough leg room in the other rows

I'm taller than yamato and this is not a problem at movie theaters, manlet detected

I laughed more than I should have. Bravo.

Where... How do you know her height?


>tfw no tall hotel


how do i build akizuki? i have 15 pt captain

>Stomped him? im quite shure it wasnt a stomp and vs a team that was composed 2 days earlier by random ppl picked from stream chat (AND you were actually the guy that cried in chat you died, while his team didnt said a word generally - dont forget the vod of this games is still on his channel and i took my time WATCHING it, you little lier...).
And in the end they still went up WAY HIGHER then your "pro" team...

>Damn you rly are delusional dude about your supposly pure win streak...I remember you died awfully LOT to him in other games without making much and thats probably the reason you are so butthurt on his point for last 4-6 months? Damn he must have pushed his rod in your glory hole rly hard and many many times it seems... :)
>On semi important note your crying on ingame chat making me mute you and blacklist you.

>When im hearing this lies that you spam in this video i now no longer wonder WHY YOUR ACCONT GOT PERMABANNED on twitch :D your not only toxic in game but also spread lies constantly on stream/vod's (btw kiss supertesters asses on forum more, as i doubt it will hold you for long from getting permaban for racist text's/toxicity in game chat)

>Ahh and one more thing... Next time i see you in game im gonna send the replay to WG with your racist jokes you little confident and get you a ban also (and probably longer then 4 days OJ's got) (and make a reddit thread also - i will just follow your little confident teaches).

what even is this?

Hotel a best girl.

And literally the QTest.


DE, AFT, and CE

Is there anything better than Hotel?

Pro Tip: Yes


Not nearly enough Iowa posting these days, I need both Iowa and Hotel in my life

Nice stale meme you got there

>snail 4 sale

>realize this is old news after i post it
time to go back under my rock

I just can't justify buying her.
I already have 3 kamikazes for quickly retraining IJN captains, the tier 4 BB from christmas boxes, Atagoy and Yubari.
I doubt I'll buy the Tier 7 Amagi either.

Yubari is prob my fav ship desu
I remember it being a lot worse when the game was in beta though

She's fun as hell with the super accurate guns and tier 4 DF to shred up langley and hosho planes

yea i normally just try to shoot down as many planes as possible while bullying DDs or going DEEP and bullying CVs from behind

>there are people who DIDNT buy mutsu

>I cant afford her
Why live?

snails p fun having 41cms in a tier 6 game is funny as hell

God I fucking hate Hotspot. I only ever fucking get it as a T6 in a T8 game

Yes Nagato never experiences this with the current matchmaking.

I cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not

Speed slut (Blys) and cheeky smoke slut (Perth) are all I need.

Pensacola good girl?

daily reminder american cruisers look ugly as sin

LAdies and gentlemen... youre wowsg unicums!

>included non-unicums
>didn't include all the unicums here
try again and put some more effort in this time

sorry I couldn't find any good quotes from you

This sucks
why am I not on it?
my name is moshevo btw, i might not be unicum in game but i can make you unicum in bed

im going to have to experience it first hand before i trust u

sorri i dont serve melbourne scum


nice falseflag
i only erp with pink

If they're lowering Iowa and Montana citadel, what about brothel?

disgusting, off yourself

1. Brothel is a whore so she likes getting her citadel filled with AP.
2. Iowa and Montana don't have lol guns that bow pen everything


Noone here plays on SEA anymore do they

Your're probably posting in the middle of the night, try actual SEA hours

t. European fascist

It's 11pm NZ. 9pm AEST and 6pm west coast/asia...


Just started playing on EU, give referral code please


>From the player benlisquare
come back to your SEA

I knew someone was going to point that out.


not valid


try this
Also prepare some lube because WG EU going in without one

It tells me the referral code is not valid

No, you don't put it in the referral code box

You follow the URL, click on "Create account", and then create the account per normal

The referral code box is if you win a voucher at a WG event or something, and is completely unrelated

Used this one, thanks.


I did so, but it told me it's not valid in the bottom left corner, was this one for EU?
Anyway, doesn't matter anymore.

>(((white background)))

Alive, just like the Hipper class


>plays Tirpitz
>is retarded
Is this ship a universal indicator of a shitter?

Which ship type is the most enjoyable to play?

Hey where is Steel Ocean general?