/opgg/ - One Piece Games General

"...and don't forget the Colos" Edition


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>NEW One Piece: Treasure Cruise Friend Code List
Add people from here if you're new or need more friend captains.

If you want to be added to the list

>Drops/XP and XP/PLVL/Stam spreadsheets

-Coliseum -
>Mar 1 - 19: Vista, Paulie, Urouge, Alvida, Mr.7

>Feb 28 - Mar 14: Nico Olvia
>Feb 28 - Mar 7: Camie, Brook, Perona, Prison Mr.2
>Mar 7 - 14: Hina, Young Arlong

>Mar 14 - 21: Cobmeppy, Hannyabal
>Mar 21 - 28: Smoker, Wapol

- Raids -
>Mar 5: Blackbeard
>Mar 12: Heracles
>Mar 16: Aokiji
>Mar 19: Kizaru

>Mar 3 - 6: Ray Final Tomes island
>Invasion Cavendish
>Raid Bellamy

- Coliseum -
>March 1 - March 20: Ideo, Krieg, Killer, Urouge, Beckman
>March 2 - March 14: Moria, Kidd, Smoker

- Fortnights -
>Feb 21 - Mar 7: Sentomaru
>Feb 23 - Mar 2: Wanze, Tontatta, Ducks
>Mar 2 - 9: Kalifa, Mansherry, Krieg

>Mar 9 - 16: Zeff, Bepo, Hogback
>Mar 16 - 23: Tom, Laki, CP9

>Mar 4: Garp
>Mar 5: Shogun Franky
>Mar 6:Ivankov

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't believe Thatch is fucking dead...

First for global players forever cucked


>final stage of whitebeard forest
>only a half health jozu to beat
>forgot to use a special before attacking

I cried.

You can't do anything right...

>i never checked Veeky Forums, despite being called "video game generals"
wow no need to lie to me im just some user on the internet

>months later while on /a/
again with the lies? i thought you said you fucked off to leddit right after because this place is shit. After months of being here and playing this game you never found the general?
yeah you are retarded. and i called you out for being a retarded redditor and you have just proven it to me with this post. stay btfo and never return

>you can't browse two site at the same time

Stop embarrasing yourself.

Post your name so I can't believe Thatch is fucking dead...

>claims to have browsed this site for months
>somehow never found the general
This was the point I'm making. Only a retard would struggle to find this thread, eapecially after looking for it for "months".

>t. 3d2y zoro owner

>eapecially after looking for it for "months".

When did I say I was "looking for it"? Most people stay on the boards they are use to.
Again, stop, you're being ridiculous here. Especially since more than half the people here go to reddit for this game too.

I'll stop the day I pull him. So never I guess...

>p-p-p-post your name so I can delete you
This general is embarrassing


Wait, they actually talk about Treasure Cruise? I thought they just shitpost about Carrot/Monet and wank about fan theories.

Please refresh your Harutas.
Can't wait if I ever pull one. I thought for sure I'd get him or Shiryu at anni...

Prepare to get spooked.
Bring snacks

I don't see why people keep pushing this 7/11 meme to this day like I'm expected to believe people got upwards of 100 RR units that shits full blown retarded and you would have to be a fucking idiot to get memed into thinking it actually happened

No they don't really talk about it.
But you often see the art of the game use for instance.
Also, right now it's more SaNafags than Carrot/Monet.

Lets's see
>Didn't cross my mind to enter "videogame generals"
>Found nothing on Veeky Forums

It takes less than 30 seconds to click >>Veeky Forums, press ctrl + f, and type in "one piece". If you couldn't it find it using that minimal effort then yes, you might actually be mentally challenged. The fact that you are also going to play this off as a case of you being pretentious and not clicking two links is also proof that you're retarded.

>tfw the absolute comfiness that is farming Colo Vista with Shiryu

I love this piece of shit more with every passing minute

How often does guest captains on FC selecting refresh?

Bamco think they slick...

>it took ten years to get from romance dawn to thriller bark

>I created a reddit account for this game, because itdidn't even cross my mind to enter the trashcan that Veeky Forums is.

