League of Legends General - /lolg/

OLD: comfy bfs edition~




xth for Syndra

>tfw too cute

Someone redpill me on using new rito client to upload webms.

Won't let me upload because it has sound.


xth for THE CHAMP

Hypercarries are cool

Except Yasuo because fuck him

Xth against faggotry

>get camille in urf
>all those faggoty mages who sit back and poke scared shitless everytime i jump them
>mfw they think they can escape me with their flash

u just need a good succ

Xth for Katarina
best girl


what did he mean by this?

what would I do better to get an S+, /lolg/? more cs?

stop posting this, it was just bantz

Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums BETS!

Shiv for waveclear into more cs

too cringe to look at it

>Never 4get

You can tell adc is garbage when I get that role instead support with fill

all on my big mexican boy ralsa

xth for Cute Ashe

All on my boy 6t9

Moosh gonna hard carry

>gp one trick on gp

I'm adc again with fill what the fuck

>Be mid playing Orianna
>My toplane Renek with ignite somehow gives first blood to Kled 3 minutes in
>By 10 minutes he's 0/4
>Out of fucking nowhere the fucking nigger yordle comes screaming into my lane and one shots me under my fucking tower.

What the fuck is this bullshit and why hasn't it been nerfed yet

Shallow depth of field.


>decide to give this meme mode a try
>dodge a few games
>get nami on my 3rd queue
>I main nami

That was actually pretty fun but not something I'll do again.


>being retarded

>still fighting jungle camps

Whats your excuse?

Nami main? Comfy/10

>not murdering eveything and everyone on your way


>someone gets garen in urf
>denies trade
>ends up building full tank with cleaver
>doesn't know how to beyblade

Have you played a game with your waifu today user?

Have you told her that you love her?

can riot just stop doing URF altogether?
all it does is attract mouth-breathers with no taste to bitch about how they like even shittier versions of this shit mode

>be support
>do twice as much damage as yasuo and three times as much damage as lee sin
>also 50% more than malphite and caitlyn
>still lose
i know mage support is a meme, but i want off this wild ride, especially with a yasuo that refuses to ult off of anyone else's abilities but his own.

i'm pretty sure i'm going to lose the next game because of my own fault though. they have kog/raka bot.

king gay I want to be your friend

>Playing those meme supports

I'm sure I could win more doing so but it just doesn't feel right.


I hate supporting in this meta. It feels like you're basically forced to be a shieldbot/healbot or a 'support' like Brand.

>Samsung get aced 2v5 after getting baron

When did Korea become the clownfiesta?

second game tonight that someone on enemy team afked after i dominated bot as bard support

I love when people chase me through my portals just for me to q stun them minute they come out of it

So what champ should I play if I want Lonely virgins to want to play with me and ERP?



But i'm not a bottom

>tfw no Syndra to step on face

why is life so cruel

you can be

Not build rylais?

well then add me silly

unless ur one of the people who Ive specifically unadded cause they were being annoying

>Ezreal does no damage maymay
>Stixxay in Game 3 of P1 vs CLG

what's your ign again? I can't seem to memorable it

host didnt post results so here

close game

whers the remake idiots


it was BANTZ

>Ezreal does do damage maymay

Damage is literally all Ezreal does.

>host didnt post results

dude happens to be a shit host

I don't think she would be interested into the parasites of society - probably would just look into real men with hard big cock.

our power bottom delivering the true experience

Tell that to the silver surfers in this thread.

another vg pls that last one was suck

/ourpowerbottom/ changing experiences

>that red team score

Lol what shitters

Ill attempt one at this hour, vg vs vg is up on na, join pass is vidya

>giving attention to silver surfers

Why would someone do a silly thing like that?

Damn, close game i guess

>adc in competitive league is the same as normal league

haha nice meme friend

I'm sorry...
I just suck at making friends

but if you wanna be my friend you should know my ign by now silly

vg vs vg is up on na, one of the better hosts is hosting edition. needs one more person, password is vidya


>better host

>be gold 4
>have low plat mmr
>three diamond last seasons on the enemy team
>proceed to shit liquid down their throats

good shit.

tho they were probably boosted to d5.

it's alright, there's absolutely no point in being friends with king gay anyway

>not a attention whoring namefag
>actually advertise instead of just inviting friends list
>actually posts results and bets

yeah actually i am by a large margin

Whats wrong with him?

Last season doesn't matter much. Boosted queue is no more.

vg up +1 pls

nice server nigger


vg vs vg is up on na, needs one more goober, password is vidya

nothings wrong with me

the only ones that dislike me either dont actively talk to me or I unadded because theyre boring

he's so fucking boring and and weird to talk to
you're better off talking to any random here than him

vg vs vg bets, trundle didnt connect edition

>having to take a dodge because people in solo queue are retarded and cant coordinate a trade

just take your fucking pick or learn to play more than one champ holy shit

>That Varus
>being a meta slave

>king gay on anything but his cancer lethality talon

>play annie support since they got an ez
>they pick karma
>can't hit a single q all lane long
>get shit on by all poke
>this game is supposed to be fun

fug u

>LB and Fiora get a single kill at 50 seconds due to Lux stepping on a ward
>they are 6-0 at 5 minutes


>ImThem AND welding
just go AFK my man

>still being held ransom and forced to dodge in ranked queues when its obvious someone is trolling

don't you mean boring as fuck/10

yeah like your mom

>Someone gets autofilled to support
>They don't want to play support
>They go some random ass champ with smite and lock in so they can borderline int-feed in the enemy jungle instead
>You can't report them for this stupid shit because leddit will defend them until Riot caves and unbans them

Does jung morde start Q or W?

>Welding jungling
Nice to see how he fails hard in a carry role.


Reminder that Soraka is the absolute cutest and purest waifu.