/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1199

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for March:
3/1 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue
3/11 - 3/17 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
3/18 - 3/25 - Guild War (Wind)
3/26 - 3/31 - L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. (Rerun and Renew)
4/1 - 4/9 - New Scenario Event

2/28 - 3/4 - Legfest (New Character Rate Up)
3/1 - 3/14 - 3rd Anniversary Celebration (Free 10 Rolls Until the 7th, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)
3/5 - 3rd Anniversary Livestream


>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



Why aren't you guys playing the Granblue game with porn?

Is it translated?

daily reminder to roll your free rolls on your phone. Not on PC.

The NTR one?
Because I am not a cuck.

This is a Black Knight(female)

>Use R version of this dumb slut
>She tries to copy her own skills

>tfw rerolled Lucio/Gawain starter
Finally some love after reroll hell

Will I be able to enjoy this game without spending money?


>do nightmare sandal phone
>fucked up by picking chev dispel squad
>whatever, i'll do this
>Djannu at last slot for some reason
>actually survived this

wtf i love jannu even more now

You either take this game seriously or you play it super casually. No in between. Be prepared to grind if you want to progress. Money is optional.

If you don't have the esports mentality then yes
Or just ticket what your dick commands

You're the one using her so the dumb one is you, right?

>Cannot edit characters' stats by using a hex editor
Why are we playing this game?

>Taking your lumps
What did he mean by this?

>kirin in raid tab
was that one of you fuckers




Yes, you can finish the game without spending money and even just using SRs. Or if you are a luckshitter and get the core esports characters(like many of /gbfg/ in this anniversary event) in your free draws.

you can't finish the game even if you whale

>finish the game

praise the queen of gbfg

requesting a kind user to love tap this annoying shota.


Is there any better way of joining Tia than Tweetdeck, this shit is infuriating.

any guild willing to give noob a place to rest? will suck dick for a job

what limited character to summon using beginner draw ticket this legfest other than orchid???

Post id

>1200 to 1199
No one bothered to make a new thread huh

>Get Lecia
Wind sure loves me, and with new magna weapons coming it'll be just like the old times.

Join HL tia. They're super fast right now and you didn't cap prestige yet (I'm behind you).

My next surprise ticket!

We're just going back to zero.


>gbfg told me this was the fujo element

you niggas lie about everything

The cucking continues

There's very little chance of wind getting something better not without a competely new set of powercreep

Why does he have testicles on his chin?



>tfw still not Silva

I have actually seen japanese yurifags say that they like him.

She's fine. No one is talking about her anymore.

But everybody's husbando is there

>Next thread will be 1200 again
This timeline is fucked up

can lucio even be bought using surprise ticket?

what character is worth using SD ticket for account made this legfest other than dark zeta?

Those orchestral theme during event raids are pretty boss
Could someone post me a link to the music?

>Friend doesn't even play Granblue, he's just logging in to do his free rolls.
>Gets Orchid first day, Naru second day and Anila third day
>He still doesn't want to play because what he really wants is Apollonia

>It's a ching chong friend has Shiva but has ifrit as supp
Is he testing my friendship?

Because he is at the same level of being delusional as them?

>dark zeta
>worth sding

They turned the entire game upside down just to bring her down to "fine".

No limited characters can be gotten with a ticket.

Mica stop

I fucked up, I mean orchid, fuck just kill me already


atelier has space.
you can suck marie's dick

Good taste tho.

no we don't

Playable when?
Hugable when?
Impregnatable when?

So we'll just use this thread?

>I can't believe you're go.. WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE TOKENS FUCK YEAHHH

I want to lay between her thighs.

Stan pls


Nezha gib anima pls

is this game worth picking up?

>the core esports characters
Which are?

no don't do it

another baha

No, and we hate you, go away.

Damn it I want to sleep

Start rerolling now

I love jeanne

>like many of /gbfg/ in this anniversary event


get ready niggas, kirin codes incoming


wat this

>tfw she is cuckbait



is that you again bum fun

Thanks for the true light anima


What was the stream about?

>Fire resistance buff
>The only Fire player is me

Whatever Bahamut. Thanks for the Gold Cert


Thanks for the cert

Shut up Chen


Sorry, thanks for helping

>pray that I get Rosetta, Lucio, Lecia or Aoidos during the 10 rolls
>actually get Rosetta in the second day
Praise Allah. Aoidos pls come

Last one in is a rotten egg!

Well, where are the codes?

How do you feel about your sensei being cucked?

last bahamut
free MVP this time

sssoooooo, vira or narmaya for SD ticket? already got orchid



neither. don't use your SD on a non limited character

if you don't want a different limited now, save your SD until you do.