League of Legends General - /lolg/

Best ship until the end edition.


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums blind up
pass vidya
3 spots

Xth for fertile drake daddy

comfy bf sword rush~

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Is it intentional that abilities which give an auto reset work on towers but not inhib/nexus? Just realized this with Leona's Q

xth for Syndra


So I met ghost crawler at GDC for business literally 30 minutes ago and chatted with him on shit he's had in his head for awhile:

Yordle butt buffs (Tristana incoming)
Poppy buffs...?
Corki is good
Nidalee is hard to balance
Fuck Kalista - he thinks is the only mistake ever
All champions have an identity
Irelia buffs maybe..?

He looked pretty tired. He thinks lee is balanced and "he's getting the hang of camille" but surprisingly he was a legitimatelly nice guy to talk to

those are good kitties
are they yours?

I want to be LeBlanc's sexual plaything

I want Tahm to cook a delicious meal for me

who here likes purple schizophrenic shortstacks?

/lolg/, design champion more obnoxious than Yasuo.



some how we fucking won

look at this man
would you him rape your backline?

Hey man, were you at the weekly Syndra gangbang last night?


early afternoon BRONZE ONLY edition vg vs vg na
place your bets


I want to feel Miss Fortune's breasts pressed against my own!

I wish I had kities.

I just saw white kiti being vampiric and I thought of best ship.

I live in a tiny room in an overpopulated region so no kittie for me :(

yeah me and the Renketon went 10/4 and 14/4. He was fucking crazy good at him too

can you write me some Vayne guro smut vladfriend?

You mean the one in your dreams? No, I don't do lucid dreams user.

just get a housekiddy?
My friend had one that loved to stay inside and basically never left the house.
Sort of a NEET cade. Was a pretty smart cade too




I don't think anymore.
I just suffer.

I want to see Vayne squirt

I moved in like a month ago and landlord won't let me. I wouldn't keep kitie prisoner, especially since I'm at work all day. :(

Sorry, that's not my thing :/

>Get jungle secondary
>Pick tank
>Camp top

It's really just that simple


Solid load of obnoxious but he is not AD.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who immediately thought "BOSS NIGGER"

thank you /pol/

>Top and Jungle are duo queued together
>They get double killed
>See somebody teleporting on a ward
>4-1 tentacle bitch about to tower dive you at 6 minutes

Riot has been really slow on the releases of skins. Last patch we only got festive anivia and next patch we dont get anything

I don't get the bitching
Riven is never a problem for me
Yasuo is never a problem for me
Darius is never a problem for me
Vayne is never a problem for me
Talon is never a problem for me
Lee Sin is never a problem for me
But you know who is actually a threat?
Quinn (pre lethality nerf recently)
Zed (not horrible just rough from lethality)
Yet the wave of silver surfers seem to not even acknowledge any of these besides zed
If they had played against a high elo zed, they would never complain again

Dragonslayer Xin Zhao and Dragon Sorceress Zyra??? Hello???

>Sona + Twitch wonder why they can't approach the creep wave against Varus + Zyra
Seriously, this only ever happens on EUW, I never see people doing this shit on NA.

I dont have a problem winning against lee, but its boring seeing him in every game.

And people mainly hate yasuo riven and vayne because they have a tedency to feed for epic montage plays

All on red.

when are we getting another girl yordle

when are we getting another titty monster

when are we getting a yordle titty monster

desu Ghostcrawler always seemed like a nice guy so it's heartening to see that's the case. I agree with him about most points too.

What champions defined the League of Legends meta game back in 2009 before bullshit power creep and money became factors?

oh wait true but those are so shit I blocked them out of my mind

hes not as bad as reddit makes him out to be

and yeah were overdue for a new qt

>Confession time

Laning phase, if I see you get a Triple kill in my screen, best believe I'm taxing your lane.

more yordle titty monster art pls

Kinda think you only get reported for being toxic because the people that are stuck in elos are actually disabled people and Riot just trying to prevent suicides

I wanna cuddle Jinx and make her blush over something

Only because suicides = less revenue


I want to look you in the eyes and tell you you're cute while petting your hair

yea this is why we will never not see a casual game again, THANK YOU AMERICANS for being fucking inbreds.

Don't see why that's relevant

Ashe Mid
Soraka and Annie bot
Nunu Top

Barely anybody jungled.