It's literally written here why I didn't even try back then.
If I want info about guns, do you think the first thing I do is to click on /k/? Most people actually don't visit all the board on this site you know?
I don't know why you are trigger that much. Is it because you were wrong at the beginning and don't want to look stupid? Dunno.
The only thing you said is "retarded" and "reddit". You're just annoying now and no one care about that shit anyway.
If you want to keep going, do it, I'm not replying to you anymore now. I don't have time for mentally challenged 15 yo.

Does anyone have Legend Kizaru for a captain? I just restarted, got L. Kizaru, Haruta (unevolved yet) and 5+ Luffy. No spectacular thing going here but when I get enough plevel I'll evolve and use my max socket tomes and meat to max him completely. Used to play here before, trying to build a new account now, f2p as much as I can so unless the free sugos treat me kindly I won't have a cycle of legends.

Shoutouts to [insert your crew name here], he's always there when I need him!

Shout out to Space Roast best captain in the whole game. Got that sweet Fuji with DR instead of this orbs shit nonsense

>It took 2 years for dressrosa to finish

I want Metaknights to stop posting here.

Thanks to let me know who not to add.

fuck off mabel


Pica raid when?


These threads began on /a/ until mods started banning treasure cruise posters.

Thanks my man, glad someone is getting some use out of my captains.


Skill ups and all.

I'll be waiting with bated breath.

Check the friends list in the OP you faggot.

Tons of people have quad maxed borsalino.

We'll get Pica, Sabo, Magellan, or NM Luffy this month. Wouldn't even want to try guessing which one.

Hopefully not NM Luffy since he's worthless trash at this point. He was almost worthless trash when he was scheduled to come out.

Any chance we can get Metaknights and Bedlamites blacklisted

Added, thanks.

Haven't been here in awhile, didn't check the op. I'll check that thing soon, faggot.

This is Machvise

>Reddit was the first to push DR
>is now making a serious non-meme push for Resilience
I have never been more happy with my redundancy sockets. 30 Bind/Despair/AH forever.

Pica would make the most sense, as it's a 40 stamina that's long overdue. I'll be happy with any that's not NM Luffy, though.

Kinda ashamed to admit it but resilience saved my ass aa couple time

I think this team is more for "perfect" efficiency in socket.
He needs 10 more point for orbs lvl3 and only have 5, so resilience is the best option.

>MFW I'm a cheater and people still keep me on their friends list

Speaking as someone who owns every relevant driven and has almost all of them socketed at this point, I can tell you that socketing around Trebol is just stupid. He's on the team comparitively for so little content to the rest.

It's to the point where I haven't even considered him as a socket priority yet. He's 10 or so down the list.

Resilience seems like it'd help more often than DR, but then again you have Cobys special for resilience.
But hey what do I know? I'm pro orbs.

I know, I own all of them too.
I also don't socket my team for the perfect setup, but to make sure I always have the 4 important socket max.

>orbs pushes luck tables very slightly in your favor
>dr grants you a very small amount of health on each stall turn you take a hit
>resilience grants you a minuscule chance at surviving when you die

No socket does less than resilience.

smart man

I'd be a cheater if Nox didn't run at half the speed on my computer for some reason

I can fuck up farming or tackling new colos
Map and poison resist are helpful for 5% combined of all content

Eh, I already said this but.

>orbs pushes luck tables very slightly in your favor
>dr grants you a very small amount of health on each stall turn you take a hit

No one yet was able to show where this was really useful. Resilience grants you a miniscule chance at surviving, it's almost nothing butt that still better than the nothing orb and DR gives.

A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot

I have no idea why people who have over 200 stam won't cheat. Even though double stam is now available you need to speed clear stam asap every day while having a life.

Young lady, when would anyone ever plan to die?

Carrot next nakama and Carrot in optc when?

>2 Usopp books
I'm gonna have to gem, aren't I?

No one plan to die, that's not the purpose of this socket here.
Sometimes I fuck up and die, If I have a miniscule chance of not dying, it's better than carrying useless socket that will give me one more matching orb to kill that turtle, or to take 250 less damage.


My goal is at least 2 usopp books a day. Already have 5

Why? I already maxed Usopp, robin, sugar and Doffy.

that little fuckers sockets are terrible
know what he said to me when i told him to fix them?
"remove me"
lil gayfer hes certainly not my nakama

Why do you want those two blacklisted?

