Very large boat edition.
Very large boat edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
>clg unironically drafting full ad into maokai and rengar
Flyquest breaking the conditioning
Xth for pajeet
India server when?
He's sooo cool!
I'm reading Fight Club, super cool!
>Seeker was a good item because Jhin could roam with ult and because of Jayce
I can't figure it out either.
It is impossible for them to win.
This thread is being claimed in the name of winning a game in the LCS!
cumfy bee effz~
TSM needs the win
fluffy tails on fox ass
They enjoy the challenge.
Reminder to always bully your support!
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Also, glad to see Mordekaiser back in action
100% winrate here we come boys
>this game has such a joke of balance that teams would rather pick maokai than rammus and malph the dedicated anti ad tanks
lolbabs? this is like drafting a full melee team and not counterpicking with ursa.
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
I want to feel Miss Fortune's breasts pressed against my own!
I just want to be cute.
>encouraging support bullying
and you wonder why everyone hates the role
>always built tear on varus
>get called trash and shit in ranked around plat
>see wildturtle have tear
Champions being locked behind a grind wall means champions aren't allowed to be designed as 10-1 counterpicks
>Even fucking SYNDRA is building Ninja Tabi
Fight Club isn't even the best Palahniuk. Go for Haunted or Diary.
the last 5 jhins i've played with didn't buy lethality same for varus
I fucking hate plat
it's vs full ad retard
>take all ad
>surprised when champions build against you to make it impossible for you to win
I really just can not understand how this draft is allowed.
i want to look EXACTLY like janna!
you're cute in personality and heart so just exercise for a cute body!
nice elo you got there kiddo
>There are ""people"" who build lethality lurking this thread as we speak
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
You are cute user! Don't let anyone tell you you're not
There's nothing wrong with bullying you're support!
>he doesnt buy ninjatabi
Surely YOU buy them right, user?...
But I got called an ugly girl earlier, I can't change my face.
Dear god. As a graves main this gave me fucking cancer
100% winrate in LCS
He truly is numero uno
>mfw Mordekaiser has no losses this LCS and ends up getting nerfed
you can change your face. if you exercise your face will look better, i swear...i have an okay face but people say it is very cute because i have no extra chub and i smile a lot.
>no welding
fuck off retard
>You can't vote on all of them
>no riven
>no lee
>no ability to select multiple options
>only three options
Horrible poll kys
reminder that people such as you are easy to play against as you are usually quite deprived of skill
there's something wrong with being a weakling
That's next after I finish this one, might pick up Choke first though.
>don't pick ADC
ADCbabs? Explain this?
If Rengar was in the Kinkou Order he could be a ninja tabby
the janna retard is annoying, but the lulufag who jacked every thread is worse
bc she's super qt
there's everything wrong with that but it's fine to bully adc cucks
>don't pick an ADC
but Mordekaiser is right there user
sion is weak, boring,and uninsteresting
yet I and everyone else on this general love him to death
what gives
Why me? :(
riot should just make swifites great again. they are the comfiest boots to buy.
how can all of them be the worst? we all know theyre shit but I wanna know who tops them all
also who else would you add?
At least I can filter Lulu and Lissposting.
Bone structure or acne? Honestly I kind of dig the stone-wall face that some girls have. Just got to be able to pull it off, maybe change your hair to complement what you think needs work.
Blitz/Morde is fantastic to see. NV has to feel awful after losing that. The dragon siege is brutal.
how can you be a lulupedo shes like a 100 years old fagit
morde is gonna be the first champion to start with 0 armor
Next thing you know, his ult is gonna mute you and your items too.
>superimposing your retarded opinions on everyone else
kill yourself
>jhin and varus every game
when is riot gonna fix this shit
>boring and uninteresting
I disagree user. He has one of the most perfectly integrated gameplay styles and aesthetics. He's a hulking behemoth, and all of his abilities reflect that. His abilities, regardless of how useful they genuinely are, all are intrinsically fun to use even if you're failing or losing. The charge up Q, literally screaming minions into people, the charge, they're all a perfectly realized part of his theme.
