League of legends general /lolg/

Love your support and don't lewd her edition!

>Very Useful Links


>7.4 Patch Notes


>7.5 PBE Update


>Champion and Skins Sales



New arcade skins when

xth for Syndra

xth for zyra nerfs

also counterplay.xyz isn't updated anymore

Oh shut the fuck up.


my skin is so soft and glowy

fluffy tails
im going to take a nap. be good, you hooligans!

reminder not to bully your support and help her ward! and bully your adc

Xth for Katarina
best girl

First for Healslut is the best role

VG vs VG is up on EUW
need 6 more

>Cait's passive is an on-hit effect
>Cait's passive ALSO has a range enhancing component where she can achieve the game's longest auto attack range under specific conditions and automatically proc her passive's on hit effect
>her ultimate is simply a single target long range nuke, longer ranged and stronger than her enhanced autos
>doesn't apply on-hit effects, or at least her passive

This feels wrong. Not interacting with her passive which permeates the rest of her kit just makes it feel like her ultimate is tacked on, and less like a logical conclusion of the rest of her kit.

ADC is the most alpha role. Anyone who doesn't think so is a support cocksleeve or a jungle cuck.

Hey let me join. I need a cute little fox to hug.

>tfw too cute

Cute cuddles!

>keep getting kindred in urf

fucking kill me

>not being one of the few girls to jungle or top lane

adc is and always will be the cuck role

Xth for hugs and fugs

I'd love a resurgence on academy or road warrior skins. Give me anime or give a desert apocalypse.

>Cait's ult applying her passive, Shivv, duskblade, or spellblade

>literally type "bully me if i do something wrong"
>never get bullied or thrashtalked

at what rank do i start getting bullied? silver is too chill

Sleep well, Ahri user! Have sweet dreams!

But everyone knows support mains are for their adc cock
Well I am a jungle main but I also love playing Sona support

get in here! :3

Why is sona so BIG?


what do (You) do?
keep in mind he got feral flare stacked and trinity

>see Tryndamere in champ select on enemy team
>Take exhaust on Jax in case its ignite
>Its ignite
Time to lube up, Trynd

the fact that your a guy saying this stuff while trying to act like a girl is just a turnoff just go away

for you

Because she drinks lots of "milk"

I'm not gay you dumb cuck

Room for one more?

360 turn and moon walk away

thank you namifriend

when the fuck did this happen
WHY the fuck did this happen

what did they do to offset that nerf?

Good girl. Sleep well.

today we are especially gay i guess
i like it

It is bad i play sona like soraka and janna? i mean passively with windsp. and heal/support items instead of full AP+lichbane

they reverted to old kog

win game because this retard pick toplaner on jungle

hey guys, what summoners do I take?

Is Jax black?

feels bad man

>not knowing feral flare trinity jax

...He's fucking purple dude

our boi resisting the temptation of sin


hint: replace the hypens with dots
the spam detection system is evolving..

So he's black

>Get Shyvana in ARURF
>Don't expect much of her
>Decide to go Titty Hydra into full tank even though whenever i built tanky in ARURF i still died way too fast, but without dealing enough damage
>mfw i could literally solo kill anyone in their broken team (Kayle, Mr Yi, Galio, Rammus and Malph) even when 1 level behind or when they were fed as fuck
Anyone else found any pleasant surprises in ARURF so far?

Clarity and Surge!

You can go for both builds, but a passive playstyle for all 3 of them is just wasting potential

How come support sluts act qt in threads but are actual psychos in game and in real life?

>Rammus rolls into botlane
>taunts Braum



Thought Yasuo would be garbage in URF

But turns out he's pretty fun

supporting retard vaynes take a toll on your sanity eventually

i never met a support slut, i don't think they're real


sona is a lane bully that turns into a passive healslut aurabot outside of lane

I'm not a Psycho in real life or on game!

I'm a pretty nice guy honestly

What champs can do genuine 100-0 one shots if they're far enough ahead while still being feasible in a real game?


So is Yorick dogshit at teamfighting

Games have been an easy win when I can retard splitpush, but if i ever participate in a fight 25+ minutes in my maiden gets cut down immedlately then i dont do anything

Hes a good "cleanup crew" champ tho


We'd get along pretty nicely then.

I want to win above all else. Business before pleasure. Win and then you're worth being lewd for.

veigar can delete you from behind

he is not a good tank in teamfights, you need a way to flank enemy backline somehow


I love Lissandra!
She's not an Alien!

I want to win too, but unless you're high platinum or higher you'd be holding me back.

you are the only constant user

Are we overdue for a champ that can block projectiles like Yas and Braum?

even better, make a champ that can hit projectiles back at enemies.

you don't teamfight with Yorick, except in the situations where the enemy team is trying to 5v4 a Baron and you wouldn't be able to get 2 or more turrets/inhibs by pushing, so you tp instead.

Tell your team to stay out of fights and simply keep vision of the enemy team and of baron, and just push like a retard (in toplane before 20, in botlane after 20)

What is best skin for Jhin? My List is
1. High Noon
2. Blood Moon
3. Normal

2 champs with a very unique game mechanism is already enough

Alternatively, become the teamfight.

I've been thinking of this one ability maybe a defensive one to a marksmen where they fire off a shot that acts similar to Fiora's riposte. The bullet blocks an attack. Maybe as an added part if it blocks it breaks apart into a small aoe shot gun like shot.

Reminder rito likes my otp

>gaining 23 LP/win
>currently 76 LP
>if I win I'll be at 99

you mean like fiora?

ddosing you now

Nobody likes your otp


SONA IS A FAT _______

LPs are just a meaningless layer on top of MMR, which is the only thing that matters

Reminder that people proved it by endlessly dodging their bo3, until they were playing with Challengers (Their MMR was high) but their division was still Bronze

Then Riot removed that fun little thing


they should really make more Soulstealer skins. Bard could be really cool.

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!
While singing cheesy love songs for her!

I want to feel Miss Fortune's breasts pressed against my own!

morning friends

stay comfy~

Veigar already does that for her
and Lulu already cuddles him

im not sure if i should keep maining liss or go to ryze. atleast with ryze i can fun portal if things go south.



>finally get garen on urf a second time
>spin everything to death
>but I'll never be able to spam him all day again because communists

this shit is so fucking stupid
Even with fucking scores like this we barely win the match every time and if i fuck up at all i lose lp.
When the fuck are they going to fix matchmaking.

>get autofilled support
>our mid intentionally feeds
>try to salvage game
>first 2 items my adc rushes is phantom dancer and hurricane

Great game lolbabs

remind me how faggot orianna is balanced again?

>play glass cannon carries
>feast or famine
>lose if you fuck up
what are you expecting?

depends if ur a support or an adc


its just a lolg thing most supports i know are real chill girls

just checked his match history this fucker averages double digit deaths

Literally why the fuck is he even allowed to still play?

Why are you calling me disgusting?! Why are you so rude

i expect to not fucking have to win a match by the skin of my teeth when im destroying everyones lane and taking towers like a madman.
Every one of those matches has come to a stand off when they both have one inhib down, this has nothing to do with feast or famine, this has to do with the other team should be winning and the only thing stopping them is me while i get noodle garglers.