Fighting Games General /fgg/
post fight girls
kys pedo
Is this the only reason /fgg/ is still alive?
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
I want to get beaten up by Rainbow Mika and fucked by her huge futa cock!
sexual degenarate
How do I play against Akuma?
I can't deal with his jump in options. From my perspective right now, you can't AA air fireball and he can also change his air time with dive kick. Neutral jump still gets hit by air fireball and dashing under isn't always an option. Trying to air to air gets beat by air fireball too. Some Akumas can just jump fireball all day and barely get punished for it.
anyone here have KI?
if i buy the definitive edition disc for the xbone, do i get it for PC too? or do i have to buy it through my PC?
What's a fun game to play?
>tasty steve, sajam, ultradavid, and jchensor commentating
>can't break 400 viewers
You have TEN (10) seconds to explain why you aren't playing based Vampire Savior RIGHT NOW!
If you have it on disc I don't think it will transfer onto win10. For sure it works digitally if you buy it regardless if you buy it on xbone or win10
Yes once you buy it on one system you own it for all systems.
There were some troubles during the launch when you tried to go from pc to console but that got fixed by now.
it's shit
It's the switch launch weekend and also summit weekend.
Oh so it will work if I have the physical disc?
Why does everyone here try so hard to kill fighting games
Killing SFV wont make your favorite kusoge popular
What the fuck did you just fucking say about my game, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
a dead SFV is good because then nobody would emulate other than retards with bad taste like Woshige and Combofied tried to emulate goober gear, 3S, and Alpha 3
nothing actually makes sense in this general, its easier to put up with it if go into it like that
quit shitposting for a minute and review your english grammar lessons please
No one plays that
this made me cRiNgE
im footsies
hi footsies im dad
>all this spastic cripple shit in the background
>the hair physics like straight outa unity
Fuck this company.
because's there's no Pyron.
>Necalli STILL under the radar
why is james chen defending sfv, he doesnt even play lmao
paid capcom marketer
scared of nigs
Super fight girl.
My religion worships death
i hate this
why cant people just be honest about sfv
its fucking SHIT
cause he makes his money with it
it's why you can't take anyone's opinion on it seriously if they make money off of it
Because he has personal friend/s working on the development team for the game
Because his job would disappear if SFV died
Because he gets paid too
Daily "Fei Long (or Cody or Guy) when" post.
Very tempting
should i buy this if i dont have a ps4, so when i finally get a ps4 i got a sweet deal on kof
>snk thoughts this was a good background for the store page
I don't want this game. Juicebox can keep it.
Just give me kof2k2um with ggpo and I never have to play a different kof.
I'm jew enough to have a PS4 Pro but I wouldnt even take this for free
ehh just wait for the inevitable pc release
is that a confirmed thing?
>I'm jew enough to have a PS4 Pro
This makes no sense. That retarded phrase for underaged meaning you are greedy and tight on money.
>mkx revival has more viewers than an SFV tournament commentated by the ultrachen team
UMVC3 is available for preload on Steam right now.
Is it worth the $30 they're selling it for?
More and more games do it, KoF would be among the few who don't. It might take some years, but it will come unless they want to skip money for some reason.
Is cappuccino gay furry
East coast street fighter V. Anyone want in a room? Ibuki, Alex, and Kolin. Sometimes Akuma.
Literally because you post this every thread
Fuck off holy shit stop feeding capcom money for no work done.
No, the netcode will likely be even worse than console. If the netcode is good then go for it.
Yeah. It includes the DLC with it.
What's the point in discords that lock you out of matchmaking channels for other regions
Are they scared you're gonna read them saying ggs to each other
It isn't worth $5
Is Them's fighting herds still scheduled for an april release ? From their stream it looks like they're way behind schedule, I have a hard time imagining the game releasing in less than two months
You're posting this just because you're starved for attention right? You're not actually this dumb are you?
i don't think that's right, everywhere i read says you have to buy xbone games digitally to get the pc version as well
its only 25 smackaroos tho
buy it my man
have fun
ghodere on stream rn
losing to a juri
Post a single good reason.
You buy the game physical then you only need to let it synch from your console to your ms account.
so you could just rent the game, sync it, then send it back and have it for free
i doubt ms is that stupid
Kill yourself fucking crapcum shill
i told you all sfv is dying but nobody would fucking listen
Why does Capcom keep fucking with Alex? Are all these incognito nerfs/buffs(lackluster) justified ?
Just give us the goddamn nostalgia costume and ill shut up...for now
hello fellow iceback
post steam id so we can play games
the just frame thing was a glitch
SFV is a glitch
No one like your shitty spotlight stealing bimbo slut.
/our boy/ can only win when nobody is looking
It's nice to be able to go somewhere you can't
What did he mean by this
twitch tv/leveluplive
GG is up
You're aggressively annoying
Delete this.
How? I think I'm nice!
And what does that have to do with my original question anyway?
How can anyone follow whats going on
This shit hurts my eyes
If you are talking about the heavy flash chop to backdrop, was it really that much of a problem ? it was real hard to pull off in matches, but whatever...doesn't R.Mika have some set ups like this anyway ?
Literally canon.
fucking cringe ass voice acting, especially on lilith's part
Good thing the game has dual audio.
Anime dubs have no budget
the voices grow on you like skullgirls' voices
Kill yourself you fucking faggot, those voices fit way better than your weebshit
damn son relax
Because Cammy has good sniffs in SFV.
t. one of the voice actors hired from the street
2 entrants