>jayce has been meta for almost 7 months now
don't you like sion, user?
list of fun Veeky Forums people to play with:
1 dandy death
Psycho the Klown
Yung Cate
ppl I still want to play with but havent yet:
elf princess
shyv user
I-I'm not weak you bully!
Why would you bully your adc!??! You're supposed to protect him nd sometimes pleasure him!
>jhin, varus, ashe, sivir, cait
what more do you want
Maybe 100 years in yordle time is like 10 years in human years. Considering Poppy and Kled have been around since the creation of Noxus and Demacia they are way older and still look young.
this game is so fucking bad.
the game was over was fucking at 20 minutes when bot lane feeds 9 kills to their hypercancer ADC.
but NO ONE will fucking surrender. they have that autistic "NEVER GIVE UP!" attitude, but have no fucking idea how to end the game, these retareds run into jg to farm instead of pushing mid, we kill 2 of them and they chase all over the fucking map instead of doing objectives. and even when told what to do, they just ignore you can wander back into lane to 'split push' (aka farm minions, until they get ganked and die) for the third time in a row.
all they do is make one post per thread about that disgusting purple midget and make new threads but nobody cares about that unless they're autistic
literally who
by far the worst, not only does it make their obnoxious post per thread, it actively seeks out things related to the freljord and tries to start a shitstorm by insulting them and their taste all while autistically worshipping the worst hag in the game.
bring back highskill cap ad's like vayne lucian and ezreal
How goes the climb, lolg?
>tfw you ride the dankest streak out of flex queue
>Elf Princess
You want to play with me? Why?
He didn't even build AD and do no physical damage. And real ADC build crit to to scale AA, otehrs are not real ADC but assains, AD casters etc. This is why Zed is not ADC despite building AD.
No, lulu was in the glade which has alternate time. So she "grew up" there, but came back to Runeterra where no time had passed.
>drafting a full ad team especially into that comp
Best evidence I've seen that this shit is scripted.
I literally don't believe you can be a competitive team and be this retarded to think taking the jayce is worth it over not having any ap.
*gives you a hug*
it's over now. you're safe.
>Being into a virtual character that has the same proportions as a 5 year old.
Perhaps you would prefer to be labeled impotent instead?
>someone refused to ff
>calls this game bad
Whats ur problem user, just go afk if you think you only waste ur time
>pleasing an adc cuck that needs a full time babysitter and 3 items to be useful
wew lad. adc mains are the betas of lol. if i ever had a league bf he would be a jungle or top main
i generally want to play with ppl I add its boring to play solo its fun to goof around in discord and skype
ADC is a position on the map like mid or top, it has no bearing on what you build or how you play.
>vayne will never be played in competitive again because of laning ohase being so important with FB tower
why live bros
>Still not on the list
wtf I hate jannon now
>random no name makes a list of mostly other random no names
why does everyone in this general have such a hard on for lists?
>one post
>o n e
t. lulufag
lulufags post 40 images of that stupid bitch just to hit image limit so he can make a thread EVERY thread
every fucking thread you can see "LULU IS X WAIFU" at least 20 times a thread
there are people DEDICATED to filtering him and the last time he posted he had around 400 images filtering the fuckers
lissfag is annoying sure but not even he can top lulucancer
>that tp
Even pros aren't immune to falling for the lethality meme user.
What?! Adc are the most alpha and cool players in lol
They also have the biggest cocks! Everyone knows mid lamers are the beta cucks
sry user i might have missed one or two
Game exists for such such moments. Snowball and run around killing "noobs" feeling all empowered. This is why surrender is rigged and there is no leave option. You have obligation to play as punching bag to entertain players. Excellent implementation of human psychology by Riot.