Bedlamites is a DRcuck with a shitty legend Shanks and literally no fully maxed legends and Metaknights went full retard in the last thread because he got called out for being retard with a DR Legend Ace

I forgot how wonderful farming Colo was. It's quick, easy when you find the right team, and you only get good drops.
If only you could do double stamina from the start it would be perfect.

Only one pirate has ever been blacklisted from OPTCG/OPGG, and it was for matters bigger than socket preferences, no matter how odd or bad.

Who? What did this person do?

Shut up there's a reason he didn't go into detail you spaz

Who? Storm Pirates? Yeah I remember when the jealous cucks started shitting up her name with lies and slander and got most of the thread to remove her from their friends list. Whatever happened to her?

Nah, someone a lot longer ago than that.
He was the worst kind of sailor. He defected to the Marines, but that didn't stop him from pillaging and raping like a pirate does. You see, this man was also a pedophile. He loved him some little girls, and constantly, almost daily, made sure to flaunt it in the threads. Sure he streamed anime, but he was so terrible, so heinous, the thread shunned him so badly, it would made the Round Mabel look like your living grandmother. Once the thread had enough of him, he was exhiled from Veeky Forums, never to be heard from again.
I'm talking, of course, of none other than NAVY HQ CARMINE

Bamco is going to push content to get this gem seller cunt in their game.

That's a low quality, probably figuarts, figurine. This looks like will be a higher quality one.

The previous one has the look of a prize figure

Is that Ryuji's color scheme? I don't really like it. Thought she would be blonde too.

That one doesn't look super great as well, wait for Megahouse to announce the Portrait of Pirates Reiju

It's probably an alternative color

You must have IPs mixed up. There is no rape in the One Piece universe. Not even implied rape.

How's everyone's luck with super luffy books? I'm yet to get a single one. Are they legend rare or is it just me

I wish we had more unique events to switch things up from time to time, like Save Ace or more crossovers.

I've literally only gotten one in the past four days and I am about ready to pack this shit in

well your luck's better than mine then


I don't think I've heard that name since the first anniversary event.

I just realized, DEX Law and super evo Zoro have the same captain ability.

Are there any downsides at all to super evoing Zoro? I heard his combo goes from 9 to 4, but I'm not sure where that would be an issue.

>Last thread was so shit it shitted this thread up too
is this the end gents? And endless chain reaction of shit?

If you are using Kelly Funk bros to cheese Kizaru the lower combo takes him from the best sub to not even on the teamm

You'd rather use Zoro and if he's maxed, use him to reduce the CD's of your team so you run faster

I never realized how smoking hot Reiju is until they colored her in. God damn

Copyright laws are only getting worse. But lets stay hopeful for another 50 gems frieza-like event.

Oh, that's an interesting special that they have. I don't have them, however. Is that just an edge case?

Not maxed unfortunately (actually, he's had no skill levels or sockets added at all), just thought his stats might be decent enough to make him a solid beatstick under my Cavendish captain. I'm not sure if I'll ever need to run a Dex lead, so that's another reason I was curious.

Just a new player trying to rack up some damage and get solid subs.

>Are there any downsides at all to super evoing Zoro?

Unless you want to meme around with Buffalo, there's no reason to not super evolve him.

Use him anyway, combo teams are shit or unreliable since they require specific RR's to work
Cavendish can at least use him for Enel

hey guys out of the following three legends, who should I level to max?


I can do two out of the three. I have a third but I'm saving it just in case.

Any thoughts?

Barto and Marco
Barto can at least be used as a sub to give you an extra turn, Lucci is just useless

Marco or Barto if you have a team for him.
Just leave Lucci there until they announce his 6+ form.

ya thats what i was leaning towards just wasnt sure if i was missing something about lucci lol thanks mayne

came back from like a year break so i got a lot of catching up to do

Depend on your box and what you want to farm now.
People will say that Lucci is bad, which is true and that Marco is super strong, which is also true.
But Marco main use is in Jinbei team, or for all forest in tanky team (like Fuji or Ace). If you don't have the team to clear those, chance that your Marco will not be useful for a while.
If those 3 are your only legend, then Barto is the best captain here. I would max him.
One important thing too, is that Marco will be your orb booster in your Lucci team. So both of them works well together too. Wapol fortnight comeback on the 14th and there is Marco's books there, so don't forget to farm his books.

Not true Marco is top tier as a captain or sub