Why is Pan-Anarchism not a more widely help belief amongst the anarchist community? Why do they insist on about the type of anarchism instead of forming a united front?
Because that would be smart and Anarchists are stupid. Hence why they're Anarchists in the 1st place.
Just a hunch, but it might be because Stirmerites are so dangerously deluded, they don't realize their ideology was BTFO by the prisoner's dilemma.
Anarchy ideologies only exist for memes like pic related. Prove me wrong Veeky Forums.
Because they all want entirely different things. Its like asking why didnt the US and USSR join forces since they are both variations on statism
Because the only thing they agree on is their dislike of centralised authority. Other than that, all the anarchist ideologies are totally different, just like their mainstream parent ideologies.
Explain please
But the dislike of centralised authority IS something. I would say its about the same as unionists teaming up with progressives because they have an interest of more government. Same with classical liberals and neo-conservatives.
Why can't anarchists be anarchists together. All anarchism should be able to co-exist, why isn't it pushed for.
>All anarchism should be able to co-exist, why isn't it pushed for.
But what happens when the Ancaps buy all the land around the Anarcho-primitives, including the headwaters of the rivers they drink from then begin dumping toxic waste all over the border zone, then claiming the primitives are violating the NAP when they come out to ask them to stop so they use all their Tactical™ Nuclear™ Weapons™ to obliterate the primitives.
What about when the Anarcho-pacifists get called out for not checking their privileges enough by the Anarcha-feminists and are prevented from doing anything by their ideology, so the feminists take control of their society with their militia of big butch lesbians and begin culling all the men while the pacifists all sit around agreeing that the use of violence is deplorable.
Some kinds of groups are prone to be dominated by the most obsessive narcissists. The anarchist groups I've encountered seem to have this problem even worse than socialists, new agers, and LARPers.
t. anarchist
Because Ancaps and Ancoms hate each other ALOT
But none of these reflect anarchism. The Ancap example is just dumb and the anarcha-feminists are most certainly setting up a state.
In spite of this, these examples bot use an anarchist globe which anarchism is no where near yet. There is some room for the growth of political anarchism in general, instead of specific strands of anarchism which seems to be the case currently.
Thats only because Ancoms believe that everyone should be ancom or else.
Let me guess an ancap told you that?
t. left-libertarian
there is mostly solidarity between anarchists where pan-anarchism as OP explained is already a thing
capitalism isn't compatible with anarchism, sorry
No, an AnCom did.
>What about when the Anarcho-pacifists get called out for not checking their privileges enough by the Anarcha-feminists and are prevented from doing anything by their ideology, so the feminists take control of their society with their militia of big butch lesbians and begin culling all the men while the pacifists all sit around agreeing that the use of violence is deplorable.
Well, that works out about how we expect Anarcho-Pacifism to work out.
T. Anarcho-Pacifist.
requesting mroe like these
>not panarchism
Then how come Ancaps are the only ones calling out the tyranny of the state while '''''An''''''Coms just bitch for free healthcare?
Nah ancoms actually call out the tyranny of the state while """"an""""caps just bitch for free property rights.
Ancaps are all fascists in disguise.
The problem with these ideologies is that none of them are binding and therefore eventually fucking pointless.
>who was Emma Goldman