>vayne shoot user wit shootgun
>user ded

>*skillfully crits you for 1000 damage with AA*


> Barely anyone jungled

what the hell was the fifth role then?

Ekko does a lot of damage so yeah I still don't see why it's relevant

double top before EU came up with the jungler meta which we still play today


Go play DotA and find out.

>had to play through a 50 minute aram game

Fuck this shit

why do your friends know that

do you get hard when they pet you because i know i would :(

Because AD champs can do shit to damage after they missed all their skills then put their hat on and say that was skill.


It's not lewd! Besides they know I like head pats, it's really nothing though!

>Can end the game
>ADC splits to farm a fat wave in a sidelane
>Gets picked off
>We lose



jesus christ ranked gets noticeably worse on weekends. only played 3 games today and all three had people who were clearly under the age of 15 going 2/13/3 and then raging at the 7/2/4 jungler for being useless.

>ADC 2k17


are you the useless 7/2/4 jungler?

play during the week at schooltimes it helps a lot

well thats all skins for today

This would also be a cool skin for her to have.

>If you play brand in mid lane fucking kys
How do you deal with this shit, going tanky and MR doesn't do shit because his damage is so high. Then this cunt builds Roa.

in one of the games, yes. the other two i was top lane and it was the same situation. mid or bot feeds like its their job and then rages at the jungler who is literally the only person on the team even close to being fed.

Reminder Riot's matchmaking algorithm is dynamic and changes on a day-to-day basis, before playing you should check how streamers day is going, if you hear lots of complaining skip playing today and check again tomorrow.

I've gone from Plat to Diamond doing this.

>been a one trick for a long time
>decide I want to give going pro a chance and try out different champions
>hate them all and end up feeding on them and not being motivated enough to learn them

how do people do it? I mean, play multiple champs? for me once I found my champion I was like, this is the one, the one for me. I don't need anyone else. I don't get it how people can play like 20 different champions and enjoy doing that kind of thing it's so alien to me.

we miss you bukkage

If yasuo is so easy why don't you climb with him then dude

Pick something with a shield like Orianna.

He's a fucking annoying faggot I agree.

His passive is retarded.

>%max HP damage just because
>needs legit brain damage to miss his AOE

Rush a negatron if you need to.
Boots help you avoid his shit easier.

What determines if an ability can be seen if the one casting it is in a bush? Some you can't see while others you can

reposting since ded thread

unless it's orianna you poke with level AA+Q+AA and destroy your mid laner before he even gets level 2

later you just poke with laser and make sure you're not pushed to the tower until you manage to get 1250 gold

if you got it quickly (before 7 minutes) you recall asap and just shove waves until you get atl east 50 cs advantage (make sure to steal jungle while you have nothing to do)

if youre playing aganist some immobile fuck and they're getting close to you just DROP YOUR ULTIMATE as they're unable to run away from it

viktor is braindead easy when you know how to get money from killing minions

>his E is wonky af
practice mode and smartcast it

>W is unreliable
no shit you dont engage with it, its your get fro m the jail card

>Q has no range
as it should be

IDK user...

I have just have a few champions I enjoy playing so I play them about equally as well.

Spotted the yasuo player

No I'm just saying if you think all ad champs are bullshit why can't you just play ad champs and climb if they're apparently very easy to play?

They're not shit skins tho

This is now an experience changing thread

Please post cute pictures about things which make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Probably heading to bed, so goodnight /lolg/, and I won my Gold I promos. I hope your climb is going well as mine!


ingame they are

How tight do you think that midriff is

god bless project smurf, if only he knew

post ya titties again

Because I get bored if i play the same champ more than 2 or 3 times in a row

Because I only play this game with friends and try to pick according to team comp

Because sometimes i really want to try out a champion with a particular build or something like that

I tried to OTP a champion, played like 75 games on him and then stopped, haven't played GP in 2 months, and he's my highest mastery. As much as I love him, it got boring.

thanks to your relentless spamming of Nami pics, I have a huge folder

But I only spam this single picture and ask for more cute pictures...

feels good to get stuck in masters because of stupid low challenger fucktards thinking they can 1st time jhin or varus just because lethality is a preferred build

He knows he can feed like it's his job on Yasuo because somehow they always make a comeback after 30mins and 1vs5 when they're on the other team.

>Immobile mage with shity prep skillshot stun
Teleport behind him.

have a nami

Wait a minute, there are more Namiposters? Not that I dislike it, but it is quite shocking.